MDI rewards lol

We agree here.

Sounds like they should spend less time practicing snd worrying about the MDI if they don’t think it’s paying well enough.

I actually watched a bunch of them recently. It was fun seeing high level players doing things I could never hope to do. I gotta say, it seems like lots of crappy players of my caliber try pulls that THEY get away with because they use interrupts and defensives, meanwhile the average +8 “pumper” probably doesnt even have their defensive keybound.

hope they all drop out

I hope so.

RPGs are not esports.

And hopefully if MDI fizzles out, they’ll stop with all the seasonal FOMO crap too, and fix M+ to be more lenient on people. (
just get rid of the RNG keys please. Holy hell.)

Solo Q + Grindable Rewards + CR based titles for Arenas too. System’s been a bust according to Pardo since it’s inception. No idea why they’re still holding onto it when freakin’ Pokemon GO has more viewers.

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The problem is that in order to replicate anything going on in the MDI a player needs to be subbed to the game and serve at the mercy of Blizzard timegating and RNG for months. Whereas every other successful E Sport front loads the gear, classes, items, etc and just lets players compete in their program rather than making them grind to do so. So the reality of the MDI is disconnected by the reality of how players play the game. Where in a DOTA 2 or LOL game its always 100% set up for you to get everything you want and need within 30 minutes making the grind short and the skill high to win and its 100% replicable with no or very little rng involved.

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Should just give up the E-sports dream and move onto their expanding mobile game divisions. Make their crazy money that way.

At what point does the RPG part have any bearing on whether an eSport would work for it?

Games like this don’t work well because they’re too complicated with too many subtle mechanics that viewers cant see. For good e-sports it needs to be very transparent whats happening. Thats why MOBAs and RTS are great e-sports, you can instantly understand whats happening with a little knowledge of the game and appreciate skillful outplays.

Unless you’re a pro its extremely hard to see whats happening in WoW with a million spell effects flying around, debuffs, buffa, timers, etc etc. It makes sense when you’re playing but its not satisfying to watch. And this is worse because its the same teams with the same classes every single game.

I disagree, Fighting and FPS are clear with their information delivery: You hit/shoot things and they die.
I’m a DotA veteran and quit LoL ~6 years ago. A few weeks ago Youtube recommended a LoL highlights video; I had no idea what was happening. Not saying either genre is better at it, what I’m saying is that both have learning curves even as an audience (and you have to stay up to date with the game changes).