Max tickets but have none I can interact with or close

I know CS employees don’t check this forum, but I obviously can’t open a ticket to try to get this resolved, it’s been going on for about 2 years now. I have 3 tickets where I started to delete my, but cancelled halfway through (only did it once). I can’t clear them and I think its clogging my ticket cap.

If you’d mention your US tickets here they may get cleared up as a CSFR has free time to get them fixed up.


As Forumcat said, if you can list the ticket numbers that are stuck a Forum Support Rep can go ahead and push it up to someone who can help. It may take a bit though.

Also, if you are trying to put in a ticket you can always mention the issue here and folks can tell you if there is another way to resolve it. Sometimes there are self help tools you can use, or maybe it is not something a GM deals with so you can avoid the ticket entirely.


This is one of the few things that we are generally able to help with. Not directly, but we are able to forward up a request to have those cleared.

The request is in and it usually takes a few days for them to process it.