MC Tuning Coming Later in the day on Tuesday

We’re working on a series of hotfixes to adjust Molten Core, and we don’t expect to get these changes implemented until some hours have passed after weekly maintenance tomorrow morning.

  • Ragnaros no longer submerges twice on Heat 1.
  • Baron Geddon now casts Armageddon at 5% on Heat 1 (was 10%).
  • Baron Geddon now casts 2 Living Bombs at a time on Heat 2 (was 3 casts).
  • Living Bomb no longer leaves Living Fallout pools on Heat 1.
  • Flamewaker Protectors now cast Dominate Mind much less frequently.
  • We’ve maximized the cast and recast times of several dispel mechanics.

We’ll let you know when these changes go live tomorrow afternoon.


Any change to raid bosses constantly killing warlock pets?


This 100%. Warlock demons are actually important in SoD, and for the first time in SoD, everything kills them.

From Niche in Warlock discord:
Pet Survivability Issues:

1. Soul Burn - Firelord

  • Can target pets and do high damage. Dispellers ignore pets.
    2. Impending Doom - Lucifron
  • Can target pets and do high damage. Dispellers ignore pets.
    3. Conflagration - Magmadar
  • Targets players, affects pets who touch it, taking full damage.
    4. Explosion - Baron Geddon
  • Friendly bombs do full damage against pets.
    5. Ignite Mana - Baron Geddon
  • Pets take properly reduced damage but full mana burn.
    6. Pyroclastic Barrage - Lava Elemental
  • Multi target ability. Pets take full damage.
    7. Fire Blossom - Firewalker
  • Able to target pets. Results in a 1 shot on Imp every time unless 50% resist or higher.
    8. Fire Pit - Majordomo
  • When teleported with the warlock, the pet takes full damage.
    9. Lava Burst - Ragnaros
  • Deals full damage to pets.
    10. Teleport - Azuregos
  • May not be resetting aggro on pets. They eventually become tank and die.
    11. Engulfing Flames - Onyxia
  • Fireballs leave behind this dot which affects pets and players around them. Pets take full damage from their own dot and from friendly players.
    12. Eruption - Onyxia
  • Ground fire effect deals full damage to pets.
    13. Cleave - Trash/Boss
  • Many mobs cleave pets for full damage, enough to 1 shot an imp, or nearly so.
    14. Explosion - Falling Rock Blackrock Eruption
  • Causes full damage to pets

Can we just maybe not have SoM mechanics for Heat 1 (and maybe 2) and on Onyxia and keep the SoM stuff for the challenge mode (Heat 3)?


What about hyper respawning corehounds?


Welcomed changes. Spending 90% of a fight decursing as a DPS ain’t exactly peak gameplay experience.


Yes this please. Not in either communication.

Can you clarify if MC is intended to allow more than 20 players?

I ran the GetInstanceInfo() command and it indicates 20 as the maxPlayer count but people are indicating that more than 20 can come in.

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LOL and people were saying it wasn’t going to get nerfed right away.

i tried to tell them in the doomer “expect radio silence” thread and they all started talking about the 5 man cata dungeons being launched tomorrow :joy:

This requires them to add targeting logic that says “If the unit is not a player, then skip them” and that A LOT of work for a game mode with what seems like no budget, considering they just copy/pasted SoM in SoD. (/s)

What about the Rapid respawns of Core Hounds after Mag is killed? Is this intended or a bug?

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Ok so the latest Hunter change is what should have happened in your first place.

Now give hunters back trap launcher for frost trap

Was the respawn timer for the dogs fixed? Even after you kill Magmadar they respawn every 15 minutes.

Please tune either Heat 3 or Heat 1 to be 10man.

you dont like core leather???

you can run it with 10 ppl let us know how it goes


you guys can’t even spell correctly…

What about when mag himself respawns…

Nah keep them for 2. Maybe tone them down for 1, but realistically the mechanics arent even remotely hard. Even the bad of the bad players putting in minimal effort can full clear it. Them changing the explosion to 5% to baron and giving rag only one submerge phase was a massive nerf for those, and those were the biggest roadblocks. When I heard pugs werent getting past Lucifron, it blew my mind. Didnt realize how bad players were until that. You literally decurse people and nuke down Lucifron…thats it…and they couldnt even do that??? How the community has fallen. :joy:

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