I get that patron orders are supposed to be there for extra acuity and a few extra knowledge points. I understand that patron orders don’t always have the required mats and some should be provided by me for that extra perk of getting knowledge and acuity.
But… it seems like Blacksmithing is the only profession where the most expensive material is omitted almost 100% of the time. I have every profession maxed. I do the patron orders for every profession every day, and even have a few professions maxed on multiple characters. Blacksmithing is the only profession where the expensive material is omitted from the patron orders consistently.
Currently (at the exact moment of writing this) I have 4 items in my patron orders that all require “sanctified alloy” amongst other materials. None of those orders have included the sanctified alloy. To complete these orders I would need 28 sanctified alloy. If I were to do the math, it would cost me a bit over 26k gold to buy the sanctified alloy to complete these 4 orders. Now, if I were to craft the sanctified alloy myself, I would need at most 14 Profaned Tinderboxes (without a multicraft proc), and if I didn’t have the required materials for that, buying 14 Profaned Tinderboxes would cost me 28k gold.
No other profession has this discrepancy. I read somewhere that they were going to try to offer more of the expensive materials in the patron orders, but I don’t think they’ve done that with Blacksmithing. This needs to be fixed.
I recently leveled blacksmithing and I couldn’t believe the patron order costs. I thought it was absurd when the enchanting patron order for a crest was like 2k and gave like 1 KP or 30 acuity. When I saw the blacksmithing ones I was legit taken aback. They really need to take another look at patron orders and balance them out a bit better.
Profaned Tinderboxes are the same on every realm I have characters on… whether it’s my small pop server Nazgrel, or a high pop server like Illidan or Hyjal. All of them have Tinderboxes at or around the 2k mark (give or take 10 gold).
May I introduce you to my new earthen BFF? His name is Borgos he sells stuff for BS AND tinderboxes at ridiculous prices! And he stands RIGHT NEXT TO the BS table!!!
Seriously! Buying tinderboxes from the AH is a thing of the past!
While true, it costs 3 of the other expensive materials to purchase. Not only do I use those other materials (because I have every profession maxed), but to trade them would be a net gold loss. For instance, Gloomfathom Hides are almost 700 gold each (2.1k vs 2k). The same goes for Vial of Kaheti Oils, Ringing Deeps Ingots, and Viridian Charmcaps. Each only a couple gold difference between them. While Profaned Tinderboxes are the most expensive, the exchange rate doesn’t work in my favor.
To caveat, the cheapest way to get them is to exchange Undercoin currency for the Delver’s Pouch of Reagents or running Delves for a chance to loot them at the end. But those are all RNG dependent and not a reliable farming method.
It seems like to me the logical solution is to provide sufficient materials to patron crafting orders or make profaned tinderboxes a lot more accessible. I say just skip the middleman and give us the materials in the patron orders more frequently or just don’t give so many orders that require expensive materials.
Gees, you buy those from the AH still? I am prolly shooting in mine own foot here, but go visit the murloc! There is a bag I will use to empty my currencies with before the next season. Hope I am not too cryptic.
Yeah, I already stated that. It’s not reliable enough to farm that way. When you’re using these materials as frequently as I am, there’s not much of a surplus to exchange.
Oh fine! You are soooo right! Tis a conspiracy against you! You are a victim of sooo much abuse! You are doomed to spend all you gold in that endless pit!
Love you mog btw! Very imaginative on a KT. I will leave you to your cesspool of recriminations.
Yikes, maybe you could chill out a little bit and not make excuses for an obvious oversight. I’m giving out actual solutions to a problem that exists in the game. Blacksmithing is the only profession that requires about 100k gold in materials a week if you were to do them all. No other profession even comes close to needing material that expensive.
The tinderbox problem has been addressed in good measure seeing as they use to be 9k a pop. You want them lowered further? Are you sure it would ever be enough? Probably not.
No, as that wouldn’t address the issue as much as just not giving as many patron orders that require materials that use them. Blacksmiths can make a myriad of items, yet a majority of the orders require the most expensive materials.
I feel like you’ve hijacked the spirit of this post with your inability to comprehend simple reasonings. This post isn’t about Profaned Tinderboxes so much as it’s a post about Blacksmithing Patron Crafting Orders not giving enough materials in line with other crafting professions.
Oh I get it, no worries. You want the alloys to be provided in all the orders. Sure, would be such an easy fix. You know what I see coming from that? Legions bringing out there resource tools and ignitions + frames and flooding the ah with resource procs. Probably would not affect you so it must not count? There are some BS that went full into the alloy part of bs that would be irritated by that. The balance we got will have to do.
