Maybe you're just bad

Check my raid logs and tell me if you think I am good at mythic+ xD

i remember the top shadow priest parses on nazgrim in SoO were groups that had a tank just pull all adds to the back on top of the healing totems, and the shadow priest did nothing but attack the adds the entire fight. completely useless as a fight strat, but it produced insane logs!

They do not. Not at all. You don’t understand logs.

You don’t understand logs yourself.

It doesnt tell me if you’re good at m+. It’s not a 1=1 conversion. It just tells me you are capable of pulling high numbers.

It doesnt tell me about interrupts since most bosses dont have a lot, or any, interrupt mechanics. But it does show me your rotation which I can look up. It shows me that you actually use your cool downs, both defensive and offensive and that you use them regularly.

You realize there’s more information in a log then the overall DPS number, right? Logs tell you literally everything about interrupts, cool downs, and rotation. You’re just unwilling or unable to read and make a judgement on someone’s overall performance.

Can tell you, checking logs is supreme. Ilvl can be bought and io can be bought, parses tho? Unless you broke TOS parses are all you (You can set up to make a super parse, but you also screen for that too, like did they have an aug buffing you, plus pi, with lust)

In what world do raid logs have any significance in M+? Raiding and Mythic plus are NOT the same thing. They do not show me the same things, and I would never use RAID logs to invite or decline somebody to a key. If they have their key runs logged then those could be used, but there is absolutely no way you can justify to me that raid logs would be the deciding factor in inviting/declining somebody to a key.

If they die to easy raid mechanics, why wouldn’t they also die to easy m+ mechanics?
You use the best data available, and extrapolate.

It’s clear that you don’t if you don’t think logs are dependent on the group.

You went from saying that raid logs aren’t dependent on the group to now trying to pretend you were trying to distinguish between raid and m+ logs.

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Where are you navigating to see breakdown stats? When I look at mine I just see like a generic number sheet that (I guess) sums everything up, but no specific data about kicks, etc.

warcraftlogs dot com, not raiderio. WCL does track completions from the official leaderboard, but if anyone in the group is logging, it shows everything that happened.

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Idk why a guy that admits he doesnt raid and therefore doesnt use raid logs is arguing about something he admits to not using. You are the definition of a bad player. Incapable of learning anything new.

I’ve helped guildies get their dps up by 200k just by looking at raid logs over night with no difference in gear, enchants, or ilvl.
Let me guess, I’m making that up, right? You are just bad and wilfully ignorant. Waste of words.

I don’t have to be a raider to understand how logs and parses work. Multiple people stated the same thing. You are in the wrong here and just digging your heels in. It is 100% a fact that individual performance is impacted by the overall group performance.

What does this have to do with anything? It is entirely irrelevant to this discussion.

Inferencing is not your strong suit. It is not based on the entire group. You’re a bad player that doesnt know what hes talking about.

You 100% dont know how to use logs.

Is that why I got portals a month before you did? You are resorting to ad homs because you can’t stay on topic. You continuously try to move goal posts or bring up false equivalent arguments.

Says the one who thinks logs don’t depend on group performance. Lmao.

“hOW dOes a dPs inCReaSe hElp m+? It’S IRReleVaNt”

Learn the basics bud. I’m not gonna connect the dots for you. I’m sure you try and do 10s with ppl pulling 300k dps. Looool what a terrible player.

Low iq, low knowledge, wilfully ignorant.

This was never part of the argument. So yes, it is irrelevant. Maybe scroll up and look at why logs were brought up and what the argument around it actually is.

Come again? Literally no one said logs were bad or not important. That’s an argument you made up in your head.

Maybe scroll up and read the original post YOU are replying to where I explictly mention ppls low dps despite their high ilvl contributing to why more ppl are so picky with m+ invites.

Like I said, low iq.