Massive stutters with DF client

this is how every problem is… whenever you put in a ticket, all blizzard tells you to do is reset user interface… other than that, they have zero response.

my system specs are as follows:

Processor: 12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900H
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Ram: 64 GB 4800MHz

i would really like a reply from blizzard regarding these issues.

You already got one(AMD is also a part of that mix, but it has a tiny install-base compared to Nvidia, so it doesn’t get as large of a voice in situations like this):

Again, it doesn’t seem to affect every configuration and seems to be the minority vs people that can play just fine without suttering.


Every single WoW Df stream or youtube video have stutters in them, just most people are used to it or don’t notice. I wish every player and video had frametime graph available to show this.


The stutter does seem particularly pernicious after maintenance this week…maybe that’s because there are more players on doing their weekly tasks, or maybe it’s just my imagination. But the stutter is certainly still there and I’m not imagining that!


Tested in a raid environment. Stutters still occur with sound on regardless of settings. Also i have noticed a bit of a spike when the last mob of a pack dies ( Someone else mentioned this too ).

I have tried with max sound channels max cache and the opposite. Stutter for me more or less remains the same. Sadly still, if I want non-stutter gameplay I have to play with sounds off =(

Blizzard we have given you all the information you could possibly need. Lets get this done…

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I’m having crashes, too. Between 2006-2021, I had zero crashes from WOW. I’m not lying about that. I was playing on a $350 Walmart HP. The load times were outrageous, but once I got in, the game never crashed, and I could go to any city and walk around fine.

I’m playing on a $1,456 Alienware laptop with recommended specs and my dragon’s movement often crashes the game outright. This couldn’t be a computer issue. If it is, they lied about recommended specs.

I have no idea what’s causing it, but I’ve had more crashes in Dragonflight than I’ve had the entire rest of the time I played Warcraft combined. The game has outright disconnected at least 20 times while playing in areas where it was just me walking along. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. And then other times, I can mythic+ or raid.

I am getting so sick of these freezes in raids. I didn’t mind it so much in the DF pre-patch because my guilds raid roster was fairly thin. Tonight we raided with 25 people and the freezes were so bad that they caused numerous people die and even caused a few wipes. It’s definitely not GPU issue either. It doesn’t matter if I have my graphics maxed out, or if I have them at the minimum, the freezes occur. I’m noticing they tend to happen when people are popping off with Cooldowns, both DPS and Healer. WoW has always been tough on CPU’s but if people who are using 5800X3D’s are having issues as well, it’s something with Dragonflight.


There is an issue that I have personally had with disconnections when taking off with dragon riding and I have to reconnect from the log in screen.

This is definitely where the frame stutter can be at it’s worst. That and zoning in and out of areas populated with NPCs and/or players.


I have gone back to storm wind and org because it gives me the illusion that my fps is better now :smiley:


I’m starting to think this is true. Apparently the newer generation of PC players just don’t care. After so many years of high framerates, if anything is amiss, unfortunately I notice immediately. I honestly wish I didn’t have such a sharp eye for it (I don’t need graphs to see DF runs like trash), because I can’t bring myself to lower my standards after decades of demanding smooth performance. I’ve spent a huge chunk of my total computer time just tweaking settings and finding the perfect sweet spot for my games. Literally hours upon hours just for WoW alone, only to run into a brick wall the moment DF prepatch hit.

Consistent performance to me is the absolute most important visual aspect of any game, whether it’s high or low FPS doesn’t matter, it’s consistency that really counts. Sadly I don’t think Blizzard is gonna do anything about this because as we said, nobody seems to care. So why would they waste their time? This might be just the way things are gonna be from now on.


Well I switched from windows 10 to 11 and it made the Stuttering worse. But I can play Doom Eternal at 4k Extreme settings 400 FPS with a 5800x3d and XTX 7900 , I have never had a problem with WOW technically Ever before Dragon flight. Some people ask why are you using a card like that to play a 20 year old game , well I LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT but I cannot stand the Stuttering. So I am taking a Break.


I think there is a very real element of truth to this statement. I mean, unless the framerate drops consistently and for long periods of time to 10 or less, most “gamers” I know, just ignore it and keep on playing.

True. Look how long console players were stuck with 30 fps because the hardware couldn’t do 60 fps consistently.

That’s a very real possibility. Their engine was never designed to deal with 900% movement speed. I suspect the changes they needed to make to support this feature introduced other issues that they either don’t know how to fix or are just hoping people will not notice and move on.


Yes I saw that (over a month ago) and the issues have not improved whatsoever in that 4-5 week period (which is a full month’s sub). There have been over 600 posts in this thread since blizzard posted that response.

When I asked for a reply, I wanted a more recent reply that possibly might have some sort of ETA on a fix.

This previous reply just says “ we’re aware of the issue but have no idea how to fix it.”

Has there been any update on this?

This! I received a beta invitation for the first time in Dragonflight. The moment i loged in i knew something was wrong and just hoped they wouldn’t deliver the game like that.

Since the launch i’ve been forcing myself to keep playing trying to not fall behind my guildmates in gear and it wasn’t a fun experience, spent more time looking for a solution than actually playing the game.

At this point i just think we are a very little niche and that they will not bother spending resources to resolve our problem.


I made a post on reddit (in a thread about FPS problems) a few hours ago saying the same thing!

And yeah, I’m starting to think that this is the new normal. If a large portion of the playerbase is ignorant of what they can or should expect performance-wise, then Blizzard’s almost utter silence on this particular problem makes sense. Why fix a problem when the players are too dumb to realize there is a problem?

Still, this thread is enormous and a part of me wants to believe that if we can keep this train rolling, they’ll be forced to fix the problem that they friggin’ created the day the DF pre-patch was released.

Its true most people do not care about the stutter. Casual players, LFR players, could really care less about a split second of stutters here and there.

But people that are doing 15+ keys, high end arena rating climbers, RBG players, this kind of stuff drives us crazy. We notice, and are quite annoyed by it. It takes our attention away from what we need to pay attention to. I cannot state just how annoying this is for me personally…

And yes, I expect tip top performance in this game. It is what I pay monthly for. This should be the top of the food chain type of game, and it feels like we got the KMART version instead from a performance viewpoint…


The useless “help” from blues and trolls doesn’t make it better either, “Df is just using more resources blah blah”. I tested in other games to get a similar performance drop of what we’ve seen between Sl and Df (fps wise, no other games stutters), and I had to up the resolution from 1440p to 8k to achieve that. Poor people trying to update bios, change hardware, reinstall OS etc, all for nothing.

And yeah, another week and no fix or response.

game performance feels like trash since DF pre patch with rtx 3070 ti amd x5800

Meanwhile, playing Resident Evil Village on high settings at 1080p 60fps
My computer must be too old for WoW


Some issues like this can take months to years to actually be resolved. Look how long it took Nvidia to fix the asset flickering… no joke, like a year and a half… Only to recently mess it up again on some configurations. MPO is still broken as hell on both Nvidia and AMD and that’s been an issue for a long time now, but they are kind of at the mercy of Microsoft to fully fix the issue on both ends.

Point is, some things take time. As long as the bulk majority of users aren’t bothered by it, Microsoft isn’t going to rush to cater the top 10% of configurations. They are faaaaaaar more concerned with potentially creating more security exploit holes, through things like the DWM and DX12, which they recently had to correct some issues with.

You mean a game with fixed load screens and where the engine knows exactly what fixed assets it’s going to need and compile?

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