MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

See bolded part. Thats isnt a community issue.


Did you not read the thing I linked you are you being purposely obtuse? That’s not very good MVP behavior of you.

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This paying for addons stuff will end quickly. Blizzard wont allow some random person to make money based off Blizzards IP. It’ll be a banned addon at this rate.

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A bit late to the party, but it seems to be more the rule than the exception. That being said, I watch the streams of the players to learn to be a better player, not to learn how to be a better person.

But if someone suggested that you thank those guys with a buck or so a month, would you do it?

Just hit up Dratnos on YouTube, and you’ve find your routes. All the addon does is remind you what the routes are, but honestly, you kinda want to memorize them anyway.

I didn’t read it because it has nothing to do with what I am talking about, and was posted very long ago.

What was your goal with posting that?

I am suggesting to look past the addon part and focus more on the community part. This is a BIG deal honestly. The addon is just the tip of the iceberg.

Wait because the blue post is old suddenly it does not apply? wow MVPs are absolutely useless

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Me? No.

I don’t mind idea of them getting donations though for their addons, as long as it’s not paying for addon.

I stay away from high-end culture for exactly this reason. Call it cancel-culture or whatever, I just can’t be around toxic drama and actively avoid it, even if the players are “good” or “meta” or whatever.

Okay! So the paypall is simply author constructed data to help assist functionality with the addon, but doesn’t interfere with the ability of a free user to use that same functionality and create their own data within it.

Now that I understand the situation better… I fail to see an issue with it.

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Fairly sure you are not going to get an answer to that via ticket.

Blizzard Developer Api Terms Of Use - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment

It does seem fairly clear though.

Applications May Not Charge Premiums To Use The APIs . “Premium” versions of Applications offering additional for-pay features are not permitted, nor can players be charged money to download an Application, charged for services related to the Application, or otherwise be required to offer some form of monetary compensation to download or access an Application when those features use the Blizzard Developer APIs. Likewise, Applications may not include interstitials soliciting donations before features or functionality becomes available to the player. Also, players may not be required to watch a video advertisement before accessing a feature or function of the application.

I am not a lawyer, but charging for data seem a bit like charging for services related to the application.

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How are you and MVP? the rules do not change that’s why I linked it unless the rules change they are still in effect just because the post is old. Just because you lost the argument does not matter to me one bit. You figure an MVP would know this.


Or people could understand that he was busy and get off his back over it. Somw of you seem to forget that these guys are doing us a favor, they are not on our payroll. They have their own lives and priorities from time to time.

What is even more interesting, the guy never built this addon for public use. It was intended for his guild mates and friends but due to addon rule requiring addons to be public, he has to release it.

Did you just hippo the whole threads?

MDT author has paywalled the very popular MDT addon with a neat little sidestep of the eula (colloquially the “TOS”) of requiring a monthly sub for the essential data that makes it work.

The precedent at stake here is that literally every addon can be restructured to use this method, and some addons are so prolific that they are developed around, like DBM and BigWigs. Mythic raiding isn’t really possible without them, and raids are designed with their use in mind. If they were suddenly paywalled, raiding above LFR would carry an essential “tax”.

To use an analogy, nobody cares of Mississippi does something janky with districting, the reason it goes to the Supreme Court is to set a precedent for the other 49 states.

MDT has alternatives, and you can get around it with trial and error and a good memory, but the precedent is what’s important here.

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What are you even on about?
This thread is asking for a community manager to get involved in this, and some one linked a post from god knows how long ago.

That post was not made in preparation for this dude to have a mental breakdown and lose his senses.

Damn, dude, MVPs don’t work for blizzard, they’re not moderators. They’re just helpful players.


From what I understand, they’re selling data of best routes.
Which you can figure out yourself, or find online soon enough. Or just by watching youtube vids from high m+ players.

I’m using it right now, and I’m not paying.

Where’s the paying part?


The helpful part needs to be in quotes.


Could you have linked it without all the trolling attitude? And there are already examples of addon’s that are free but their data is not.

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They don’t owe you anything, lmao

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