Max amount of accounts I'm allowed to run on one pc?

I can’t find any articles which answer this question. The EU has a limit of 3, but does the US?

When I say, I don’t mean wow licenses. I mean the account that holds the licenses. I know that you can have 8 per bnet, but I was wondering if I would be allowed to run more than 8 at once by using another bnet account.

The only mention I found on a number of Battle.Net accounts at your disposal was how many you were allowed to have Blizzard Balance on.

And, while you can register and play on multiple Accounts, you are not allowed to have more than three (3) Accounts with Balance.

I’ve seen mention of a user involved in a 40-man raid comprised entirely of their own characters, so that’s at least 5 accounts.


I don’t think there is a limit, beyond the number of email addresses you’re willing to create (each account needs its own unique email address).

Relevant to our recent discussion elsewhere, neither accounts nor WoW licenses may be shared except as outlined in the EULA.

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Ekon is correct as far as I know.

You can have as many as you want registered in your legal name. What is restricted is the number of accounts with Bnet Balance on them. That is limited to 3.


That is how I always understood it as well - but how Vrakthris explained in this post makes it sound like it is restricted to 3 Battle Net accounts period.

Just thumbed through the EULA and don’t see anything about a limit on the number of accounts per person, just the limit on the number of accounts holding Balance.


This is one of those cases where one of two things is true:

  • Vrak is right and the EULA needs to be revised to accurately reflect that
  • Vrak is not correct, and it is actually only limited to 3 with Bnet Balance like the EULA says.


I just got up though so what do I know.

Coffee for all! :coffee:


Or, I didn’t actually say anything about more than 3 Accounts in that quote.

In that post I quoted the same section that Ekon did. That’s pretty much it.


My apologies for misunderstanding your post.

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No worries, The OP in that thread was asking about having 2 accounts so I stuck to that. :slight_smile: