Massive stutters with DF client

At the start of the clip, that’s where I was alt tabbed(8fps in the background) or starting the recording. Any of the other dips or bumps were super minor, like +/- 2ms. Largest number I could spot was 20ms(50fps) but was only for a single frame or two. But that’s not hitching or stuttering and if the frame graph and FPS meter weren’t up up, you’d barely even notice it. Point is, it runs pretty stable on this cheap setup on mostly maxed out settings. The Valdrakken results will be roughly the same.

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Still having terrible performance on a AMD 5950x, 3080 TI, and 32gb ram. WoW is installed on a SSD, all drivers are up to date and I’ve even updated my bios and tried pretty much everything else I can think of. Hopefully they address this soon because this is ridiculous.


How has this still not been addressed…


Must be nice.

I have a 12700k, a 3080, I’ve set my monitor to 60hz, set resolution to 1920x1080 windowed, no addons, no AA, set my graphics to 10, No rtx and I still cannot reach 60fps in valdrakken—on these settings I’ve yet to go over 50 fps and I still get spikes that drop me to 30fps in populated environments.

I can reach 60 fps in populated areas if I set everything to low and if I zoom in a bit but that should not be necessary.

Starts by flat out denying there was a problem, claiming the problem was 100% fixed then telling people who still had the problem to waste time with “fixes” including telling novices to update their BIOS. At long last admitted there was a problem, yet still insists on “helping” people address an issue proven to be with the game itself in order to justify their existence in this thread and flex their computer knowledge. Most of us are way past the point of “starting to think”…


The initial bug of this thread was fixed, yes. It was a CVAR and Blizzard has since patched that(it was causing shader stutter related to caching). That bug is gone gone and has been for a long while now.

The remainder of people still having stuttering issues, well it’s mostly a system issues on their end. If the game can run fine on a dinky i3 10100, then yeah, there’s either something wrong with your operating environment or people are wildly inflating their claims.

I didn’t recall saying or denying that it was a problem, but I have said that there have been changes to the CPU end of the game engine and that this expansion raised the CPU requirements of the game. The extra CPU usage, that can lead to CPU bottlenecking while many players/npcs are around, may or may not be a bug. Again, we are on the 10.XX client and not the 9.XX client. If the engine didn’t make under the hood changes, we’d still be playing on 1000Mhz cpus, 512MB of ram and 64MB gpus…

I have, however, shown plenty of tests and benchmarks throughout the thread and have asked for others to actually provide emperical evidence of their claims. Very few people have actually produced video clips showcasing the issues with something like an afterburner overlay showing frame times, CPU usage and GPU usage.

Then, when a blue does post an update here explaining what’s going on, they get the typical “fake news” treatment because they didn’t say what you wanted to hear.

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The CVar trick to fix camera stutters I and several other people did on the Df Beta, and there was still stutters, just like now. It’s been months with these issues and no fix. These repeats from you makes me wonder if you got a bottleneck somewhere in the northern region.


Okay but still. What you’re saying is invalid due to the fact that the hardware I’m using isn’t worth thousands. I’m literally using older hardware, higher end older hardware? Sure but it’s not the 5% none the less, especially with the GPU market the way it is right now.

I have a 1080ti, which is super close in comparison to the 3060. By your logic with the steam database, I should expect about the same performance from one of the most commonly used cards on the steam database. I also play on a 60hz monitor and flying into Valdrakken and having my FPS drop from 50-60 to 20-30 is unacceptable. There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind.

It doesn’t matter how far I turn my graphics down. It will still persist with the same issues. So, even if I drop my settings to the LOWEST settings, when does this become an issue where “the game requires better hardware” becomes “Blizzard just needs to get their s$@& together and fix the damned issue?”

It’s not just the stutters that’s an issue but it’s also the pop in. I’ve heard multiple people tell me that they experience pop in too. I love watching the trees change from their unculled model to their fully rendered model. Please, put the sword down and understand that just because YOU aren’t able to have or understand this issue; it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Doesn’t matter if you have a 4090 or a 1050, if your CPU is bottlenecking. MMOs are almost always CPU bound and WoW’s CPU demand increased in 10.XX. Again, you’re only able to render as fast as your slowest link, which in this case is the CPU.

That is definitely deliberate and there’s a 99% chance it’s tied to the rendering changes made for dragonriding at 90000000% speed. You can have a locked 150fps and they still take time to pop in, but there’s no stutter associated with them.

