Maw mount for everyone is here

So with 9.0.5 came a surprise for me.
They introduced a new “crafted” mount for use in the Maw.
I only found out about this about 20m after doing the Shadehound Hunt and actually getting the rare mount drop from that!

It’s on wowhead, but it was kind of under the radar until they posted about it.
Here’s a link for how to get it: ***Must be Appreciative(Exalted) with Ve’nari

Great news for anyone not interested or unable to do TC 8 and not wanting to rely on the Shadehound hunt RNG.
Also another notch for mount collectors.


Wish I knew this was coming before I wasted 10 hours in TC.


Once you do it on one character, do you have to do the same quest on your other characters?

I’m not sure, but it seems to be account wide just like the TC and Shadehound Hunt mounts.

Nice. Will give it a go. I try to avoid that place as much as I can, lol. Reminds me of old school leveling where you walk everywhere.

It looks like it’s set up to be a bit of a grindy challenge considering where the Stygia notes are set to be placed. Might end up taking as long as doing TC for some people (although having the solutions to all the puzzles laid out on WoWgead should cut that down considerably.)

Even though I have the Corridor Crawler I may still try to make this for novelties sake - it’s not like there is much else to do in 9.0.5.

(Note to those whom this still seems like too much trouble. They have said that in 9.1 you can ride ANY mount in the Maw.)


Them sneakily adding this mount tells you all you need to know about the sub numbers… They wanted the maw to be no-mounts except for the elite of the elite and now that they arte bleeding subs over the maw they are doing patchwork repairs to try and stop the water coming in

People already quit, they aren’t coming back to farm the maw for weeks just to get on par with everyone else. I did TC 8 to get my mount, and the misery of that experience is what convinced me that this game is no longer interested in being fun…

This game is now entirely engineered to waste as much of a player’s time as possible…


Requires Appeciative (Exalted) rep with Venari in order to buy the necessary items.

Damn, now I wish I didn’t stop running those dailies a couple weeks ago.

i’ll be doing this grind very casually lol

the maw has just…gotten way too boring for me :neutral_face:


Does anyone know how long it takes to get this thing?

The Shadehound Hunt is also active right now for anyone wanting to try their luck for a mount that way.

The only part that has any real timesink is waiting for the rare Soulforger Rhovus, he drops an item needed to make the mount.

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I’ll just wait for 9.1 when you can mount in the maw on any mount.

Unless they don’t fix the anima drip feed. I’ll just stay out of the game period until they introduce the catch-up mechanics for that to be tolerable.


Do you people ever give it a rest? It’s getting old.


Eh!?! The Green Stuff the Mawsworn was extracting alongside the Blue-Grey Phantasma was the Stygia!?!

More and more Stygia looks like Life Energy! The same Life Energy sacrificed to create Fel Magic!

Sneaking this in? Month old news if you pay attention to the game.

whats funny is the shadehounds hunt in beastwarrens was up yesterday and lo and behold… i got that mount.

i was planning to do this quest, but now i dont need to

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Sucks because they can do better to make this expansion fun.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

No grinds necessary, Wowhead says. Except the grueling grind in the Maw to get on Venari’s good side which involves dealing with the Maw.