MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

I’m not the one making jokes about someone’s mental health… you… are.

Experience has shown me that truly suicidal people would not be talking about it. The internet eats this up.

Hilarious that you think your behavior in this thread gives you some sort of moral high ground.

Being cynical is not having the same as a moral high ground you hear these things all the time on the internet and most of the time nothing happens. I don’t even understand how this mental health conversation popped up anyway. Unless if that’s the reason the guys using the paywall features.

It’s not a feature. Having this data doesn’t give you a new feature you had without it. Matter of fact you can create your own paths right now in the mod. There is no additional features added, you just get his prebuilt and maintained paths.

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Myth… and anecdotal evidence isn’t actual evidence since there is no way to verify that what you are claiming is actually true.

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Don’t you need to pay for Amazon Prime though? So either way you are paying for it.

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You are probably right, but still a WAY WAY WAY bigger deal than this addon nonsense.


I just feel bad for the guy and i feel for community having to pay.

Its quite a pickle if you ask me.

That “new data” just happens to be “data” that makes the addon work the way it is intended. Without it, all you have is a map addon that you can draw images on.

And if he’s charging any money to be used for it it’s against the TOs it’s right there and the thing I linked you. Blizzard has been crystal clear about this that includes any sort of data.

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I have to pay for my internet to access Overwolf.

Oh you know this is a good question…
Will Overwolf work properly with adblocking software in place to prevent it from loading ads?

They don’t have to come in here and answer to us, and to think they are unaware of the situation is naive.

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Do they though? I havent read the addon creation rules, but as far as the game goes… They dont have to legally cover their bottoms to ban a player indefinitely due to the way they wrote the agreement. I dont think they need to cover their bottoms to ban an addon, do they?

Yes, they should clarify this since people are starting to use loopholes.

maybe you already covered this and i just missed it, but… why do they owe you an answer?

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Taking a cynical view is a joke okay whatever you say mister classic spineless poster.

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The addon still works perfectly fine but now you have to build your own routes. Or people could do like WA and publish their own routes for others to use. The addon still shows you the mob layout, allows you to select which ones you want to pull and keeps track of your percentage.

You can even save, export and import the settings.

Mine doesn’t. All I have is a map that I can draw arrows on.

I guess the author of MDT had a break down and wants to charge people now or charge for some part of it .

Free alternatives will pop up if this becomes the norm.

If something like DBM was paid for, as a software developer myself I wouldn’t mind volunteering to make an free/open alternative. Making addons in WoW is trivial to compared to what I do at work. It would also be a cool project for a junior dev to put in their resume.