Massive stutters with DF client

I’ve noticed the loading has been a little bit slower 2-3 seconds to like 5-9 seconds ( Was happening same time I was getting the random game freezes when opening certain in game options)

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I’m hoping they sneak in a fix in tomorrow’s patch. Can you imagine what the Drak’thyr starting zone will be like on patch day with this issue?

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Morbing at 600% speed into stuttering asset pop in hell until game crashes, yeah lol


No matter what settings, the pop-in and stutters persists.


No help with the stutter issue from Blizz yet, despite posting Dxdiags, tweeting them, putting in a ticket, and posting regularly here on the forum. Appreciate all the community help here, I’ve updated all drivers and Windows, swapped out my GPU for a new (identical) one, and even installed WoW on partner’s identical PC to see if it had the pop-in issue there - it still does (even though their drivers are older / out of date). At this point, I gave up and bought a new PC (not super needed but a little treat!). It should arrive soon, but I hope for the rest of you guys that Blizz responds sometime before Dragonflight.

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Still getting the stutter issues as well did all the steps. On my laptop Gaming pc and wifes work pc doesn’t matter. Wife’s work pc does not have overwolf or any addons and it still persists.


My performance today is noticeably worse than it was on Friday or Saturday (I didn’t really play on Sunday)

The last time my performance was this bad was when my CPU fan broke and it took awhile for me to notice. (That’s not the issue this time though—I checked.)

How’s everyone doing with their never-ending side quest? I still have yet to abandon it. Thanks for all the great suggestions, will try again after Patch Day. I’m also hoping for a fix. This week I spent mostly on the old Brute Force routine to even get anything to download. Found some “fix” vids in relation to other games. No luck so far. I did get on the game for 10 hot seconds yesterday morning but I was taking damage by some invisible mobs, also couldn’t see my pets or bags or anything so I forced a quit.

Anyone else feel like the Warriors just tryna get back to Coney? I do. :smiley:

The patch has been out for a while now, whatever intermittent issues you’re having likely aren’t related to the actual game client. Your PC might have updated Windows or maybe Nvidia related stuff if you use Geforce Experience. There are also other angles to look at like automatic addon updaters(Overwolf, etc) that could have updated an addon that now has some kind of performance regression in it. Other apps and background services might have updated or might be bugging out as well. Basically, non-Blizzard related things.

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my resource usage looks fine. about where it did before the patch. as far as I know, anyway. just still have this invasive pop in happening for several objects and npcs/enemies/players when my characters gets within 50 yards of where there should be.

also uninstalled geforce experience but nothing changed as expected.

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Reset your game graphics by either deleting your or using default options within the game. GFE just sets the values of the game settings for you. Removing GFE would likely leave the game settings in the last state they were in, which would be whatever it set them to last.

I’d recommend deleting the and redoing them from scratch. There are a lot of settings to the game and some are easy to gloss over (like some people that have had issues with the min/max fps sliders being set by the bad GFE preset).

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LMAO why u keep defending blizzard? Do you really think that this is on our side when multiple people are having the same issue? … Everything started the same day as the pre-patch was launched, nothing else was updated for me that day plus everything else is working exactly the same, WOW Classic is working flawlessly, other games are working fine for me. Only WOW Retail has this issue and is not a coincidence that everything started right after the pre-patch. I dont even use addons so thats no the issue for sure… Please, if you are not going to be helpful with this issue stop being a troll.


Lol. Thanks but, already did that. No change, and every other new game I have works fine. Their graphics settings work as intended. So, considering that nothing I have done over the past two weeks has made any change whatsoever, and wow was working excellent for me the night before prepatch? It’s obviously blizzard’s problem, not mine.


That said, I hope they can fix this problem tomorrow so I can play a dragon and not morb out into world bosses at 600% speed flight, crash, then load in as dead dragon


can all of you confirm if the SSD or HDD or the disk usage is 100% or some high spikes of reading or writing please?

I don’t, but when the pop-in/stutter happens my 8th CPU core goes to a 100% for a brief moment.

Just came back to say, still having severe issues. Have uninstalled and reinstalled numerous different nvidia drivers which have not improved anything either. Haven’t tried other suggestions but it doesn’t seem like this will be fixed before tomorrow which means the game is just unplayable.


I have done literally everything every1 has suggested an game still stutters. Can we just get a fix for this already and stop being ignored.


What the hell is THIS Blizzard ?

RTX 3090
I9 13900K
32 GB of Ram

And im getting 30 fps on 1080p in open world ? Come ON! Thats the perfomance of my old 660TI lol!

Yeah I’m running around BFA zones and the stuttering is bad, Boralas, drustvar etc are all terrible, where as prior to 10.0 they were silky smooth frame rates.

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