Maybe you're just bad

What actual drugs are you on? The gatekeeping is a result of the difficulty. The room for error is being reduced to the point that nobody is willing to take a chance. The cost of entry is too high, the cost failure is too high and the rewards are starting to fall far short of the effort.

But I’m sure everything’s fine, right?

I thought you didnt care about achieves? Why is the 10 key prog so imp for you? Why not 12?

Lol youre a hypocrite. You want easy content but you want the label of hard mode. Thats your criticism.

No amount of nonsense from you will change the fact that you are not “thrust into” anything in this game.

No amount of nonsense from you changes the fact that you can stop your prog at a 3 key if you want since its all the SAME CONTENT. The player 100% decides what difficulty they stop at because its ALL THE SAME CONTENT.

Keep crying tho.

No genius, the bar hasn’t been raised. Lmao. I explained to you already that all of these things you claim are “heightened” have always existed and are no worse than before.

Gatekeeping is 100% a thing, but doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. You need to gatekeep or vet players if you are doing challenging content.

You tell me Sosari! So cute watching you

Once again, you miss the whole point.

The gatekeeping is a player response the increased difficulty. That part is natural. The result, which is major disruption of the content pillar for a huge portion of players is the problem.

If cranking up the difficulty wasn’t also raising the skill floor, this would be much less of a problem. But they haven’t just increased the challenge available at the top end. They’ve made everything much harder, which affects everyone.

Again, this has nothing to do with me. I’m as progressed as I should be given what I’ve put into it. This is about players are much lower level getting eaten up and spit out by this game. You and I need those players to be happy. They are not and that’s my main concern. This game has lost sight of what’s important and I think we are all going to suffer for it.

I was agreeing with you that gatekeeping is a thing and I think it’s ridiculous for anyone to claim it’s not. So this whole “you are missing the point” thing is funny and ironic.

My point is that I fear you think it’s ok for so much gatekeeping to be necessary. The game is requiring too much of players to the point they don’t want to bother.

The only way to reduce that expectation is to reduce difficulty across the board.

You are just as adorable as Sasori. I’m glad I was able to set up this little playdate for you two. Remember to let your parents know if you continue to play after dark. They will worry about you two.

Don’t be childish after all this.

Thats right! 4 tiers of difficulty in raids is not enough. Make it 8 tiers of difficulty. Make it easier across the board so that LFR means u can kill bosses with auto-target.

Once you get past the first hump of m0, thats all it is, a hump, the difference of difficulty from tiers 2-12 is not varied enough. Add another 80 key lvls so any growth is meaningless and the grind is exponentially longer.

What about players who want a difficult challenge? NO ONE CARES because unless everyone can do difficulty on all content, its way too hard.

I don’t understand your argument. If you think everything is ok, then I accept your argument. I think the actual gameplay pillars, raiding and M+ are in a bad place, as evidenced by all the players on my friends list and in guild who outright refuse to do keys beyond their vaults.

Doing weekly 10s used to be something we did for fun. Now a lot of those players think it’s a chore and have no interest. They still want to play WoW, but because they’re not enjoying it, they won’t.

I’m worried about the future of this game. I am distressed by the number of dedicated, veteran players that are simply turning their back on this game because it’s more chore than fun nowadays. Everything is starting to cost too much and staying relevant is becoming too much for too many players.

But by all means, let’s make more systemic changes to increase difficulty, in case someone doesn’t understand their place in this game. There are still some casual players trying to make the next step, we’d better stamp though out quickly.

Maybe we can introduce a third mythic upgrade currency, name them unpronounceable abstract concepts and add 4 steps and 12 extra materials to convert it into one upgrade component. Just to weed out any last hangers-on.

My argument is there are a lot of problems with the game but one of its main issues lies in the ability for players to cheat. It’s still fun enough to play obviously but places that players can identify places for improvement already exist in the forums.

There are already a lot of posts criticising game design and blizzard. Many of these are valid criticisms. Blizz reliance on the feedback from top players adds to these issues as they literally play this game as a job and not a game.

If by “easy” your definition includes finding ways to make classes more intuitive, and putting players in a position where they are less reliant on guides they blindly follow, we wouls agree. The negative to this though being less customization.

All changes have negatives and positives and IN MY OPINION, I think one way for this game to actually improve is to remove the illusion of customization through a talent tree. Customization does not exist when 95% of players follow either extremely similar builds where difference is neglible or the exact same.

