MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

This guy uses it for his guild. He doesn’t give two craps about anything or anyone else. People getting upset about that need to stop being selfish.

Guy didn’t demand money. He threw a fit and got ticked and decided to give the larger community the middle finger for acting entitled.

He has no intention of stopping the development of his guild’s addon. He has every intention of stopping others from demanding more of his time than he’s willing to spend on it.

The code is there. People made free ones. Blizzard will do whatever they need to. That’s all there is to it.


No kids say stupid things like “You big mad”

No one cares about a main. The fact of the matter is that the guy came in here, being all smug about how good players don’t need addons, then insulted someone. When, fact of the matter is that boss fights were developed with DBM and Big Wigs in mind. Especially Mythic fights.

Gutshredda isn’t throwing stones. He’s calling it like we all saw it: someone who doesn’t understand the way these addons are connected to the game acting like everyone else is stupid.

Case in point. :point_up:


No, not really concerned at all. If you don’t want to pay for something, don’t. Again, not rocket science, and no need to get your undies in a bunch over it either. This is a game.

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its okay you guys are bad and can’t figure out the basic mechanics in a video game and need your hand held at every turn. Maybe if you closed your recounts and focused on the fights you wouldn’t need alarms and bells going off to tell you to move out of something. It really is okay.

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Adam already has a healthy Patreon. I don’t think he’s going to start charging for DBM>

RL: Haze… why do you keep messing up the mechanics… DBM tells you who you needed to run to.

Haze: I do not need DBM… I not scrub.

Hazezazul has been removed from raid.

Haze: Those scrubs removed me because I am too awesome for them.

Right, Super fan.


Lol you’re right. I’ll dial it back.


peak “my dps is only bad because i’m the only one doing the mechanics!” energy here

At some point I actually thought they were the same account… or they know each other.

They arent good about explaining and clarifying things directly in the game about 90% of the time. If they take action based on this addon, everyone knows why and their terms from the blue post over on the EU forums are quite clear. No money for addons in WoW period. Donations okay, but outside of the game. So honestly this doesnt seem like a grey area to me, but it’s at Blizz’s discretion if they do anything.

Yeah I was kinda like… bro… do I need to copy paste that dude’s stuff to you?

Very bad slippery slope. If blizz doesn’t shut this down immediately, every addon maker will follow. If world quest list and tsm start charging for use, I’m officially done with WoW!

Am I wrong? did they add new mechanics in the game? Do you need to do the hokie pokie while re-sighting Phlogiston theory while high fiving a gnome in a speedo all in prefect synchronicity with the other people in all raids at all times? Or is it don’t stand in stuff, stand in stuff, move away from other if you have bad stuff, or stack on others if you have stuff? Please I need to know these new ground breaking mechanics they added in mythic raiding specifically.

Guess it is a good time to make it as “ignored” in the Cursed Updater then. If in fact he removed the lua files entirely for showing the dungeon and the mobs, then I was 100% wrong and now understand the complaint. When I opened mine up this after noon to layout a path it was working just fine, so I assumed all the hype was over no longer have predetermined routes or something.

I just launched Cursed Forged and it wanted to update it, but I blocked that update :slight_smile:

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To say their clarity on issues is like a window… covered in mud is about right.

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He comes off quite smug, sure, but there are some salient points in there. People do stare at the meters way too much, and also stand in the bad way too much.

Addons also train you to turn your brain off until a giant, 3rd party warning covers your screen rather than paying attention to the task at hand.

I get where he is coming from, but the delivery could use some work and less insults.

The addon is advertised as a tool upon which you can make notes. What you’re paying for is the authors notes.

Yes you are wrong. It’s been explained many times why you’re wrong.

Of course they did. Or didn’t you raid last expansion to know how G’huun or other fights work? There’s new mechanics in this new raid, as well. Why would you think there aren’t? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Your obnoxious hyperbole aside, you should absolutely start researching fights in raids before you make ridiculous comments.

There’s absolutely more to fights than that. To say that there isn’t, means you know nothing about raid mechanics on bosses.


The people doing the meter staring are not doing mythic raid content successfully.

Not exactly right… On normal this can be safely dealt with as there is more room to allow for errors to happen. Heroic that road narrows. Mythic… yeah your brain turns off and you have a not happy Raid Group because minor errors cause wipes.

He is coming from a place of… he watched someone doing Heroic raiding on twitch and thinks that him watching it equals 1. doing it and 2. having knowledge on how the encounters work. Watching == Doing (Else we all could do Mythic Raiding after the WF race completes)

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