Blacksmithing crafting orders absurdly expensive by comparison

The cost of mats for blacksmithing crafting orders are WAY out of line compared to other professions. For example, out of the 5 possible orders granting knowledge points right now, just 3 of them have a combined mat cost of nearly 21k gold. Compare this to tailoring at only 2k gold, and leatherworking at 4.6k gold (for all 3 knowledge point npc orders). It’s just so far out of line with other professions, and it happens way too often. Blacksmithing shouldn’t cost 5-10x what other profs require to level.


First time doing blacksmithing?


I assume you mean the NPC orders? That isn’t an issue with the system. They only seem inflated because the cost of the raw materials are more expensive. They would have to make the NPCs provide everything except like 1 or 2 bars to make the cost equivalent to the other professions.

You don’t have to assume I mean NPC orders - it’s right there in what I wrote lol. Yes, the cost of the raw materials are more expensive, and it could be easily fixed by simply requiring less mats. That just might have been the whole point of posting the topic.


The individual costs of blacksmithing mats will be higher, even with fewer because: weapons

Ok, so what happens when the cost of mats changes? Will the devs need to implement some kind of real-time market monitoring to balance out what is provided?

How much of that would you save by mining the ore and making the alloys yourself?

Furthermore, what is the “right” price? If it seems expensive that must mean you have a number in mind. If it just means what the other professions are, then that number isn’t constant either. Those costs fluctuate too.

This actually shouldn’t be too hard…

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Nobody should be paying 10k for a knowledge point, the system in general should be adjusted to make catch-up knowledge cheap for all crafting professions. The drawback of only being able to catch up slowly over time is already there.

I don’t think anyone at Blizz explicitly intended this. They just created a system to randomly produce patron orders in exchange for knowledge points and didn’t really think about having to address how much a lot of them would actually cost.

None of it, because if you use 21k in materials instead of buying 21k in materials you’re still costing yourself 21k. Plus most of it is down to ringing deep ingots (pardon me, profaned tinderboxes actully) which are rng/not explicitly farmable quite expensive regardless.


Knowledge points are way faster to get this time than in Dragonflight.

If an order is too expensive for your liking? Don’t do it.

It’s that simple.

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almost all those patron orders are a ripoff for knowledge points. Doing the weekly quests was a lot superior in dragonflight. If they do this same next expansion I might not bother with professions even though that is the only thing I have done for years now.


Are the people complaining about the work orders also digging up the free points you get every week? I hope so, but somehow I doubt it.

The whole two points a week. But yes.

And the weekly crafting orders quest. And the profession treatises. Cause every point I miss is one I’ll have to catch up later and that sucks. Plus treatises can’t be caught up at all, if you miss one a week that point is just gone forever. A blacksmith alt I’m trying to catch up gathered over 150 wax in the past 2 weeks trying to get those items btw. Also just a tad excessive. :triumph:


2 to 4 depending on professions. Some professions give you more free ones than others. I believe you get 4 from blacksmithing items.

And I think the drop rate was broken for the last few weeks on those profession items. Huge improvement this week.

Why? What is so important for you to be making right now, which you are not?

I make everything people ever ask me for and don’t have stuff all filled out; you don’t need it.

Concentration made filling in points even less important than it was in Dragonflight. As long as you have the skill & mats to hit the 4-star breakpoint, you’re home free.

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Alchemy, inscription, and jewelcrafting get 4 points. :slight_smile:
Rest are 2/wk.

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Because I’m already falling behind due to expensive patron orders, so any other point I can get is important, yes. And Titans forbid I want to get use out of a profession that I have. :smile:

“I bet people complaining aren’t even getting the free points they can.”
“I am though.”
“Well… that doesn’t matter either!”


Edit: Not to mention the people catch-up KP are actually supposed to be helping catch-up, aka if you picked up a profession any time after the first week of launch. Do I need every KP tomorrow? Not at all, catch-ups are already time-gated for crafting professions. The costs are just silly is all.


Falling behind? In what?

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Its simply a point about parity.

BS is more expensive than tailoring and LW.

Mind, I don’t know what the BS work orders are. For tailoring its typically a bunch of the blue gear, and some of the epic gear. But in the end, its just gear – legs, cloaks, whatever. Gear that nobody buys.

Most of the expensive mats are professions mats. Like Leyline Residue, which is a rare herbing mat. It’s around 130g or so on my server, or Gleaming Shards, which are an enchanting mat.

Now the BS recipes may require similar materials. But, for whatever reason, nobody farms them, or they’re used for other things, which makes them rare and expensive.

Typically on tailor craft its 5 Leyline Residue, or 3 Gleaming Shards. Perhaps BS is 5 XYZ and 3 QED. But those XYZ are stupid rare compared to Leyline Residue, and the market react appropriately.

Honestly, there’s nothing they can really do about it. They could buff the drop rate of these other mats (depending on where they come from), that would be the “easiest” way. But with what other consequences?

Its arguably impossible for Blizzard to balance the economy, but they potentially could make some tweaks that could help impact availability and, ideally, thus lower prices.