BS has always been a costly profession. Started with arcanite bars all the way to the alloys. You want it cheaper? Go make a tailor or somethin.
Commodities like profaned tinderbox are region based not realm based on the AH. Yes, profaned tinderboxes have been edging up towards the 2k mark. It’s also the weekend. People ask for crafts on the weekend. Profaned tinderbox come from delves, primarily. Less people doing delves. More demand, less supply -->price increase.
The rule I learned is: if it stacks, it is region-based. If it doesn’t, it is realm-based.
Borgos trades other delve mats at a 3: 1 ratio. As such, the other materials have all popped up so that they are roughly 1/3 of the tinderbox value.
Instead, please consider going to Sir Finley Mrrglton in Dornogal /way 47.6, 43.7 . There, you can purchase “Delver’s Pouch of Reagents” for 500 undercoin.
It will give 3 random reagents, but if you’re sitting on thousands of undercoin (you can transfer from your alts too), this is the best way to get Profaned Tinderbox.
Edit: as far as your other comment, I do not find that BS gives any more or less materials than any other profession.
I don’t think making another tailor will solve this problem.
Even though I’m reiterating exactly what I said before, I’m not sure you’re going to comprehend it a second time. I’m not asking for all of the alloys to be covered all of the time. Just more than they are now. I don’t mind giving all the materials every once in a while but…
That’s not a “one-off” situation. All I’m asking for is them to be consistent and in line with other professions.
You realize that it gives you more orders from specializations YOU chose right?
Also, the glimmers persist, so yes, they can pile up if you don’t do them.
It is entirely consistent. Are you saying Blizzard coded in “hehe let’s shaft the BS people with lots of extra orders with Sanctified alloy muhuhahaha” (while petting the white cat of course).
Blizzard also cannot choose the prices of things, except on an overall rough amount. Prices are based on what people do. No ppl doing delves? No ppl using their undercoin on mats? It drives the price up. What do you want them to do? FORCE people to do delves?
Please read through the entire thread before you give advice that has already been addressed.
The amount of items no, but the amount of items created that require expensive materials (i.e. items requiring sparks), Blacksmithing patron orders are higher than any other profession.
If you don’t think my solution of providing more of the expensive materials more often is a good solution, then cool, I’m sure there are other solutions to explore. But don’t attack the validity of my post. I have empirical evidence that Blacksmithing patron orders are exponentially more expensive than every other profession due to the lack of materials provided.
I too have every profs spread out on the alt army. Partial mats or full mats provided are few and far between in all of them in roughly the same amount. You are noticing the bs ones because the prices sting a little more. That is all.
I want all the jc dust provided all the time! Same for the chaos circuits, exquisite bolts, vials, ciphers/greenwoods, residues/spores and all those pesky types of hides. See?
There was an imbalance for BS. It has been addressed. You say not enough, and its never enough.
So you don’t understand the issue… For instance, my Engineer has had two total items that required sparks in the patron crafting orders this week (maxed and specialized in helms, bracers, and guns). Both items together required 6x Charged Alloy, 4x Writhing Hide, 21x Gyrating Gear, 4x Entropy Enhancers and 4x Decorative lenses. For a whopping total of 4,417g if I bought the cheapest materials on the auction house at this exact moment and none of the items were provided (guess how many rare materials were required in obtaining these materials)
Now, let’s talk about Blacksmithing. 1x Everforged Greataxe in the orders right now. 2x sparks and 1x Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap provided. I need - 8x Sanctified Alloy, 2x Ironclaw Alloy, and 1x Superb Beast Fang. For a grand total of 8,467g and that’s for a single item. I have 4 of these orders right now, two out of the 4 provide only the sparks. The last one is providing the charged alloy (a whole 365g saved there).
Remember when I asked you to guess how many of those items in the Engineering crafting orders used rare materials? 0. Do you know how many items in the Blacksmithing patron orders requires rare materials? All 4, totaling 14 Profaned Tinderboxes and 2 Superb Beast Fangs (not obtainable with the Blacksmithing profession).
Now, this wouldn’t be an issue if one or two of those orders provided the sanctified alloy. It would still be more expensive than every other profession’s orders, but it would be palatable.
edit: Now lets talk about that JC dust… The most expensive item to make in jewelcrafting that requires dust aside from the pvp bloodstones is either the Extravagant Loupes or the Beautification Iris, depending on the day and the price of gems at any given time. If we were to buy the items needed for making the most expensive Jewelcrafting patron order, that would be 1,175g. Dust is currently about 22g per and you need an exorbitant amount of 16 of those for the acuity used crafting tools/accessories. I think I could manage 352g compared to the 1k per single sanctified alloy.