Again, I outlined the three main issues that people are still complaining about:

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More high quality BS. Why are you still here? You have made it abundantly clear you have no reason to be here, and yet here you are…trying to prove to everybody that you are right, trying to get the last word over everybody, and just being a negative nancy that nobody wants to deal with…

You know what your biggest problem is? You dont respect anybody. You dont respects peoples problems, or issues, and you call them “entitled” for voicing legit performance concerns. You are one annoying gnat, and pretty much everybody wants you to go away and move on. And yet you remain even though this thread has nothing to do with you…

You are not that smart. Your computer knowledge is superficial at best. You are not always right. And we tired of dealing with your ego. Plz just go away. You are not welcome and this thread does not concern you…

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I understand that MMO’s are CPU bound and the bottlenecking is an issue but my dude… You just did it! You just figured it out!

Pat yourself on the back for coming up with the answer that this is due to Blizzard’s engine. You can say other MMO’s are the same but optimization is a thing and maybe it’s time blizzard did put the resources into re-configuring it. Specs only come down to so much which most of us meet the recommended, let alone the minimum requirements.

A game is art, right? Therefore the game should try to LIVE up to the artists’ artistic vision. Yeah? I highly doubt barely rendered trees were purposefully done. There are tons of games that move at high speeds, constantly loading things in, that don’t have this issue.

Wikipedia quotes pop in as –

(computer graphics, video games) A performance issue in three-dimensional graphics, causing objects or textures to “pop” suddenly into view as they are loaded, rather than smoothly moving into view.

great, so now we know that Pop in is an issue to assets loading in. Let’s look at draw distance now.

(computer graphics) The maximum distance from the camera at which objects are rendered in a three-dimensional scene.

So lets google how to resolve pop in and what the main cause of it is. This is one of the first articles I got when doing so.

If you are gaming on PC, one way to reduce texture pop in is to upgrade your PC hardware to use faster components. Consoles are obviously more limited, but there is one thing you can do. Changing the disk drive is the best thing you can do to reduce texture pop in on PC and consoles.

SSDs or solid state drives are known for their incredibly fast read and write speeds when compared to the more common spinning disk drives. With the ability to read and write far quicker, textures will load much quicker. This may not eliminate texture pop in that is a result of game engine or programming, but it will greatly reduce pop in caused by your read speeds.

So pop in relies mostly on disk read/write speed. Interesting. Interesting! Damn… it must be my CPU bottle-necking my SSD. Right? I mean… I can upgrade my components, let alone my entire computer and would still have this issue because why? Blizzard doesn’t want to cater to the 5%? An issue, is an issue. Quit white knighting. I will out research you and I will prove your claims to be invalid almost every single time and with everything you throw at me. I’m tired of this issue and so is everybody else.


Dude he gets off on this stuff. The more you argue, the more he types nonsense, it never ends.

He has no reason to be here except to pick fights and argue with people. He lives quite a sad existence…


He is either a Blizzard sockpuppet or mentally unwell.

Unrelated reminder: remember to always report trolls.


This is probably windows issue new AMD gpus have stuttering in VR in windows but frametime is abselutly flatlined in linux heck if tested linux im bit of a linux noob i do know bash commands etc ubuntu but decided to test manjaro which is arch based bit harder for me anyway games run better for me on linux atm then in windows, i guess they messed up things with their video scheduler in windows i wonder how much longer its gonna take for Microsoft to fix it.
If heard from AMD they think video scheduler is broken and just assumed they trying to shove things under rug and not fix their drivers but i guess they are right about it being windows issue.

Thoughts on Blizzard disabling GxAllowCachelessShaderMode? It fixed camera stutters, but I wonder what else it broke. It would benefit SSD users if it worked properly and was enabled again.

The description is “CPU memory saving mode, if supported by backend. When enabled, shaders are fetched from disk as needed instead of being kept resident. This mode may slightly increase the time objects take to appear the first time they are encountered. Computers without solid state drives may want to disable this feature”.

Give me your best explanation Mr. PhD in Computer Science.

I mean, here’s my Dxdiag if you don’t believe that I did actually update the bios.

Just straight up, the exact thing I was trying to avoid happened m8. If you want the full saga I had to update the bios 3 times because with it being so far out of date, the board didn’t even recognize the F51g bios as a valid file. Had to start at F23, update the chipset drivers, then go to F30, then finally it would recognize the F51g bios as a valid file, then the power went out midway through and I sawed up some logs, started a fire to keep the house warm, and finally got to find out how bricked my mobo was when the power came back on and re-did the F51g update.


I came here looking for help and all I see is some guy named pawg trolling. At any rate I’m getting mass stutters too


1.8k replies still no update from blizzard very telling of there new direction for wow rofl


I mean it is the holidays and I understand that a little. But they should have prioritized this before their break or maybe not realized a giant expansion so close to the new year.


I am sorry to hear that happened. BIOS updates are rather risky and tricky. I do not recommend it for beginners. It can cause alot of worry =(

Did you try playing without sound? Did that help the stutters?