So all was fine before the nov 1 patch. Since then the game hangs up just walking in the covenant hall or bank. Yesterday it mostly ended by putting my computer to sleep mode, and when I got back in, WOW was completely quit (with no window to click and explain what happened before it crashed). I disabled all addons and that changed nothing. Today it played poorly in the morning. I logged and came back around 3 pm (ET) and it seemed like all was well for an hour or so. Then I opened a Firefox window to stream a movie while doing callings, and the locking up started again. Quit Firefox, and restarted computer. Most of them did not end in sleep mode though, but about a minute hang, then the screen would go back to the last hang, and then come back. Made it thru 1 LFR, only dying during one of Halondrus’ walks due to this. It just keeps happening so often. Playing on a MacStudio M1 Ultra with way more than 8 cores, 64 GB RAM, and Metal 3.
So now I don’t get any stutters or freezing but periodically my GFX card goes bonkers. I imagine it’s hitting 100% GPU usage at this point, the fan just goes full noise for 5-10 seconds then slowly tapers down to what is normal fan speed.
RTX 3070
Just “tried” running a normal dungeon, game still stutters and freezes, so still unplayable. RAM increases from 2.8Gb at launch of the game to over 10 Gb in the space of 20 minutes.
What version of DirectX is your client set to? For instance, I can’t even set my client to DX11 Legacy, it will just white-screen the client and if I watch the task manager, I’ll see the client memory leaking ~100MB/s until I run out of ram and pagefile.
Try setting it to DX12 and see if it’s still happening.
I9 12900K
RTX 4090
32 gig RAM DDR5 5600 MHZ
I was running fine before pre-patch. Now I am getting stutters and massive FPS swings even while ideal. GPU usage is at 97-100 percent and 40 percent of ram is being used.
NOTE: Use Notepad to create this file on your desktop or another folder: Win_7_Enable_DX12_Runtime.bat
Right-click on the following batch file after saving it, and click "Run as administrator".
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope LocalMachine -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Set-PSReadLineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing -MaximumHistoryCount 1}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Write-Output 'Remove-Module PSReadline' | New-Item -Path $PROFILE -Type File -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Install-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet -Scope AllUsers -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Scope AllUsers -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Register-PackageSource -Name 'Nuget Gallery' -Location -Trusted -Force -ProviderName NuGet}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Install-Package Microsoft.XAudio2.Redist -Scope AllUsers -Force}"
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Install-Package Microsoft.Direct3D.D3D12On7 -Scope AllUsers -Force}"
I have fixed this issue twice in my household and it also worked for 5 other players on my friends list.
Options > System > Graphics
The default setting is Auto Detect. THIS IS CAUSING THE ISSUE SOMEHOW. -
Change Auto Detect to your specific graphics card. In my household we have a GTX 980 and a GTX 1660S and we DO NOT run laptops or integrated GPU on our CPU.
After selecting “Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super” instead of “Auto detect” my FPS went from 6 to 60 in Oribos. I also stopped losing 90% of my FPS flying over Stormwind Trade District.
Blizzard: Your auto detect is doing something whack I would look into it! 7 fixes in a row now with people I know
It’s like Auto Detect is sending everything to a phantom graphics card or software rendering of some kind.
Extra info:
The specs for each system in my house are:
i7/16gb/gtx 980/win 10
i5/16gb/gtx 1660super/win 7 sp1
Both run on 550MB/s Sata SSDs from Samsung
So it isn’t a specific Operating System this auto detect is failing on FYI
Is everyone having issues using the new Nvidia drivers? I just rolled back to 517 last night instead of 522 or 526 and it seems to have given me a big performance increase. It almost seemed like 522/526 weren’t allowing gsync to work for me in all my games…
I need to mess around with it a bit more later on but there could be something in 522/526 that exacerbates the problems going on in WoW currently, worth a shot to anyone having issues.
I used to DDU and NVCleanstall to reinstall everything.
I’ve tried different drivers, settings etc. across many different systems and they all give same stuttering/object pop-in after prepatch. People need to realize it’s the game, not on our end.
I’m also stuttering. RTX 3070 AMD Ryzen 9 5900x
i hope theyll make it all alright before the actual DF lands.
shame to ruin the experience of so many just before an xpack lol
They should slap DLSS on it as well. Stuttering and lower fps while dragon riding is gonna be a nightmare.
raid combat stills lag for me, before DF i have 100-120FPS now i get like 30 fps. tried reinstalling wow, even reformated no addons, 1 graphics. still the same for raid combat.
Thing i kinda observe is the effects of my raidmates are still has so much effects even though it is set to 1 graphics. back then before DF almost like i can only see major abiltiies of my party/raid but now i can still see alot.
DLSS and FSR technology would help for low end GPUs but WoW is so CPU bound that the majority of the time, frame rate drops that cause stutter are the result of the CPU being unable to process the necessary data fast enough.
Blizzard have fiddled with the graphics presets again. From what I can tell, everything is 2 levels lower than before. Eg: in Shadowlands graphics 8 is now equivalent to graphics 6 in DF.
Hopefully they get it right because flying around at 900% movement speed with stuttering pop-ins is going to be Hell!
No need to be so aggressive mate im on your side just sharing what helped me. The issue isnt fixed but i can actually play now so thats cool.
I don’t think the graphics are changed at all, except for view distance. My FPS is about the same as before prepatch (maxed out), but several places my GPU usage goes to 100%, there’s some stutters, which is totally related to pop-ins as you mention (players, objects and whatnot).
This worked perfectly! Fixed my issue in less than 5 seconds.
I did your suggested change as well as changed settings in windows 11 : settings , displays , graphics , default graphics settings ; and turned off “hardware accelerated gpu scheduling”.
After a quick test I think my issue is resolved.
Anyone using nvidia drivers 522.25 and higher. Disable hardware aceleersted gpu scheduling. It is a known bug and nvidia is aware and a dev said they almost at the root of them problem and should have a hot fix soon. It doesn’t solve the buggy DF client but it will help ALOT.