Massive stutters with DF client

Proceeds to play Final Fantasy 14 with no stutters, frame drops but no stutters

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well that’s an easy fix then… just unsub til the problem gets fixed next year and play the other games that run perfectly on my PC

thanks for the heads up, have a lovely evening.

Yes, massive frame drops. Also, plenty of people are playing WoW with no stutters. I’ve showcased this multiple times now. Even cleared the driver shader cache to prove it. See my post about it for more details(the frame time graph is from 0-50ms btw):

More power too you, good luck!

how on earth is this not a top post?

i9 12900k
32gb ram
rx 6900 xt 16gb

vsync is off
fps cap is off

25% gpu and cpu usage in all the new content regardless of the number of people. infact, the only place that works as intended is the Empyrean Domain arena which is hilarious because in shadowlands that was the only place that had low GPU usage.

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I am late to joining this conversation. Anyway, I took a break just before Christmas, to go on holiday. Before that time everything worked fine 100fps at a minimum and usually more than that. I came back from holiday on Jan 1 and my FPS was down to 15 or less. I reset my all my interface options, that fixed it.
After today’s restart I had to do it again. Not sure what is happening. Hope this gets sorted soon, I hate having to set up the few addons I have every time after interface reset.

Are your graphic drivers up to date? Have you done a clean install?

I feel the same way. It’s mind-blowing, 20 years later the game decides to run like crap and… crickets.


NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency Mode Coming in Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 - Wowhead News

On retail I have activated LowLatencyMode in config, but I really can’t tell if it works or not. Assume not and it will now actually work, doubt it will remove the stutters tho.

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doubt it, anti lag stuff didn’t do jack, when i was running it, I don’t think NVIDIA’s won’t be any better. It’s the game engine. anyway I let my sub ran out, so only forums i can post are here now, as i’m checking back every few days.


They appear to have made some changes to the rendering engine on the PTR vs Live. Seems like the PTR will use more GPU than live does(made sure that I wasn’t using the new reflex stuff). Here’s two aligned screenshots taken in the exact same position/location from a copied character. The frame rates are identical, but I’ve got a feeling that if I test areas with more CPU bottlenecking, the PTR client might pull ahead a little bit more:


I double checked all of the settings to make sure it was a 1:1 test and I double checked my AMD control panel to make sure both clients had identical profile setups. Game is on slider 10 with distance sliders dropped down to 8 and RT on fair.

The PTR engine is different from the Live version, always has been for testing purposes. That’s why there will never be 1:1 identical performance. Since they added Reflex how hard could it be to add DLSS or FSR 2.2?

Edit: the stuttering in Valdrakken is actually worse on PTR, even with no players around.


That’s my point… It’s showcasing changes that are coming to live soon… Hence my comparison of PTR to live… They probably made some small optimizations to the engine, in an effort to relieve some of the CPU bottlenecking.

FSR 2 could be implemented, but since WoW lacks TAA and even motion blur, it likely doesn’t have a velocity buffer. DLSS? Probably not any time soon, but also for similar reasons and due to it being proprietary, it needs Nvidia’s permission and stamp of approval.

It does not showcase performance changes on PTR coming to Live, there’s no way of predicting that. It also currently suffers severe memory leaks, which I made go away by entering and exiting the barber shop (probably works with other actions as well).

Moreover this entire thread is made because Blizzard did something to the WoW client and how it fetches artwork, like 3D models and textures from local storage, causing these nasty pop-ins and stutters. They’re just looking at every other possible “solution”, when it’s always been Blizzard messing up.


Almost 2k replies and 74k views, and still no communication on the issue being fixed anytime soon…


Maybe meaningful, maybe not. Raid did the skip last night. Then went back to re-clear. FPS dropped on exact same bosses (& start of Eranog completely froze, as per usual).
Used to think the complete freezes happened first boss pull but it seems more like FIRST boss pull no matter what the boss order is.
The worst dungeon offenders for me are NO, Ruby and HoV first trash pulls. You know, the fun stuff that’ll get you killed standing still and set a great tone.

I decided to flush $15 down the toilet and subbed for science to see how my brand new PC ran WoW. I could tell it was gonna stutter when it loaded the character screen, and stutter it did. I could see it in Org and there were probably only like 20 people there.



What specs are you running?

No idea but this really needs to get fixed or I’m just going to stop paying my sub.

Really tired of playing “world of supportcraft”


I got so sick of the bad performance i went back to classic era. Everything is so smooth. It felt nice to just play without stuttering and glitches.


I mean, that’s a game that has been made by better developers…

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