MDI Shadowlands: Season 2 is Ready to Break New Ground

The second you say no one you invalidate your whole statement.

I do M+ for fun, my whole group enjoys M+. It just sounds like you want to project your dislike of it to the playerbase.

Nobody cares.

Read between the lines and don’t take everything at face value lmao. “No one” is clearly meant as a synonym for “very few people.”

Great strawman though. 10/10. Where’s your SL char? I’d like to see how many M+ you’ve pushed.

And wow, different people have different opinions. Amazing, isn’t it?

By shifting the design focus to esports competition. The trash mobs in dungeons have more mechanics than the bosses used to have. Both the dungeons and raids have more and more mechanics than ever, to the point where the mechanics start to overlap and luck begins to be more important than skill in some encounters.

And most important of all; time spent balancing, tuning, and generally coming up with new game rules like the AOE limitations, take time away from the creation of content besides the dungeons and raids. Instead of actual content, it’s become nothing but systems.

11 people will watch this
which is 5 more than there will be unique specs represented.


All that sounds like more game progression than e-sports design.

I personally really like mythic +. Traditionally we did the same dungeons all expansion anyway (with a few additions) for a reward that did not scale appropriately.

The issue with the current system lies in Blizzard catering to a very small group of people in an effort to make an e-sport out of something that was never intended to be one. They need to return to the Legion m+ model of just making some cool dungeons that scale. Designing around gimmicks as they do now is not interesting.

The MDI is especially uninteresting–and I play this game almost exclusively for the dungeon content because I like challenging content and prefer smaller groups.


Seems like a lot of coincidences to me.

Every single point you made was the game improving even before M+ was introduced.

It’s like people saying M+ made the dungeons linear, dungeons have been linear since TBC.

You want to know why they stopped making dungeons like Old Hillsbrad, Black morrass and Voilet hold? Because so many people didn’t like them.

I’ve run 158 dungeons in SL season 1 according to

And that is why you can’t go around saying you know how many people like or don’t like M+. Overall it’s extremely popular number wise and that’s all we know.

Did you mean drudgeon?

Irrelevant. Don’t care if you did 158 +2s. Without any proof, you’re just a liar or a shill talking out Uranus.

Popularity =/= Quality when it’s literally something you have to do in the game to get gear. Wouldn’t you think that might exxagerate the numbers? If M+ didn’t offer Mythic raid quality gear do you think the “popularity” would drop off?

Link your SL S1 character, I’d like to see how many keys you actually pushed.

I don’t have a single character. I played a 158 keys over 19 different specs.

My RIO score was 1665, this the first season we’ve really played didn’t quite get as far as we wanted but TBC classic was announced and we had to prepare.

The issue is in the definition of “popularity”. How many people are pushing low keys for fun like they did in legion? How many are pushing high keys for nothing but increasing their numerical score? How many feel forced because without this they’d be hurting their great vault choices? How many would still choose to do it without that coercive factor?

A lot of people did rated PvP on day 1 even though they hate PvP, because it was the best way to get the gear they needed. They have quit doing PvP. So was it “popular” or not?

For none of these questions do we have data that could provide us with answers.

I would have liked it better if your design team actually spent time designing a quality game.

And when you also consider that blizzard cut the loot back on M+ thats why you saw less people do M+ as well. I myself enjoyed low keys in BFA and legion, but in SL, with loot cut? its not even worth it.

Don’t forget that during Legion good players had actual incentives to do low keys and help learners complete their keys. There is none of that in the game now.

its a shame that mdi and MWF is all blizz cares about
 and i can say that for teh pure and SIMPLE FACT that teh world first race was actually considered in the content ROAD MAP
 how pathetic that MDI and MWF are considered content
 get with eh program blizz
a real big part of teh playerbase dont care about the try hards you cater to
#makeblizzardgoodagain ( cant say great for many reasons other than they dont deserve the word grate)

What? AP? Legendaries?

Most of the time people just looked for +2 to blow through for them.

And actually, there is incentive right now, you get extra valor if anyone’s M+ score increased.

You do realize that the world first race has nothing to do with blizzard?