MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Again… That’s like giving someone a car without an engine, and telling them all they have to do is build the engine for it to work and then claiming that the car is still functional.

You also didn’t answer my question in the other thread. Let’s say I do do all that work and put it all in. Will I be able to share it with others? Does the export tool cover that? If not, then thanks for your still not functional add-on.


Blizzard may have the legal means to prevent MDT from taking any money. They certainly don’t have the means to make anyone create an addon for free. If the original author no longer wishes to contribute his time, he or she shouldn’t have to – and any players who would like to make their own competing addon, or in this case data files – certainly could and experience shows some probably will.

Meanwhile focusing the complaint on “I want a free addon and will complain when no ones writes it for me” strikes me as kind of distasteful.

Wow, I am getting a message I replied 3 times to you in this thread… what the heck is this and when did it start.

In any case, notice what happened when they switched people over from open queue, they started controlling more of how groups can be formed. A few months after they did that thing with the world quests and auto joining them.

There’s a difference between stating that you no longer want to work on the add-on and dropping the project, and purposefully sabotaging the add-on and putting the fully functional version behind a pay wall.


No, it’s not the same. A car doesn’t work without an engine. Further, assembling an engine is skilled labour, whereas a monkey could input mob data.

A car without an engine doesn’t run. But all of the features of this add-on are still operative.

Also, you’re asking me a legal question as to whether you have a proprietary interest in the data you input into the add-on and whether you can then share it. You’d need a lawyer to answer that one for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

ask carbonite that question

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Lol, that’s weird. Didn’t know that was a thing haha!

Yes, they continued to iterate on the pre-made finder. And even went back on some of those iterations. That doesn’t change the fact that its style of group-making originated from OQueue. Either way, my point is that I think the greatest tragedy would be if they decided this was too much of a headache and flat out broke the add-on without putting in their own. IMO… they should just put in their own, as it really does only make sense for a feature such as M+.

Of course it functions? It has wheels? You can push it? You can transport passengers with it? What’s wrong? Not willing to do the work? Just re-build the engine if you want it to be easier!

No, I’m asking if one of the base functions of the prior version of MDT (being able to select a route and share it) would still be possible with my own created mob data. Is that something that is easily shareable? Or does it require more effort than simply clicking “share.”

No, it doesn’t. Name one function or feature of the add-on that is no longer functional? You can’t, because like everyone else in this thread, you’re full of shat and are just whining that the dude is no longer willing to slave away for free.

A car isn’t functional without an engine. If a dealer sold you a car and it had no engine, you’d return it. But the add-on still does everything it’s advertised to do.

Grow up, stop whining, and support him if you want to use his data compilation work product.

As to your import question, I would assume so. You’d have to test it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: A better analogy for the add-on would be a word processor. The word processor always came with the ability to create, modify, and format stories. The word processor still retains all of the features that allow you to create, modify, and format word documents, but it no longer comes with a sample short story. That sample short story was never a feature of the word processor itself, but rather something the developer of the word processor created using the features of the word processor software to demonstrate what it could do.

Paying for addons is literally a P2W, something unthinkable in a P2P game…


It’s a bit too late considering the data was already released under the GPL license. GPL is such a nasty license, especially if you would like to also borrow from libraries under an apache license. A question I have is whether or not that data is considered source code that needs to be made freely available when selling it.

Raider io has already had a small paywall like this for a while now. Seems like it’s allowed. Prepare your butts.

Bad analogy. WoW addons are made for a specific use, i.e. playing WoW. Not playing League of Legends or ESO or FFXIV. The addon would be useless without the data.

It would be like a motherboard manufacturer selling you a motherboard but requiring you to buy the BIOS separately.

I doubt Blizzard will do anything though.

No the add-on is not useless without data, because one of the main features of the add-on is the ability to add data to it. The add-on has always permitted that. It’s just that previously, the maker of the add-on compiled datasets and provided them to people free of charge. Those datasets have nothing to do with the add-on itself. The add-on maker is no longer willing to create those datasets and include them with the add-on…for good reason,

Blizzard likely won’t do anything because the add-on is fully functional and free.


[quote=“Weeven-illidan, post:8, topic:797996, full:true”]

They’re selling external data that the addon reads.[/quote]

Andrew Wang was a genius when he said he’ll force companies to pay US for the data they collect.

The court win doesn’t mean anything because it was default judgment (bossland didn’t defend it). Blizz may or may not have a legal right to stop people from selling bots. But you’d need a judge to actually weigh in on the matter.

The specific use the addon is designed for is to allow you to manually compile datasets and use those datasets to plan routes through dungeons. The addon also allows you to import and export datasets so you can share them with others.

Oh this is hilarious.

Mod Authors sweating try-hards of their money. Good.


Hello orange box my old friend.

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People charging for any aspect of addons is big trouble for Blizzard because if we have to pay for them from a modder we’ll demand Blizz include them in the game at no extra cost which will be a huge expense.

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Except its not Blizzard selling the add-ons. It’s literally optional.