Massive Server Populations Breaking the Game Faerlina Alliance

Faerlina is a balanced server, it’s not a one sided slaughter by any means. Also, if you didn’t want to play on a megaserver then why in the world did you roll on the streamer server that everyone knew was going to be the most populated. Like cmon…

Imagine taking a gnome serious


idiotic argument. that doesnt refute the point that these “mega servers” did not exist in vanilla. zones are all way too populated on pvp or pve servers. it kills the sense of danger in the world when leveling up/questing and just seeing dead mobs every where you go.

“oh a a quest inside a cave, this might be dangerous”
“oh nevermind, the cave is full of dead mobs”
“oh the cave is full of dozens of other players i have to compete against to tag the mobs for my quest”

these mega servers were a sh!t-tier game design decision any way you look at it.

Faerlina is 50/50 with a very slight Alliance advantage at 60. I don’t understand what you’re complaining about other than you are bad and the side you picked is too.

I’m not saying I like it this way. I’m just saying that we all came into this knowing how it would be. The conversation about high populations, the need for layers and all that were going on before day 1. I would prefer similar realm caps to vanilla but I can only play the game they put in front of me.

The real incentive here is bring the servers to a more true to vanilla experience. The current state is not it due to changes made.

I knew as soon as they said “layering” they were not committed to an original experience.

I don’t agree on this because I believe the Alliance here are doing nothing themselves to solve this issue. The majority of Alliance on here have no interest in PVP once so ever. All they do is sit in Ironforge and sing kumbaya to each other while parading around RP walking or mounts or in little camp circles like a bunch of hippies. There is never any organization for any group pvp at all. There is no conversation about group up for PVP in LFG, Trade, or anywhere. LFG is 100% PVE content and the only Alliance that is doing it is Esfand or some small group thats in the zone already. The moment I try to get people the #1 excuse is "I don’t want to PVP or No, i dont want to get camped. They rather just stay in town and not even try to make a difference. The imbalance isn’t the only problem it’s the overall disinterest of the Alliance and it’s really pathetic on here.


What does server size have to do with it ?

If its %75 horde with a 4k cap or 10k cap the same thing will happen, do you somehow think faction balance and boredom would be fixed by smaller servers …bahahahaha

it has a lot to do with it actually and you are right the same thing will ahppen.

however lets use yoru 75% figure as an example 75% of 4k as in your example is 3k players, thats 3k players to 1k players. youhave a 2k player advantage.

now lets use your example at 10k.

that 3k turns into 7500 and you now have a 5000 player advantage.

itll be fixed because there isnt an imbalance of 5000 players in a world designed to hold 3-4k

this isnt rocket science… and you obviously never played vanilla back in 2004-2006.

we have these problems back then, the same problems in fact but we also have 5x the population back then trying to fit on one server.

it seemed ok with layering because each layer was roughly the size of a full vanilla server from back inthe day.

If the majority of Alliance on Faerlina weren’t streamer fan boi pve’ers, this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead, they hate pvp and constantly complain about getting ganked, or they just afk in Ironforge while waiting for a lock summon to a raid.

Faerlina Alliance have the numbers, just not the pvp’ers. Faction based queues won’t help create more Alliance pvp’ers.

Ok, if we are to be told what faction to play you should be told what class to play.

I want you to play and level a disc priest. Have fun :purple_heart:

L2 read, I said encouraged.

Man i wish i benefited from these faction imbalances. Herod is predominantly horde with a 3-4 hour q at primetime, yet once i log in i cant goto LHC, blood venom post or DM without being camped by alliance. On raid nights its a 15-20 min journey to get through the opening doors to BRM due to alliance raids guarding it. Its almost like at times one faction decides to WPVP gank then they switch. Hell, it took me 2 weeks to do test of skulls because 20 man alliance groups were camping the dragons.

people spouting balanced server when pvp bracket size was 5000 alliance vs 7500 horde. thats a 1:1.5 ratio

I’m alliance on Faerlina and i would like to complain that whenever i try to attack hordes, Tons of alliance appear out of no where :frowning:
not to mention some alliance are being rude if i even attacked the hordes claiming that “i steal their kills” and tbh i’m facing hard time getting honor cus i waste alot of time searching for horde.


People would be farming honor just as hard with the same ammount of vigour.

Thats the difference between vanilla and now , you couldnt be more wrong

“back in the day” is pointless, ppl were not armed with the knowledge, ability, technology or internet we have now.

This didnt happen in vanilla because there wasnt entire servers of bored level 60 players farming honor.

Try a new argument or stop the silly comparisons.

Everyone and their mother knew Faerlina was going to be one of the biggest servers in Classic, same as Herod, etc. You didnt know this? Its also your fault joining the same faction as Asmon, one of the most toxic players in wow, he has so many “haters” that wanted to gank him and rolled horde. Not only “haters” or “anti-asmon” , in my case I love Alliance I wanted to play Alliance so bad, but I just cant be on the same boat as one guy who asks for gold, ninja items, and has an army of … “fans” ready to do anything for him, someone who threatened to “destroy” the server and make it “his” server. And thats probably why this realm that used to be alliance majority or “balanced” is now around 60:40 in Horde favor.

This forum has a very long history of players who see 30 and assume 20,000. They are wrong. It doesn’t matter how many people make the same mistake (or believe things that other players say), it is still false.

You see Horde gank squads of 15-30 players, in several places that Alliance want to go. That proves there are 120 Horde players on your server.

It does not prove that there are 15,000 Horde players.
It does not prove that there are more Horde than Alliance.
It is not caused by a faction imbalance.
It is caused by eager-to-pvp-and-win Horde players.