Quality thread. Have an upvote, OP! <3
If you have been doing your weeklies with her you should be maxed our or pretty close to maxed out
yOuR fReE mOuNt MaKeS mInE WORTHLESS!!111 small indi company
This is how I even discovered this new mount existed.
I did my hunt, got the mount which I expected to take months/years of attempts to drop, and went to check how rare it actually is(2% according to wowhead).
I saw the new item on Ve’nari but didn’t buy it cause I had just hit exalted with them and bought the final Torghast upgrade along with the new one for skipping chains.
I also had no idea what it was for initially.
I plan to get the mount when I have enough Stygia for the quests, but I somehow missed all news of this before yesterday and saw no posts here about it.
Nope. Mainly because I freaking hate dealing with the Maw. Annoying density of fairly tough love, walking everywhere and the whole done is in general miserable to be around.
Cool then if you don’t like being there the mount seems irrelevant
The gas cloud farming is a lot more grindy than the article implies it is. They’re personal loot and in odd places usually surrounded by mobs. I’ve completed everything to get the mount but have only gotten 2/200 Stygia dust and silver in 30-45 minutes of searching.
Ahhh good to hear. Sounds like I can still flex on the poors who are on foot while I ride by on my TC mount for a little while longer
I have that mount too so I’m only doing it for the +1 mount. It’s a hassle. Worse if you don’t have a mount or stealth I’m guessing.
Old news this was in patch notes. whish makes me hope 9.1 doesnt add all mounts to the maw, if you cant get one of the 3 mounts you shouldnt be using a mount at all.
Is this on the ptr?
Odd gatekeeping, but I doubt they go back on that announcement.
The 4 Covenants are going to be attacking the Maw directly so I doubt they are going to make players run around on foot for all of 9.1 if they don’t get 1 of 3 mounts.
Cause once you’re exalted you really need a mount for the maw since you’re likely to spend a lot of time there
It’s live.
I don’t need a mount in the Maw. I’m only in there long enough to get my 20 souls and or to kill the 3 elites for the callings.
Once I found out deaths cause you to lose stygia, I started avoiding it like the plague. I don’t remember any other time in the game where deaths cost you resources (other than armor repair costs)
I typically don’t spend a lot of time there, but having the mount really speeds up those weekly tasks.
I also have a Druid alt so the difference in speed was very apparent already, although my Shaman had ghost wolf to help out. But my poor Rogue was so slow outside Sprint CDs it was painful.
unless they drop a bomb on the Maw and make it fun, they can throw mounts at me all day long and I won’t care. it’s tedious, annoying, pointless, and did I mention tedious? we’re clearly in lipstick-on-a-pig territory here.
Such a dumb system. The only reason people are in the maw is to get exalted with Venari for the sockets and then they mever step foot in there again apart from the 20 souls weekly quest.
Requiring exalted to get this mount makes this mount completely useless apart from alts. If im already exalted Im not going into the maw ever again. Why only make the mount obtainable then? Typical blizzard logic, just like allowing flying for wqs long after you’re already exalted with all factions and have no need to do wqs anymore
It will help farming Stygia for more sockets, but I suspect it was more aimed at people who don’t mind doing Maw content already. Also for the collectors, it’s a nice recolor.
I agree it can be very anti-fun. You lose Stygia on death, Eye levels build too quickly without the ring from Denathrius and mob density sucks especially when players drag 10 things through you.
Read the work required to make the quest item that rewards the mount. The amount of work is INSANE(ly cool) and also will require a bit of RNG.
Snuck in, apparently debatable; I’m just finding out about it, but apparently it was known of ahead of time.
Snuck in to staunch the sub losses by catering to the ‘non-elites’: this thing will absolutely be a status symbol, I’d say more than the shadehound drop or the TC8 mount.
This addition caters to profession enthusiasts/secret enthusiasts.