What bothers me the most is not even the micro stutters but the high memory consumption. I have 24GB on Triple Channel and the game used to be around 8.5Gb to 9Gb maximum but now every time I load it it goes up a lot and increasing the memory used.
I was stopped for 30 minutes in the emptiest corner of Stormwind and the memory kept oscillating until it dropped, but it didn’t happen that the value went up and up until it used up all 24Gb. I don’t know if this is normal and the game has increased memory consumption, or if it’s a blizzard problem or if it’s a windows problem. And the most distressing thing is that blizzard does not come to give an opinion on this.
And yes, as I already said, who knows when MS actually buys blizzard, that they embody Elon Musk and fire the whole team and hire decent people to take care of WoW.
I’m not sure if this is just me or not but I just found a solution to my low frame rate problems, I was only get 12-20 frame rate but once I exited full screen mode and went to windowed my frame rates went up dramatically. I’m currently getting 60 fps since I switch to windowed on display mode option in game.
Who will he fire? There are like 3 people working at Blizzard now
Ran some mythic plus on the weekend and the amount of stuttering was ridiculous. I don’t know how this isn’t fixed. I think too many underlying changes to the UI were made that fixing it probably requires incremental testing on and off. Given it impacts Nvidia, AMD, and high end macs, it is something fundamental.
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You’re probably using DirectX11 Legacy. Switch to regular 11 or 12.
No my young padawan I’m using the DX12 Hehehe, and I’ve tested the others and it’s the same crap, nothing saves the blizzard from her incompetence. That damn craze where every expac wants to tinker with an obsolete and old graphics engine. In my country there’s a saying that says: “Don’t mess with a team that’s winning” that is… why mess with $hit when it’s working smoothly? because they are idiots to send garage interns to do that.
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Well did the storm invasion getting my heirloom trinket finally and the stuttering still persists.
Its slight, its quick, its over with by the time it starts, but damn is it annoying. Like I said earlier, a majority of gamers probably wont notice, wont care, wont be bothered to report it, ect ect ect. Can we stop pretending this does not exist now plz?
Nvm i was wrong and i am still freezing but i am so close to finding out whats wrong but i am just losing my mind right now why this is happening 
I either got very lucky or there is a incompatibility with my bios i often use + chipset driver
Think some software that i am running is causing issues or either i am cursed and my 1200w psu aint enough to power my 6900 XT
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If you’re memory leaking to 24GB, there’s something wrong with your system and/or client. Do a full UI reset, if that doesn’t stop it, then do a scan+repair of the client and if that doesn’t fix it, then you’ve got something wrong or unstable with your OS environment.
Also, where are you getting this 24GB number from? If you’re looking at something like commit size(virtual memory), then it’s pretty normal to see games take up like 4-8GB of physical ram and the commit load show something like 15GB. If you have a GPU with 8GB of VRAM, windows will reserve 8GB of virtual memory(doesn’t mean it’s actually being used, just a blocked out potential chunk if needed). It will 1:1 match your GPU VRAM. You can look in your task manager and see what I’m talking about. So with my 8GB GPU, it shows 8 dedicated+8 shared = 16GB total GPU memory.
No, it didn’t reach 24Gb of Ram memory, when the Dractyr came, I played straight until I left the initial area and when I looked at Afterburner, I was using about 11 or 13Gb, I don’t remember because I don’t have a photographic memory unfortunately. My GPU is an 8GB RogStrix 1080, but the ram memories are 6 sticks of 4Gb in an X99 Pro in triple channel. I don’t know if this high use of ram memory is normal for the new standards of the game, after all, the recommendation is 16Gb and the minimum 8Gb but I’m finding this high consumption strange and I don’t even run everything at the maximum, my wow is in quality 5. The VRam usage is around 3 to 4Gb only but the ram memories are at a higher value than before the pre patch.
expansion launch day and i can’t play the game i paid because of this issue
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Disable Triple Buffering and by extension, V-Sync. FPS will go up after this.
It’s launch day and my pop in issues are even worse now. Enemies, npcs, and players not rendering in until like 25 yards away.
Can you please fix this??? Like, tracking blue posts over all the forums, seeing blue posts talking about how they fixed this and that. But what about my graphics issues? Jeez it’s been over a month now. I bought your company’s expansion. I deserve some kind of fix already like come on lol this is ridiculous. chop chop…
This is 2022. People are using VRR and enjoying smooth performance… well everyone except WoW players since prepatch lol
text pop out is causing a mess! i was playing at smooth fps in shadowlands, now my fps are insane, from 75 to 73 all the time, to 69, everytime a spell explode, every time a text pop out, i guess this issue start with the new UI, idk, i can play horizon, mh rise, elden ring, modern games at stable fps in max graphics, and i can play this s*** from 2003 , sucks!
variable refresh rate like freesync or gsync i guess
SO glad I Just found this thread – I’ve been experiencing the same issue since the pre-patch. Radeon 6950 XT, Ryzen 5600X, 32 GB ram, Samsung 860 Pro SSD, Win10. I had zero stutters/hitching in the game period before the pre-patch. Now I get them every 15-30s. It goes from buttery smooth to a massive frame drop for a split second and then returns. Deleted all add-ons, clean install etc. and nothing helps. It’s also doing it on my HP Omen laptop lol.
Just from observations, it seems to be related to assets or players loading in. If I turn all settings to low, it still does it lol. What’s going on??
I know they made view distance changes with DF pre-patch but I messed with the toggle a little bit last night and the spikes still occur. It seems like the game either loads/reloads a large amount of assets all at once and it won’t matter if your view distance is set to 1 or 10.
The stutter is worse on Dragon Isles, even entering combat outdoors or in dungeons gives stutter in beginning, like its processing information wrongly.