Master looter returning in the future

Ahhh yes the warlock needing on plate armor just because

I doubt it will be what people think it will be.

“The End” of that specific line of argument.

Because some people are ok with other players not getting loot then it should be fine for these players? The ML is fine with only giving loot to his buddies but the person who’s getting the punishment is not, but that’s ok since… the ML is ok? Cute.

The people you claim are “putting up with it” are not being affected by it.

guy who benefits from ML so he can organize a funnel raid for his streams
asking decision making guy questions that reveal this system’s vulnerability

Are you being intentionally this stupid?

I think i made it very clear in the thread I only really want Master Looter back for guild groups. There are already features in place to make sure guilds can be classified as a ‘guild’ group. I don’t really care if they kept forced PL for pugs.

I don’t pug any content anymore and if Blizzard thinks pugs can’t be trusted that’s on them. Don’t like pugging? Find a guild.

Look who’s talking about weak arguments.

Making people waste weeks trying to raid and find a guild, only to have to leave and have all that time wasted for the sake of giving freedom for people to take over the looting process.

Its the only answer. You dont like how a group works, you go to a different group.

Personal choice is a cop out answer.


You ask what the method of distributing loot is before you start raiding.

See this falls apart as a comparison mow because the repercussion of not finding work is not eating ot having a home. But that doesnt compare to wow. Trying to find the drastic comparison is backfiring on you.

And so this actually is a valid defense because you weird scenario doesn’t hold up as a comparison.

There are other guilds and you are very free to go to other ones.

Why are you in that group if you dont trust the raid leader? In so confused by this point.

Then leave.

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I didn’t read the thread. Let me guess, though:

  1. People who do progression raiding want loot options back.
  2. People who don’t do progression raiding do not, but felt the need to chatterbox away even though they don’t do progression raiding so it doesn’t even affect them.

Did I get it right?


It’s the only answer YOU have and it doesn’t work. That’s… the point. Hence “cornered”. That’s literally what I said there. Yeah.

You and Timbae just follow the same playbook.

Here’s the thing… you don’t have master loot and Ion isn’t bringing it back. You guys can use your little logical fallacies… but you’re still losing. Because forum gimmicks don’t change the opinion of the majority of players.

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Knowing Blizzard? Probably, I have my reservations based on how he felt the need to answer it, but we will see what they come up with.

If it takes you weeks to figure out if a guild is bad, that really is on you.

This hinges on 100% failure rate. Have you tried finding a good guild instead?

Master loot is way more freedom for people than PL as it is now.

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Insults aren’t going to win you the argument as soundly as you think. If you think the only thing stopping asmon from getting loot from his playerbase is master looter then you should probably look in the mirror next time you ask this question you clown.

So you’d rather guilds accept your application, then when you join bend to your demands because you personally don’t agree with loot distrubtion in the guild? Okay i changed my mind I’d rather guilds just kick people like you.

If someone joined my team and immediately started complaining about loot that’s what I would do, I hope other guilds take note and start doing this.

The fact that there are so many people who think quitting a guild isn’t a reasonable response to things playing out that don’t make you happy just makes you look like a WoW Karen.

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I liked this quote of Ion’s:
Going back to Legion, we had personal and group loot in parallel, and maintaining two versions of loot in terms of how the data is setup, the UI experience, the code… was a mess.

Funny how the original developers of WoW had no problem maintaining 4 loot options in the game, but the current team struggles with two.

I know you probably haven’t finished applying your clown makeup but it might surprise you that Brewa and I have clashed heads on topics more than probably any other pair of posters on the forums.

The fact we agree on something quite frankly warrants a celebration.

edit: he’s also entirely right :clown_face:

Except for the strange reality that it does work.

Your point is a fear tactic. By assuming the worst outcome 100% of the time.

I dont think you know what cornered means.


And yet… you don’t have Master Looter.



Cope up baby, the reasoning remains clear. You asked if it had faults wouldn’t it be brought up with Ion in the interview. I showed you why that’s a stupid question.

Ion also said if you want Blonde High Elves, the Horde is there for you.

He seems to grab on to which ever Twitter “Hashtag” has the most “Google Trends” on “MySpace”, or something.

He also said :

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And it shouldn’t be. Master loot was abused a lot. I was fortunate to be in a guild which didn’t abuse it, but anytime grouping outside my guild found me running into abuses left and right. Master loot should never be an option in groups containing people who aren’t connected in the game in some way. (Example: Being in guild together.)

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