Maw Before Zooval

I am having a discussion about the Maw before Zooval and have some questions, maybe someone could help.

1 - There was a Maw before Zooval? He just improve but there was a “hell” before him?
2 - Who was there before him? What was there?
3 - Who control the maw before him?


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Someone can correct me on this, but I think the Maw was created to contain him and didn’t exist prior.

The maw was modified to serve its present purpose.

They dont tell us what it once was. Nor does it seem anyone controlled it.

Its one of countless plot unresolved threads kinda blowing in the wind.


But, if the Maw was created after Zooval, where they sent the “bad souls” ?

I don’t think it’s ever been addressed in-game, I’d assume either Revendreth or just flung into the Dark Beyond maybe?

We have no idea.


I like the idea that the Maw was created when Zooval was imprisoned…Perhaps the Maw was the original realm of Oribos…every EO has their own region for the respective purpose.

I like to think that souls were sent to the Maw as there were souls so irredeemable like Zooval that they were sent to there to wallow in the MAW like Zooval used to.

So Hell/Maw was the product of the Eternal War…

This lore was in the beta and removed for live

All the Maw Lore Items were stripped of lore

I know at one time, it was either hinted at or speculated or something that the Maw was formed by the Jailer grabbing land from the In-Between (like he did with Korthia), and Zozo was locked up in Torghast, which is where bad souls were imprisoned.

None of that, IIRC, made it live. The current answer is simple :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Oh, yeah for sure the land are bits of other realms he tore away and arranged as a staging ground for his armies. Before seemingly quite recently the Maw was just an empty seething abyss with Torgast floating in the center of it.

I still stand by my idea that the Maw was originally the place souls were sent to basically be deleted. Those who refused to repent in Revendreth were cast into oblivion, as were those souls the arbiter deemed so corrupt/dangerous they represented a threat to the Shadowlands as a system.

A Utilitarian Soteriology is definitely something Blizzard would imagine as Cool and Good

I was pretty sure that the maw was created by the eternals and powered by the heart of Ardenweald. Just like a black hole where not even light escapes, nothing escapes the maw. Maw gets weaker as the heart gets starved of anima. But then during the raid the jailor is in charge of the maw and expanding it around Oribus. I’m not sure of anything anymore.

The Heart of the Forest made the Maw inescapable until Kel’Thuzad found a way to circumvent the barriers through the House of Rituals’ Library.

Once that was done the Maw was able to easily invade Ardenweald and steal the Sigil from the Heart of the Forest killing it removing the barrier that the Mawsworn were already circumventing.

The Night Fae resurrect the Heart of the Forest to restore the Covenant Sigil but by that time the Jailer and his forces have already left the Maw.




We have adopted that as a suitable substitute of the Jailer’s name.


Not really. The final chapter of the Korthia campaign makes it seem that the creation of the new sigils happens before the events of SoD. As the questline makes it seem that SoD just happened. Given that Thrall and Jaina return to Korthia all battled and bruised. Which would explain why Zovaal had to use the Anima he got from Denathrius to expand the maw around Oribos.

I mean look at the Zereth Mortis campaign. The last 3 weeks of questlines are post Anduin but pre Zovaal encounters. Given that Pelagos acts like Zovaal is still around after becoming the Arbiter. With next week taking place after Zovaal is defeated.

My current thought is that Torghast was the place where Zovaal originally acted as Arbiter, to explain why souls would go straight to Torghast when not redirected in Oribos. Imprisoning souls that don’t pass his testing would also explain the Jailer moniker.

The entire purpose of jailing the irredeemable doesn’t even make sense in the setting though, since they could just execute the irredeemable. Sargeras’ demon problem ran into the issue of even new demons being always chaotic evil but souls are a whole different story.


The place where they make the Arbiter in the Zereth Mortis Campaign quest for this Week had it stated they use Souls to make the Arbiter so Zovaal(who would have to have been a Soul made into the Arbiter) keeping those he deemed unworthy locked up in his tower could simply be his personal method of dealing with them.

this guy just lost the discussion on the forum br, and came here to realize hes still wrong


Really, Fabiannos???
You losted the discussion for the Étel-Nemesis and go here ??? Do you not trusted in brazilian people?