MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

In the business world a clear rule example is worth a lot. It’s been years since they’ve had any kind of monetary issues with add-ons.

i didn’t say they shouldn’t deal with it. i’m asking why people feel a blue needs to post here to let us know exactly what their plans are right this second.

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This is not true. You need the twitch sub to get any mon info, without it, it’s just a map you can draw on. It’s worthless without the data.

If this stands, you can expect next DBM/BW to launch with the ability to create your own boss ability timers via command line inputs, unless you pay for the “pre-made” ones. Hell, almost every addon is just executing in game functions, you could argue that it’s all just configuration.

Guaranteed if the big addons become paywalled, true fans of WOW with the knowledge and resources will create free alternatives.

Or Blizzard could create content with less mechanics. Honestly Im a fan of both of these options.

Can’t one person with the data just share it to everyone else?

Kind of like a pdf or an mp3 file?

Odd I am looking at mine right now in game and I see the mobs for all the current instances just fine. What twitch channel is it?

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Well to be fair this thread is about the addon and not if the author is having some kind of break down or not. If anyone here is going off topic it’s you.

Question is, was he having a mental break down or was he just full on nerd raging because they were losing the World First Race to Limit?


Nnoggie, I think. Idk what his twitch name is. Maybe you already have a sub, or maybe there was a free version that you got before it was walled. Or maybe he came to his senses in the time since this went nuclear and dropped it.

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as you hide behind a private profile. What are you hiding sunshine?

I am subbed to one WoW twitch channel and that is one for BDGG. So unless they are the authors, there is no chance I am subbed to it.

Nope I just checked and I am not even a follower of that channel. Odd that is shows mobs and allows me to build paths just fine. I even double checked and I have an updated version.

Just for reference here is a screen shot I just took of it in game.

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Most adblocking software doesn’t work with apps.

That change also broke raider io weekly route. What a blunder.

Awww how cute… I have a “super fan” now.

So does that make you my super fan since you looked up my account first? You know the one I don’t hide because I am not afraid of my progression in a video game?


So since Overwolf uses ads (and some of the ad revenue will be shared with add-on creators)

And the ads are a requirement in order to download the add-ons…

Aren’t we going to end up back in the same mess?

The mod author is probably just pissed off that people were giving him crap about not updating the addon while he was taking part in the world first race and this was his way of shutting them up. More than likely he will reverse his decision and tell people to expect updates when he has time and not when they feel it should be done.

I won’t pay for addons, I figured people made them for fun and their enjoyment of the game but now they want to make a living off of it.

No, that’s exactly what I mean. There are plenty of people who aren’t awful, who are worth following, even if they are not number One spot. Like, damn, I’ll subscribe to the number 8 monk in the world if they’re not a racist, sexist neckbeard.

I thought that at first too, but its gone too far to attribute it only to the event at this point.

If it is a mental issue hopefully he will get help .Then again some of these people do go kind of mental over the game.