MDI Shadowlands: Season 2 is Ready to Break New Ground

i will agree taht the recent addition of the rank might help this.

Hard pass.

Yep. A lot of people did them for the bad luck protection that would bring legendaries. There were actually a fair number of legendary collectors as well.

If you weren’t into legendaries, a lot of people were. And there was also a tiny chance of getting a super titanforge.

Oh, wow. That’ll send players into low keys to help the players they’ve been posting crap about for 2 expansions. Doing a dungeon with someone who has a low key might result in a possible gear trading situation, which would be game-breaking. So sure thing, boss!

Hello! Please feature a team with five gnomes!

What are you even on about?

Blizzard staff are always scouring the forums for feedback and suggestions. While World of Warcraft is already a top-notch game, are there any particular improvements you’d like to see?

One more thing we know is that if you dislike M+, you’re pretty much out of luck. I guess it’s time to do something else then.

Something to do with all the complaints about gear trading, how it meant that players who didn’t deserve gear were getting it from players who should have been disenchanting it in front of them to show them what people thought of them.

We had constant threads about this during Legion and BfA, fake threads by elitists claiming they got gear off every LFR and dungeon boss and got demands from every player in the instance for the gear. I did loads of instances and never observed this. I liked to give gear to other players, who mostly were unaware of what I had gotten.

But they fixed it. Now no leveler can trade gear anymore. Because of gear scaling in leveling dungeons it is highly unlikely anyone can use your gear. You won! Congratz!

What does trading gear in leveling dungeons (which, gear has worked the same in leveling dungeons since legion, it scales up with your level) have to do with trading gear in M+?

If you’re not cutting edge you don’t really need to do M+ at all.

That’s like saying if you don’t like PvP you’re out of luck, because all of season one PvP was the best way to gear.

It’ll still be really good in season 2, just not as good.

Trading gear = a person who earned that gear and deserves it giving gear to a person who didn’t earn that gear and doesn’t deserve it. Pretty simple. The exact same logic applies in all situations, including the self-declared raid leader who said that when master loot was a thing they only gave gear to the already best-geared players, because the lower geared ones would already be geared if they deserved gear.

The system is telling you I’ve responded to you too many times and I need to let you find some other sucker to trump up fake arguments on. So have a nice life.

That happens all of never.

People trade gear all the time.

Well, for starters, they could have made it so the “Jailer’s eye” didn’t clip through environment when it flew up to the new zone, and all the other clipping issues the game currently has.

Or perhaps they could make it so people don’t DC every time they jump off something.

Or fix the phasing issues that have been going on.

Or fix the issue players are having with delivering the bag to Ve’nari.

Or maybe… just maybe… they could fix that Assault Vehicle rare thing that has been sitting there for days.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. We waited with anticipation for this patch, thinking that it would be fantastic since it took so long, and frankly it is underwhelming and doesn’t really live up to Blizzards standards. So yeah, perhaps they should have focused on deliverying quality content to their customers.

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I’ve had that, it’s weird, probably super hard to track down because it’s so freaking random.

What phasing issues?

Huh, first i’ve heard of that, what’s going on?

Also, first time i’m hearing of this, must just be your server.

It’s not random, it is because when we land, we clip through the environment instead of landing on the environment.

The one where you’re in the new zone killing stuff and all of a sudden you phase into a different shard and the mobs you’re killing disappear. Why it is happening (and no I’m not grouped up), I have no clue, but it happens often lately.

People can’t give her the bag and can’t continue on with the opening quest. :woman_shrugging:

Since Shards are cross-realm based and not server based, it isn’t just my server. I’m sure you’ll see it at some point.

My point is that there are plenty of quality issues within the game that should have been fixed before the patch was released. Either the developers have zero care about the quality of their work, or their attention is split and so they are only doing whatever needs to be done to get all the work done by the deadline. Either way, the end result is poor quality and they should be embarrassed by it.

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Every time I’ve had it happen i’ve been mid air. Sometimes without even land below.

The only ground your breaking is record low subs as many are moving to Final Fantasy.