because it wasn’t just hosted on youtube
and each individual player was allowed to stream to their own stream
because it wasn’t just hosted on youtube
and each individual player was allowed to stream to their own stream
And yet it has been the entire basis Diablo has been running for years, and each season is always popular.
I still get lag at the start of every season in D3 >.>
Though I skipped the last one, it was a solo season and I only do group play.
Hell, D2 seasons are popular and that game is over 21 years old.
They dont make em like they used to.
Trying to turn a sub based MMO into a seasonal lobby game akin to something like Diablo is a mistake. MMORPGs don’t function well under this type of design philosophy.
Yet blizzard seems to be trying this so damn hard.
I really wish they would go back to the old formula they used.
Give us new zones, give us a loose story that takes us to said zone, let us go about the zone doing random adventuring stuff and finding out the zone story along the way. This whole guided campaign thing im really over already. I signed up for wow to basically be a murder hobo that goes on adventures, not THE CHAMPION OF AZEROTH!
Blizzard needs to go back to the design philosophy of Warcraft is a setting in which stories take place, not Warcraft is a over arcing narrative.
M+ was better in Legion.
Games been mostly seasonal since long before M+
I don’t know of anyone who actually LIKED running old raids when new ones were out.
Also, wow is not a lobby game unless you are at a very casual level and only do Heroics/LFR, its very much the same game it’s always been for those of us who do M+/Raid.
You can’t just be the adventurer forever though, as the game progresses eventually you’re going to become more no matter what.
in a single player RPG this is fine. But in an MMO you cant have every one be the champaion and the special snow flake.
When everyone is special, no one is.
Been working fine for FF which everyone has been gushing about.
Good for FF.
We dont need it in wow. We just need things to do. It works in FF because when you are done with the campaign, you have you know, things to do. Wow you got…m+ and pvp, which if your not one of the chose classes your basically sol.
FF doesn’t have much more to do at end game then wow honestly.
You either raid, craft or farm mounts/glamour.
No it hasn’t brother, this seasonal stuff started with Legion. Past expansions didn’t keep scaling the same content having us farm the same gear over and over again. The way the game operates now was taken straight out of a page from Diablo 3. You can see the D3 developers influence all over retail WoW right now.
Not in name, but catchup gear has been a thing for a LONG time, and you basically only did the current raid.
All M+ did was keep dungeons relevant for once. Which is what MANY people were asking for, hard 5 man content and keeping dungeons relevant. M+ is so popular it’s spreading to Pservers and calls for it are spreading to other games.
This show show trash PVP is right now. Blizz has to turn to to PVE for competition.
Those D3 seasons drop in popularity after like 3 days though.
MDI has been around for a long time >.> this isn’t new.
And before then blizz was running raid v. raid competitions at blizzcon.
Well, tbf, it’s D3.
PoE seasons maintain if they’re good, drop if they’re bad.
This, wow is more akin to D3 then it is an MMO RPG
Nice to see Blizzard still handing out the Carrot on a Stick.