Massive stutters with DF client

That’s when people will start claiming my workplace is cursed and that’s why every single PC have issues with WoW only.


Went from running 80 FPS steady now im running from 25-80 constant jumps. How can I fix this? This is becoming unbearable. I can barely play the game without a skip and a hop. Before you tell me to do a UI reset or update my drivers lower my graphics or mention my addons. I’ve done all of it. Just spent 2 hours trying to fix this on my end. My PC has never had issues with wow until now. How do i fix this???

There’s no fixing it this is the new wow going forward


Or maybe they quit because we got two terrible expansions in a row, maybe they quit because the constant negative press due to all sorts of terrible treatment of employees, maybe they quit because Diablo Immortal was a huge P2W money grab or maybe they quit because all those combined. The stutter issue is certainly a problem, but I guarantee you that’s not the cause of that huge drop in players for raiding.

Careful, they’ll bring out the graphs.

Long maintenance tomorrow yet I have a feeling none of our performance issues will be addressed.



They aren’t fixed on the PTR, so it’s safe to assume it won’t be on Live either.


This weekend was especially bad.


Thanks for the update.

Time will only tell till tomorrow after maintenance but I will be uninstalling if there is no fix. 2 months to long.


How long does a tech support issue need to exist before it become a customer support issue in the sense that there is being zero support for the customers? Maybe if someone on the community council made a post regarding it there might be an update? (haha yeah right…)


Seems like the new norm. I know they’re there. They respond to a few support threads a day… They just have ignored this one for over a month with no update.


I am not sure how big this thread needs to get before we get the response / fix we need. Just keep at it folks, keep posting videos, keep posting facts, do not relent…

Is it ridiculous we have to jump through this many hoops? Absolutely…

This is really annoying blizzard.


You do realize that they likely haven’t even paid an ounce of attention to this thread since the last blue post, right? There’s nothing new being added but the same 20 people echo-chambering and foot-stomping on a bunch of alts in an attempt to “bully” Blizzard into doing what they want sooner.

Again, you’ve gotten an answer already and since there hasn’t been any update about it, it means they likely don’t have one that you can force out of them:

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The typical appeal to authority reply. You are a mindless drone who enjoys trolling. No substance, nothing real…

You are a joke sir. I have posted on 1 character. Just 1. Allllll these other people are legit people with problems. We are not paid actors. We are real people with a real problem.

Your constant reaching for conspiracy logic is truly DUMBfounding.

Keep on trolling bro. Keep on appealing to authority. Like it or not, you have bumped this thread more than anybody. How about that for irony?

Gotta love the combination of projection and hypocrisy. I have said it before, but you gotta be the least self aware person I have ever met on the internet lol.


You need to brush up on your logical fallacies because that’s incorrect. I’m sure there are some pseudointellectual’s starter guides on them on reddit. Blues, themselves, have already stated what they’ve stated. That’s not appealing to authority, they are the authority here and I simply reposted what they said.

Well Blizzard knows for sure, even if you try to VPN with other accounts.

I have exactly one character that I use on the forums, this is called a main. If I switched to another, that would be an alt, as in not my main posting character. The level makes no difference. Might be hard to grasp, but I’m sure that’s somewhere on the starter pack guides that I brought up.

Are you dumb or what? I told you to google appeal to authority…


You are still a complete and total hypocrite. Do you not get that? Understand?

Thx for the bump sweetie. =)


Person or persons A claim that X is true.
[I’m person A and I’m not making a claim, but rather, repeating a statement, not a claim, from the blues aka experts]
Person or persons A are experts in the field concerning X.
[I’m not claiming to be an expert, I’m repeating exactly what was said by the actual experts of this matter]
Therefore, X should be believed.
[They hold the facts and authority on this matter, in this case, therefore they should be believed because this is a matter of objectivity, not subjectivity]

So quit with the pseudointellectual fallacy nonsense, it’s like one of the most cliché forum tropes. As they’ve already stated: They will update this thread when they know more about the situation. That’s it… No amount of pressuring them is going to magically will the solution into existence. All the extra complaint posts past that blue post are basically just as meaningful as having a million dollars of monopoly money in your pocket.

While you are at it google irony. Because you are complaining about me complaining.

Your mental gymnastics to validate you using forum alts while we shouldnt, and how you are appealing to authority constantly but yet thats okay too, is some crazy pants on head stuff bro.

You said you do not like sci fan right? But why do you engage in fantasy in real life? You are literally living in a fantasy world. Maybe thats why you dont like it…

And to top it off, your crazy pants on head conspiracy that I am posting on alts using a VPN. Whats next pawg? Flat earth? Moon landings? Hilarious stuff man truly.

Thx for yet another bump forum crazy person. You are useful after-all.


Not that it matters who you post on but I’ve never heard anyone call anything other than a main character a “main”

You are posting on a forum alt as am I. I do no refer to this character as a main never heard anyone do that tbh, but carry on.


I keep checking in on this thread every now and then to see if there’s any meaningful blue update, and it’s still just people arguing with the wannabe I.T. guy.

Wish you people would block them already, and save my scroll wheel the trouble.