Mathias Shaw is gay for Flynn Fairwind?

Just one question if things don’t work out for Shawind will they be renamed Flaw


If it doesn’t work out which i doubt. Shaw could hook up with valeera instead and flynn could have a pirite king harem.

Being honest… Flynn struck me as bi from the beginning. He just seemed like that would be fine with him.

I saw flynn and thought the movie tangled. With flynn rider theif extrordinar actual identity ugene a poor orphan boy.


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Every male Kul Tiran has a big gay in them.

Aww. :frowning:
/covers Neekó’s eyes
/proceeds to watch two male Kul Tiran dance :sparkling_heart:


How many of these threads must I enter to mute blizz!

No skin off my nose. If Shaw wants to hook up with an uncontrollable drunk, that’s on him. I’m just gonna stick with PvP.

To be fair that’s because male Kul Tiran’s are just way too fabulous.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also Shaw is apparently into cottage-core.

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the real questions is where i came up with ‘i’d peel them potato’s’? I don’t even know what that means.

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It’s a video game.

Except of course the part of the Alliance war campaign where they work closely together to break into the Zandalari treasure vault with lots of banter…

Yes. They made it fairly obvious the two will be hooking up, even to the point that Shaw gave Flynn a ring.

I’m all for having people of different sexual orientation in games. I don’t care if there are male/male or female/female relationships in the story. But for God’s sake, please create a homosexual character ; don’t convert one. I would definitely love to read the story of the character and his/her past relationships. It is a good thing to do. But to lazily put someone as gay just because is just that: LAZY.

Yup. Fairthias is a real thing. I am ok with it, LBGTQ need representation in game, more than one random line of “he was my husband” in game


Does it even matter? Everything in wow written is bad. Characters, stories, factions, races, entire world written in most simplistic primitive and “easy” way. It’s pointless to care. It’s like caring about pop-song lyrics.

It’s literally nothing compared to something like ESO lore written in billions lines of dialogues and books.

Did you not play WoW in BfA? There was an entire time where player character, and those two break into Zuldazar vaults, and theres nothing but banter between the two…

Didn’t the person who create Flynn say that he was bisexual from the get go? And have we ever had any books or other media that indicated what preference Shaw has? (I honestly don’t know if there has or hasn’t been any mention of Shaw liking anyone before this).

Oh the conversation I refer to is when Matthias and Valeera were talking.

I thought it might be something between them, but it doesn’t look like he reciprocates her interest. Not directly.

You’re right, I think they are just pandering. Now I’m not saying I want it to be as good as the Nightrunner series but it doesn’t feel natural because they haven’t really set it up that way.

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