Max level camping

Took the advice and changed zones. Currently getting spawn camped in a GY by max level rogue and druid.

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Shouldn’t have rolled on a PvP server


Ask for help in general

Somehow I feel this is some real hyperbole. I play this game roughly 8+ hours a day. I have several alts. I play exclusively on PVP servers both factions. I have NEVER and I mean NEVER been camped so hard that it followed me to every zone I went to. And I have had this account for 20 years.

Your response to getting spawn camped is not to play on a PvP server? Instead of “people shouldn’t spawn camp lowbies”?

People shouldn’t camp lowbies, and you should have rolled on a PVE server if that’s what you wanted.


PvE servers solves all these problems. People only want PvP servers on their terms. Or when it’s convenient

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This doesn’t make sense. You’re agreeing that people shouldn’t do something that impedes other peoples gameplay, but that it’s my fault for rolling on a pvp server that I should get griefed?
Also it’s not the same people camping, just new people doing the same thing.

Again, camping and griefing is not PvP

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Yes it is. Your just upset that that your being killed on a PvP server. Pve servers don’t allow this to happen. You just don’t like the answer.


They should totally put a disclaimer on PVP servers that makes you accept an agreement before you can create your character.

“You are about to make this character on a PVP server. PVP servers have forced flagging in contested and hostile areas and members of the opposing faction can and will be able to attack and kill you freely in these zones without concern or penalty regardless of your level or the fairness of a fight. Only create this character if you understand this risk.”


sigh again the problem isn’t getting ganked and dying… the problem is getting spawn camped, spending 2 mins dead while people wait nearby to kill you on respawn.

I don’t understand why you are blaming the people being camped, for the griefing.

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I’m not blaming any one but the people rolling on a PvP server than crying about PvP happening. The answer to the problem is either leave the zone (promise they won’t follow you) or go to a pve server.

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You keep referring to spawn camping by max level characters as PvP facepalm

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What else is it?

It makes perfect sense to me.

No, I am agreeing that someone shouldn’t do something, the other part you added. I agree, people shouldn’t gank lowbies. They also shouldn’t sap people over and over without fighting them. They shouldn’t distract people off the docks in BB, they shouldn’t troll people for the fun of it. There’s a lot of things people SHOULDN’T do. That doesn’t mean I think that there should be some kind of arbitrary enforcement to make them unable to do it.

Saying that people shouldn’t do something =/= saying people shouldn’t be ABLE to do it.

No, I am saying that if you are getting killed by players in the open world on a PVP server and that upsets you, then it’s your fault for rolling on a PVP server because your set of arbitrary rules don’t apply there.

So then it’s not griefing by the definitions of Blizzard for what counts as griefing.

Griefing, at least according to Blizz.

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Where does blizzard say PvP is griefing?


But in another post you said it’s DIFFERENT people doing it every time. So which is it? A concerted effort by the same people to make sure you can never res, or different people in the area killing you?

You’re being extremely inconsistent.

Again, referring to spawn camping as PvP instead of Griefing.

@Amideus, just because it’s new people doing the griefing, does not make spawn camping less of a griefing action.

Can either of you explain to me why you’re defending griefing so hard?

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Typically the rules are a bit muddy, but if you continuously kill the same player over and over again following them for an extended period of time, or you keep an important NPC dead on spawn for too long they consider that griefing. It’s very contextual.