MDI rewards lol

They should be happy they get paid anything to play a video game. If you feel like they should get more then sub to them on their streams or donate to them.

The MDI prize pool is low because its viewers are low. No one watches this garbage. You know that most niche tournaments have a sucky prize pool right? Only the top games have decent prize pools. Hell, even MTG tournaments have pathetically low prize pools. If doing M+ dungeons with cookie cutter teams is your idea of a full time job then it’s kinda on you why you can’t pay your bills.

And what does this have to do with the MDI? Their eSport branch is a disaster. Even when you’re doing well, I’d expect companies to cut the portions that aren’t working. This isn’t unethical capitalism, this is just basics to business. Be mad at Bobby’s bonus but expect failing branches to get cut.

They’ve been trying to push their eSports for years now and it just gets worse every year.

Explain how them making more money brings in more viewers. There’s no reason to increase the pot to try and attract better teams when people aren’t watching regardless.

From a business perspective, when you put rewards on a contest, the goal is to drive interest in that contest. Blizzard evidently feels like the added interest wouldn’t be enough to justify a higher reward, which basically boils down to “everybody who wants to watch MDI already does, nobody else is going to”.

If you want the rewards to go up, you need to spark people’s interest so that it makes sense for Blizzard to fork over more cash to draw viewers. Or, find an eccentric millionaire to bankroll your esports team. Stranger things have happened.

a much lower level executive lol

Was referencing Blizzard, not an individual lol, sorry.

MDI needs killed off along with AWC. They’re both horrible.


WoW is a terrible spectator sport because there’s too many hidden mechanics.


eSport players make more money with sponsor deals than with prizes.

if you trying to be a “pro” mythic dungeoneer in a game that has been out since 2004 you deserve minimum wage… lol


Yeah making a professioal esport out of a core game activity like dungeons was an awkward move. And it shows.

I love the shadowlands dungeons but i wouldn’t want to watch some of the most boring classes (the same ones on every team btw) running them. They’re much more fun to play on your own. Just not a good spectator e sport imo.

I do respect the players though

I would happily accept $2.50/hr to play wow :slight_smile:

So they didn’t get paid very much to play a video game? So sad.

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That’s alot more than I’m making playing wow

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this isn’t leveling mining.

this is the kind of ‘play wow’ you spend hours each day practicing for.

the kind of ‘play wow’ that makes you never enjoy playing wow again.

I certainly hope this is the end of the MDI. Most god awful boring wow content out there


I’ve played wow 8+ hours a day since 2012, everyday. If you want to pay me for something I’m already going to do cool :+1:

What does that have to do with anything? Where does MMO suddenly equate to E-Sports?

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Tried to watch the MDI. It’s just…ok. WF raiding streams are much more enjoyable to me.

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It’s weird when people bring this up considering these players stream and make a bunch of money doing that… also.

No one is forcing them to play.

If one good thing came out of MDI it’s that it helped demo get buffed because we had zero representation lol