Max flight speed

I have “Master Riding” and was flying straight and level (with my classic Mage). A Paladin passed me while climbing. Is there a mount, trinket or something to let you go faster than 310%?

Paladin Crusader Aura

which gives him 330%

DKs and Paladins are 20% faster than everyone else.

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Mount Up! Guild perk is +10% for everyone, but not during instanced PvP.

Hunters can spec 2 points into pathfinder to get +10%, but that doesn’t stack with guild perk. But I believe it works in PvP.

They took away trinkets after TBC essentially.

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You replied to the wrong person. I’m not the guy asking about mount speed. :slight_smile:

Thanks all!

Off by quite a few…


Crusader aura increases the overall flight speed by 20%. A flying mount adds to the base speed by 310%.

100% base + 310% mount = 410% flight speed
410% flight * 1.2 aura = 492% total speed
492% total speed - 100% base = 392% total increase

Sorry by the way. Forum’s not so amazing on mobile Firefox web powered app :melting_face::face_holding_back_tears:

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