Most likely, this blue post speaks of completely different problems, in terms of server performance, these are lags and ping/stability.
Unfortunately, i also have slight stutters in random places in large quantities and on a 170Hz monitor+ good PC, it looks disgusting.
And given that 200% render scaling has still not been fixed since the problems started in patch 9.1, i dont believe they'll be able to fix it at all.
Thanks for posting this. They didn’t call out this issue specifically but it brings me hope at least.
There seems to be a lot of us…
The problem with the latter part of this statement is that these problems ALL cause frame timing issues. They may be unrelated, but the effect can be the same when it comes to a game already affected by the engine either skipping frames, stalling to prevent rendering certain frames, network latency, etc. The value of these problems is that a “stall” is just that, it is a graphics stall that causes missed rendering which causes pauses in frame rate – “stuttering.” In this case the “stutter” is a long pause up to nearly half a second of frame time which should technically cause “rubber-banding,” but somehow causes this hard lag for more than one frame. Rather than being slower frame rate, it’s dropping frames instead of simply lowering the frame rate as it should. And, it should be slowing (instead of stalling) on high end systems whose resources aren’t even being taxed beyond 50% – which my system isn’t even near that.
The issue that most of us are complaining about isn’t simply latency which causes slight rubber-banding or microstuttering; it’s an issue that’s causing a palpable “pause” whenever assets are loading into view, especially when other players are near, phase in, etc. It isn’t simply lowering frame rates. It’s pausing the game (again for almost a second) to “think” about what to do next. I don’t deny it might be driver related, but since Blizzard has already released a statement to explain what is going on, and that it isn’t just happening on specific rigs, but nearly everyone who’s playing, I’m inclined to believe it’s an engine issue that crept into the code while they were finalizing the build for release.
Edit: I just looked back over a log I have of recent game play. Only 32% of my system resources taken up by this game. 15% CPU usage over 16 cores and 4.3ghz on the main 4 to 6 the game uses, 32% RAM, a laughable 5GB out of 16GB of my video memory taken, and even though it was at 100% GPU usage most of the time, the average frame rate was 135 FPS in DF zones – but in game it was hard stall after hard stall during combat, while the frames were still registering a steady 100+ FPS…
The windows update somewhat helped
So I’ve had a new “symptom” show up last night. While running around doing quests I had the game pseudo crash where it went to my desktop for about 3 - 5 seconds and then brought the game back up (happened as I entered into super speed dragon flying), and again during a dungeon as combat started. I was never logged out and didn’t have to relaunch.
I updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers yesterday before playing (so I’m not ruling out that it could be a driver issue for that particular symptom).
Again i9-10850k, 32GB Ram, RTX3070 (playing at 5 graphics settings) still receiving stutter. More specifically during peak hours. I played earlier yesterday afternoon and didn’t have as much issue (it happened extremely rarely). Logged back in at peak and it was happening all the time.
Would be really nice if blizz could throw a comment in here to at least let us know they are still actively looking into this.
Edit: would be nice to have an update of some sort from Blizz at this point. It’s been a month and over 600 posts since their last post here. really not instilling a huge amount of confidence that this will be fixed. I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue playing much longer if this isn’t fixed. Which for me really sucks as I’ve actually been enjoying DF so far.
Guys NVIDIA just released a new driver can someone give those a try. NVIDIA GeForce 527.37 WHQL drivers
Also make sure you set your Foreground FPS (165,144,100 or whatever your GPU can handle at your native resolution ) and uncheck target FPS In the WoW settings.
I’ve tested with the new driver and latest windows updates, all drivers and bios latest–still having the stuttering and pauses. And again, only in WoW. I play plenty of other games, and even pass 99% framerate stability tests in 3dmark and other benchmarks. It’s not a hardware, driver issue. It’s a WoW issue.
I wouldn’t get your hopes up about that blue post. They said “unexpected issues”… considering the issues mentioned in this thread have been going on since PTR 10.0, I don’t think they qualify.
I got a brand new PC the other day and honestly I just don’t care to even try WoW on it. The way Blizzard has handled this situation makes me realize I’m better off in the hands of better, more competent developers anyway. I’m done waiting, I’ll be off enjoying games that work properly. Thanks for nothing Blizz!
The PC I am playing on is a brand new build, too. Built for DF launch with the newest ryzen series CPU. Bought an x670e motherboard, 32gb of expo ddr5 memory, a 7950x cpu, and a 4090. Playing on an ultrawide at 5120x1440 every game is beautiful and stunning 144fps constant…and then WoW chugging along, freezing, pausing, loading textures wrong… just wow. Impressively bad.
