Its really not that hard. My guild clears mc in 2 hours without whipes. 1 shotting ony now too.

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I’ve been saying this since the first MC Clear. Those guys are pro at the game. The vast majority of players are going to absolutely get stomped because they just arent as good.


yeah we have a group of people who play 10h+ a day and are in guilds full of people like that saying this is easy, but prepare to be surprised if your an average joe like me getting to 60 so much later than everyone else.

Lol. Mc is getting pugged regularly now.


not very successfully though

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Yes, and the pugs of players who arent good don’t get anywhere. Pugging something doesn’t inherintly make something harder. If you have 30 of the 40 people who know what they are doing, they can pug it. You always could with MC.

But those full pugs of average players? Im not seeing many of them getting rag down yet.

That i dont know but its funny seeing greens and epics.

It’s super hilarious that you guys believe this. TONS of new players, players returning who haven’t played for many years and all types of other players of varying skill levels and dedication have cleared MC and Ony.

You are posting nonsense. Absolute, unadulterated nonsense.

It is true that a majority of players who killed Rag the opening week of Classic included many private server players, or otherwise hardcore and experienced WoW players. It was only for the opening weekend, simply because they quite literally played 16+ hours a day to reach 60 very quickly.


Vanilla is unforgiving to those who don’t know the mechanics. If you know them and act on them, vanilla becomes easy.

there is absolutely no way new players can clear MC.
Your statement is super false, I was there last night, I saw the freaking numbers. I did the math.

Yes a 40 man of mythic raiders will clear it with ABSOLUTELY no problem.
40 Heroic raiders WILL wipe here and there but do able.
40 Normal raiders will struggle HARD.
40 LFR only players I can confidently say WILL not ever see Rag.

This raid is much harder than I thought it would be, once your wiping on trash you will understand.


I played Vanilla. I never stepped foot in the raids. I came fresh off playing hard mode Diablo 2, where if you die you delete. My goal in vanilla was to get to 60 without dying. As you can imagine back then not an easy task. I did eventually achieve that.

So im looking forward to stepping into raids soon. Yes i know we are better and its old content etc. But it will still be fun and something new.

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Yeah, nah. MC wasn’t/isn’t hard, but the varying degree of player skill across the board makes instances/raids feel more difficult. When I first began raiding back in vanilla, I did so in a guild of wonderful human beings, all really great people. We had several families in the guild (mother/father/child etc.) and everyone was very polite and friendly.

They were also absolutely horrible at the game. To this day, I still haven’t seen that same level of complete incompetence and failure in a video game. Keep in mind, I loved some of these people to death, but standing in fire caused wipes - and not just once or twice, it was all night long. Every terrible thing that someone could do, they did. Wearing horrible gear, ridiculous specs, using abilities they had no business using, complete lack of awareness, you name it. The damage was equally atrocious, every boss they managed to kill (very few) was a grueling death march of attrition.

Why do I bring that up? I was there and that was my first introduction to WoW raiding - and it made raids seems like they were practically impossible! Then I joined a good guild (got poached, actually), and the first night I was with them we cleared MC. I was stunned, but it made me realize that; 1. MC really wasn’t that hard, 2. the guild I was previously in was horrid.


You will have a nice challenge on your hand in raids enough to not get bored of the game. It’s not Mythic BFA raiding hard but its hard enough to more casual players to conquer and feel good. I like this shift from PRO GAMER focus to the casual gamer. I think the end game raiding for BFA is too much tuned for ESPORT and PRO gaming which makes it silly for the rest of us.

You get a buff in LFR after a wipe. You saying you have spent 4 hours in LFR downing 4 bosses? Really? Look, classic raids are not as hard as live WoW. I get it, but trying to selling this LFR level stuff just makes you sound unbelievable.


Every MC boss can be expained in 1 sentence or less. Outside of being distracted by p*rn on your second monitor i dont see how your average gamer can mess up “move if bomb”.


All it takes is one person not doing what they’re supposed to to wipe you in mc.

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I am pretty sure the large majority of players actually have done that raid at some point in time in the last 14 years.

You can brag about how good you are when you stop using Addons that tell you when you’re in the bad/have a bad buff, and when you stop looking up strats for how to down the bosses.

That applies to retail too, mr 120

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I’m glad that you had an epic and enjoyable experience with your guild OP.

Ignore all of the negative aholes that have replied before me lol.


But does transmog farming it on a toon that is level 80 or higher and can kill bosses with a single arcane blast really count?