MDI rewards lol

So I noticed this on WoWhead.

It would appear the winning team came out to $17.81 per hour, with every other team making under the California minimum wage. for their time there, with the lowest making $2.50 per hour.

Even the winners would have made more working at Starbucks than winning the MDI.
While I understand it’s not really about the money for these players, the lack of viewership and subsequently low prizes is getting to a tipping point it would seem.

The arena championship was just a watterfall of “SOLO Q!!!” streaming down the in game chat.

No MDI next season I hope? Blizzard done with E-sports in WoW?


Never should have been a thing to begin with.

Who in their right mind try’s to make an eSport out of an RPG?


you missed the “mmo” my guy

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No kidding, it’s the epitome of a hammering a square peg into a round hole.


Didn’t know there wasn’t an “rpg” that came after that, my bad.


Lol the players should abandon MDI and just move to League.

Or else I smell HoTS from MDI.

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Well, can’t fault them for trying I guess.

I’ve watched it before (but not this time.) It’s just not very interesting, and I play wow. I can only imagine what a non-wow player would think about it.

That’s why there were a number of teams that very publicly decided not to participate in any of the Shadowlands MDI’s. Can’t say I blame them.

But hey! MDI folks make less than minimum wage and Bobby gets $200mil-- just a bonus I might add.


I was under the impression that the real money of the picture was moichendizing - err, that is, sponsorships.

Didn’t know that esports actually make sense in an MMO and that’s why you left it out on purpose to try to make it look bad.

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That doesn’t even make any sense. Which part am I trying to make look bad, a game genre or trash eSports?


Next time use MMORPG and then there are no problems.

If you think this game is only an RPG and thus esports has no place in here then you are just delusional.

If you think it has no place because x reasons and hence agreeing it’s an mmorpg then it is your opinion.

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You do realize what MMO stands for, right? At what point does the MMO part have any bearing on whether an eSport would work for it? Should I point out how many games are classified as MMOs now that aren’t RPGs?


So not to point out the obvious but MDI aren’t ATVI employees and this isn’t their “job” (and if it is, they chose it).

Kotick’s unchecked rampant capitalism bonus has nothing to do with MDI prize pool being sucky. If you’re going to drink haterade at least know when the appropriate time to drink it is.

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Who do you think makes the MDI prize pool? lol

Its cute that you seem to put together a point or two but neglect the elephants in the room.

  • The prize pool for MDI is low-balled, and many of the top teams publicly refused to compete this expac.
  • Activision/Blizz continues to turn record profits even while continually downsizing.
  • There are plenty of profits to grow the prize pool for the MDI, AWC, heck they could even sponsor some of the RWF teams that they get good PR from.

There is such a thing as goodwill. It can even be measured and appraised by any good actuarian, analyst, or corporate level accounting firm. There would be nothing wrong with sweetening the pot for these activities.

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Tutoring calculus can make you $30 an hour and it should only take about 3 months to learn enough to tutor it, especially if you’re only going to tutor differential and integral calculus. Multivariable calculus and linear algebra will take maybe six months and people will pay $40 per hour for that.

I think the people participating in the MDI can definitely do calculus if they wanted to, they should just do that!

Don’t tutor real analysis and measure theory because I don’t want any competition. :kissing_heart:

Ignoring the trend that the game actively shifts more and more away from being an actual RPG, in an MMO it is not unusual that you can try to build up an esport scene.

However Blizzard is very bad in investing into their esport and making it interesting so it’s clearly not worth it and just a waste of money from blizzard and how they’re treating it you can clearly perceive it.

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So because Blizzard, at least in your mind, is trying to remove the RPG out of the game, suddenly you think the MMO part of that is the more important aspect when discussing on whether or not the game should have ever had an eSport? Huh? The MMO in MMORPG is the least important part of this entire thing lol.


They literally blew up their HOTS esports community and sabotaged all the pros. Noone talented going to touch that game with a 10 foot pole.

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speaking of (starts ordering the most pretentious drink)

Esports and wow should not be a thing ever