MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

So an add-on breaking blizzard rules. Suddenly It’s a community issue instead of a blizzard issue.
that seems inherently very wrong

You seem to not be understanding what you are reading.
I literally don’t care about this addon at this point.
I am far more concerned with this man’s mental health, and I am suggesting you all do the same, as the addon is still out there for anyone to use against his wishes.

this guy has admitted to being an elitist and thinks he knows better than most of us I’m just showing he was wrong.

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Please stop with this and take a deep breath. I am not talking about the addon.

That thing I linked you it shows that it that is completely wrong. you are wrong. You may not charge for any part of the add-on that includes data. The goal post you need to stop moving them because they’ve already been established just because you lost it’s not my concern.

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I’m not going to listen to a useless MVP. The rules are being broken it is a blizzard issue not a community issue.

One day blizzard will find the error of giving you greentext

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Then why did he choose to release it to the public on a public license? He could have just kept it private. If he didn’t want to maintain his very public addon anymore because he was too busy, he could have chosen to hand it over to someone else to develop/maintain, instead he chose to throw a tantrum and charge money for it instead, now putting himself in a questionable position when it comes to the ToS. I have no idea why people are defending this guy, he had so many other options and it’s like he chose the absolute worst thing to do.

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And you do this by… targeting him and openly admitting to harassing him?
You must be new.

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No, you just take away what you want - if you want to learn to be better at your class, then definitely pay attention to high-end players. Just be aware that they aren’t the only ones who are good at their class.

There are, after all, plenty of high-end raiders who aren’t objectively awful people, and definitely some incredibly chill people who are way better than you would think.

Wow, and I thought I was insensitive. This dude is having a mental breakdown and displaying suicidal tendencies and all you care about is some addon you probably don’t even use properly.

This community really is a mess, huh?

Shrug I don’t think anything of the guy’s mental health I only care about the add-on and them charging for it. I want to see Blizzard’s response it’s just that simple. Been a while since blizzard had to deal with anything like this.

Now I don’t know, I’ve never used it.

Does the add on allow anyone to make these plans? or it is only a plan “player”?

DBM is a player. It has rules for alerts and event and notifies you, but isn’t an “authoring tool”. You can’t (as I understand it) use DBM to enhance DBM.

But it SEEMS (with what little I’ve looked at it) that THIS tool is both a Planner and a Player. It lets you make your own plans, and share them, or use plans from others.

It’s like Gatherer in that sense. If you use Gatherer alone, it will keep track of nodes you find, but it also lets you load in nodes from other people.

So, if this addon is, indeed, a planner as well as a player, then, it’s not violating anything. The addon does what it does, allowing someone to make plans to be viewed in it, as an authoring tool.

What this guy is (apparently) selling is HIS plans (or plans developed by some community, and in that sense those folks need a discussion on the distribution rights of the plans). But with or without the plans, the addon still works.

TSM has been selling data since time immemorial, and that addon is still kicking and thriving.

No what you linked said the addon has to be free, it is. The addon is 100% free and functional. Right? Go and and provide differently. There is no rule governing the data file that can be used, this is not the first one to do this tactic and those have not been made against the rules yet either.

It is a fine line that Blizzard hasn’t come out for or against yet.

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Oh yes because suicide baiting has never ever been used in the internet.

Bleeding hearts eat that stuff up.

Ok so you only care about yourself and things you want.

And that will happen when Blizzard is ready to respond to it… not when you throw your temper tantrum in the middle of the street.

No… not really.

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You should. One of the top players in the world might be committing suicide and will blame the community on it.

They are not going to care about some addon anyone can access for free if that happens.

Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features

And your wrong. It’s right there in black and white that includes the data.

See that for pay yeah it’s black and white you lost

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I’m sure your guild is proud of you right now.

It almost sounds as though the pro pay addon people are fronting for a company that wants to sell addons.

Oh yeah so level 10 classic character with no spine to post I’m sure you’re proud of yourself right now.