Making classes easier to play so more ppl can pursue higher end content is achievable but it will require changes lots of ppl will be againt largely because it would streamline rather than provide varied options.

If the argument is to just nerf raids, keys, dungeons, and w.e else then I disagree.

They have already nerfed quest difficulty (which I am in favour of because I prefer end game content) and there are so many ppl complaining about the lvling experience being too easy.

If they nerf the most difficult content, I would disagree as I like having to learn my class to the point that I can do content I previously could not.

No matter how much you nerf, you cant get beyond the point that some lvl of difficulty must and will exist that not everyone can do.

No matter what, some extreme difficulty will exist for players that wanna pursue it. I’m saying there is no difference between this magical layer of difficulty and what is currently a 10-12 lvl key. We are just arguing labels.

If they introduce super-hardcore-duper key mode, what difference will it make? Just like now, ppl dont have to do it just like they dont have to do a 10. They can stop at a 9 once they reach a lvl they are satisified with. Should they then nerf super-hardcore-duper key mode as well so everyone can do it? Why introduce it in the first place? Why have a 10? Make the last key a 5 at the same difficulty a 5 is now?

My post is largely about the parts of the game that encourages cheating. Some of these elements you simply cannot change and I am not arguing they be changed. I am simply providing one reason to try and answer the constant complaints im seeing about M+. Its not 100% blizz. The player base is also to blame.

Wow is funny because it shows you corruption through the lens of a game.

The ppl paying for carries are contributing to the decay of group play because they ruin the experience for other players once they are no longer being carried and they DGAF. The ppl doing the carrying are contributing to ruining the fun of the game as a whole by accepting gold to help other players cheat and they dont care that it impacts everyone when this becomes common enough.

Bad players would normally filter themselves out in any other game. In this game, they can camoflauge as good players with scores they did not earn by being carried.

I’m a GM. I spent hours with one guildy to get her numbers up going over her logs which I did. I got her up 200k after going through her logs as a 620 fury warrior. Didnt mean anything in the end as her dos went from 300k to 500k at 620. No, shes just a bad player. It is what it is. Should all content be made so that someone at 620+ gear who cant pull 550k dps can do? You dont see the problem with this? Shes just bad.

Compare her to my guildie playing a shaman who went from 600k to 900k dps after going over his logs.

There is a difference in skill that you should not be able to cheat your way through but ppl can because they use gold for carries. You cant remove gold so youre stuck. It is rotting the game from the inside.

This is my focus, it doesnt need to be yours.

To “solve” it, I’d move portals to +12.
It’s really not anything more than before though.

We have a cluster of overqualified people at 10, so people invite those. To shift it, you have to make those people want to cluster elsewhere.

But then, we have a new problem in return, 12 becomes the new “gatekept” level.

I don’t think enough people care about portals. What moves people is gear.

But enough do, so 10s are easier to get into. The issue is cluster of overqualified people because the only thing beyond is title, and that’s far out of reach.

Make 12s give 2/6 M, and problem would probably fix itself or present itself much later.

I ran 2 +10s tonight and both were more miserable than running a +12.

The SV went over time because people kept dying every pull from swirlies. One person I think died 10 times on their own. 26 deaths in total. We even almost timed it, but I ‘made an oopsie’ and it went over time because people were literally raging about the last boss placement lmao. Everyone was under 2800 trying to tell me where to tank the boss even though there were 21 deaths from them not understanding the mechs.

Then I was just in a 10 GB where 2 of the DPS were under 1mil overall. Still timed it, but was close.

What got so many people cluttered in the 10s that are not ready for it is because a bunch of people are literally hard stuck on 11s and 12s so they are just running vault keys.

I don’t really see the appeal of an unchanging wasteland, so I’ve yet to do all 12s. I’ve timed 3 just to prove that I can be part of the cool club.

It’s not lack of ability, rather lack of desire for me.

Yeah, I’m not saying everyone below 12s are hard stuck. Just that the majority are. Overtime the 10-11 range just became over packed with players who got a free ride. The player pool in 10s right now is nowhere near where it was a few weeks ago in terms of quality.

That’s to be expected. Requirements are less, so people fail their way upwards more.

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One of the major downsides of the squish is that there’s less of a buffer.