MAX ILevel limit in random bgs

I mean…i just had a post on here about this. I have done the full honor and conquest grind on two characters early in the season and now was trying on my 252 warrior from last season.

Its doable in 2s so far but it really isnt fun at all. Im 50 games in with 28 wins, would have been 35 wins easily if not for the immmmmennsee gear disparity I’ve seen even at beginning ratings.

I queued into a mirror comp hpal war with 20k more health than both of us @ 1250 mmr. Come on man.

I did do bgs but for me its like…im not grinding 45k honor again. The system needs to be faster for honor gear. Its an absurd amount of time just to be on par with people.


It’s called making your own group. You will queue into other undergeared players.

If you want to go buy a carry though then be my guest.

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I see the problem with your way of not addressing the situation. Or simply refusing to address it, most probably. If YOU don’t care about others doing random to gear up, why should anyone else care about you, your little mounts, pets, and … titles ? You are a toxic player like many more. You’re one of those gate keepers. Of course you’ll try to accuse anyone that doesn’t agree with your “privilege” to be a " you problem ". Eliminate the random bgs it will FORCE full glad “heroes” to also fight both ungeared and full glad people. Fair is fair.

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hopefully they get it right in DF.

pvp should be mostly about skill imo.

id like to see casual BGs where people all have within the same 10% hitpoints. none of this 22k hp vs 90k hp nonsense we have now.

lately ive seen a lot of players join the healer slot with only 21kish HP and its just miserable. its like why even try at that point. the enemy team is just going to literally one shot them and delete so much potential value from our team instantly with no effort required =(


Your way of “addressing it” is exceedingly stupid.

If somebody’s actually showing up with that little health, then they deserve to be deleted.

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true. but do i deserve to auto lose because i got 3 people on my team with 21k hp?

its not just about them, that effects the team. its a team based game.

its really bad when both healer slots r filled with low hp players.

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Considering the ease of getting 233 crafted gear and 262 items for cheap if someone is coming into bgs with 21k hp at this point in the expansion, they’re lazy.

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yeah. i agree. but maybe these people r brand new?

maybe they dont have access to the BoA catchup stuff? maybe they dont have gold?

idk… i think blizzard is responsible too.


Leveling from 1-60 selling items should easily net 8-10k…. Being new isn’t an excuse. Game practically plays itself these days.

if you tell a player this exact thing in game its considered abusive.

This is a wrong concept!

Rated PvP shouldn’t reward ANY gear and should be for competition only where you compete for seasonal titles and xmogs. You should gear up and get BiS gear before Rated PvP and then compete if you so feel inclined.

With that said the majority of PvP players don’t do Rated and rather only do BGs so they really need to give BGs love. You should be BiS PvP geared from BGs in a few weeks and hopefully that happens as they said in DF.


Warriors/DHs are unkilleable with 7k hp diference.

There are devs who sells boosts in pvp, seriously…

There should be no gear at all in pvp, just skill.

Thats true, only in wow this doesnt happen…


Take a look at my post: “The bible of pvp problems”
The bible of pvp problems: - PVP / Battlegrounds - World of Warcraft Forums (

Who? Ibarra does M+ boosts, not PvP

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I do the same thing in random BGs as I do in M+ keys. I scan the group when I join, if it’s a bunch of people who look like they’re going to make my experience miserable I just leave. I would rather play 4 or 5 decent matches a week, than 25 where I’m getting my teeth kicked in because the game fed me people on fresh 60’s.


for mmos? ya it should. But it shouldnt be the only path, randoms should be a realistically way to actually gear up. Specially in a tab target mmo.

By that definition a dueslit tauren warrior would be unkillable vs another duelist human/orc war. This is just not what happens lol, else the locks people train hard would also be unkillable because of their 100k+ HP.

I remenber devs selling m+ boosts, not a single one in pvp.
If gear wasnt tied to rating nobody would hoenstly care either about pvp boosts.

Ill believe in “just skill” in wow when i see triple arms warrior or triple dps teams of completely random specs randomly queueing whitout forming the same combo at 3k-4k rating in rated combo. Game’s skill is linked at how you use CDs and how many CDs your comp has, basically a lot of where your viability comes in wow pvp is from what classes you choosed and patches you play, else you just suffer a lot more or is downright not viable no matter how well you understand ur class.

Albion doenst happen
New world doesnt happen
EVE online doesnt happen.
BDO doesnt happen.
OSRS doenst happen.
ESO gear may stop at some point evolving but it is vastly what matters more and you cosntantly have to grind gear in pve every major patch.
Even GvG in lost ark gear matters a lot

Realistically most focused mmo pvp games or even when its a side game gearing mattering happens quite a lot, gw2 is the actual exception not the rule lol. FFXIV pvp is just horrible nobody that plays ffxiv will even try to defend its pvp, its too clunky, animation locked and the skills works too differently and are vastly more limited.

Gear gap atm is a big issue, but even when the pvp was at its peak in wow gear gap existed, the honor gear ilvl gap to conq gear in mop was 23(or maybe 27?) ilvls, yet many regard it as a good pvp expansion. Simple because we didnt have A LOT of passives behind the scenes playing the game for us.

Btw ur “bible” post completely ignored the giant entry barrier of legendaries farm in pve content, gold grind and conduits so you can start pvping whitout being a free kill. A much bigger issue than the difference of 259(full honor) to 285(full conq 9/9, realistically the average ilvl in random bg is between 268-275 btw you can actually 1 shot people with 285 as a 275 rogue/hunter too)

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The gear gap at 60 is much larger than lvl 10-59 (exluding the lvl 50 BFA capped bracket). Hilarious. lvl 60 twinking is upsetting the normies.


Lol 8-10k isn’t jack man… For real you can’t even buy a garbage ilvl leggo with that.

Again what? There’s hardcores in the arena forums that still don’t know how the unity belt upgrade works for alts.

The system couldn’t be more convuluted. You know what playing itself is? Log in, hit max level, PvP and get PvP gear. Done. Aka tbc-wod. If someone were to come back from those times and not do hours of reading good fn luck. Just because the op is being ridiculous doesn’t mean you have to either lol

People should do the zm stuff for the 226 gear and unity belt but that’s still barely 40k health. Still I’ve whispered people in fresh boosts that had no idea that they should even do that first or even what the hell I was talking about lol


Yes. Working as intended to drive casuals from the game, under the assumption that there are millions of players like Bob who have been waiting for casuals to be purged so PvP would be a safe space for them.


I’m actually kind of impressed by how much fun they have managed to eliminate from PvP. Anyone can make a single player game that is not fun, but PvP is inherently fun - it takes real talent to eliminate the fun from PvP.
I guess they are doing their best to live up to the unofficial Activsion/Blizzard motto: “taking the fun out of videogames”.