Ooooo new update! Neltharus now has tearing as I go up the stairs. No, stutter for that dungeon today, just a line about an inch wide across the monitor that looks like a “censor” bar. it’s only there when moving. moving the camera doesn’t have it show up. Only physically moving the character up/down the stairs.
Valdrakken actually runs like a speedboat on gravel now that it has players in it.
I didn’t pay $3000 for a PC to have it run like it’s 2009 and I’m raiding Ulduar again.
Feels good, aye?
This expansion is great. I just wish it actually ran well.
That’s not a WoW bug, unless you’ve got some weird weakaura or addon issue. It’s a driver/Windows problem. You can google for it to find thousands of other posts about it that have nothing to do with WoW.
Yeah, not really getting that and the main PCs I use have very low end CPUs: i3-10100’s and WoW on sata3 SSDs. The most it might hitch for is around 30ms tops. Still sounds like a lot of you have some extra layers of issues going on with your OS environments, that are slowing down IO functions for reading the files from the drives.
16 cores or 16 threads? Like my PC has 4 physical cores and 8 threads. This is what I was talking about, the client has some weird CPU usage issues going on. On my 8 thread CPUs, its averaging around 25-50% usage, which means the client is “redlining” it’s CPU usage(only uses 4 threads total iirc). Thought it might be DX12 sharing the load with the CPU, but it’s not. Like I said before, it looks like they’ve either raised the overhead on some common tasks in the engine or there’s something inefficiently spinning in the logic.
I’m tired of your replies blaming the OS and whatnot. Every system I’ve tested with fresh OS install, drivers and no OC etc. got these issues. I guess it’s ALL faulty hardware and software and WoW is perfect? Get a grip!
All tests I run show no issues with hardware, no other games have frametime looking like an EKG.
Actually, I’ve tested a dozen+ other games now and have found it in many of them. Most of them get resolved by alt tabbing in and out a few times. It was annoying the hell out of me trying to play the new Plague Tale game, so I started checking other games to see what was going on. Go boot up Overwatch 2 with an RTSS frame time graph and get back to me with what you see for the first 30-300 seconds depending on drivers and OS build… EDIT: Just tested, took almost five minutes for OW2 to settle the frame rate, but I think it was rebuilding shaders because I updated drivers yesterday.
it will still do this pattern of really wide, to less wide, to almost flat, to flat, frame times every time you boot it up. It will just do it faster the next time (might be like 30-60seconds the next time I relaunch the game).
But again, this is only happening on my PC with the RX 6600 in it.
Well, regardless of this, pop in was almost unnoticeable save for a Bush or two once in a while before patch 10.0. After patch 10.0 it has been absolutely ridiculous. Like baaaad. Insane they’re even trying to ship it like this to people like me experiencing this problem.
They better fix this. Cause only thing still keeping me here is my fading hope that theyre going to fix my severe asset pop in problem. Without that hope, I’m asking for a refund and unsubbing cause what else am I supposed to do lol. That’s not something people should pay 15 dollars a month for on top of paying for a new expansion, the base price of which was raised by $10 I might add… I mean I like wow a lot but I’m not a blind fan willing to put up with that forever.
How is this still not fixed yet? Apparently, this issue was reported since the beta and only gets addressed during pre-patch and it seems even worse now that the expansion launched.
What makes it worse is an expansion based around going fast in flight, hindered by constant stutter is awful.
CPU: i5 12400
GPU: RTX 3060 Ti FE
RAM: 16GB @ 3600MHz
Storage: 4.0 NVMe
OS: Windows 11 22H2
The game was perfect before pre-patch. Already tried with no addons installed, fresh install of Windows 10 or 11, makes no difference.
I just figured out something else because I had this happening again in Plague Tale Requiem, even though I fixed the problem: I would get the horrible constant seismograph frame time again until I opened up throttlestop which has “windows defender boost” in the options. I didn’t even turn on throttle stop, the app was just open, but that’s all it takes for it to stop defender from causing issues until the next restart:
Enabling it it activates one of the programmable timers. Windows Defender will notice this and cease trying to access them until the system is restarted.
I won’t go into details as to what it’s doing, but you can read up on it if you want:
So there’s an OS environment issue for you! It’s been a bug for a while, so I always open TS at least once when I boot up for the day. Forgot to do it today and well I noticed immediately. This might factor into WoW’s issues as well.