Massive Server Populations Breaking the Game Faerlina Alliance

Server size is Fake news. Too many Alliance PvE’rs on PvP servers.


Telling everyone to reroll is only going to make it worse for the people that are left behind. Then those people will eventually reroll and you’ll be left with one giant PvE server.


Loser mentality spreading. It’s balanced. Warcraft PvE raid logs are not a census, certainly not a way I’d look to see who’s PvPing and who’s sitting in Ironforge emoting /cry.


They really need to open up transfers , free or paid

So here is the thing. Warmode was introduced to retail because the PVP servers were so lopsided that they were basically pve servers on steroids. They became so lopsided because pvpers, like you, flocked to the winning side on a given server and basically told anyone who complained about balance to ‘reroll on a pve server’.

So while you say you don’t want Warmode in Classic your actions are proving otherwise.


He probably wont agree with you logical argument, is too hard for him.


Really ?! Blizzard stated they will add 20 k+ players on their World what back in Vanilla hosted only 5 k players ?

There are still free transfers off Faerlina are there not?

No, but they’re not THAT bad when trying to estimate demographic ratios.

Faerlina is around 43.2 alliance to 56.8 horde. That’s really NOT that bad, considering.

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  • From a player in a 15-20% minority on a PvP server

Alot of Horde guilds are doing mandatory split runs. Warcraftlogs or any census is not able to determine unique users.

From someone who doesn’t actually understand what’s being proposed, you mean.

Each faction has a separate population cap (equal to half the total server population cap) and corresponding queue. On a 5000 player server, alliance get 2500 slots and horde get 2500 slots. THE END

I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that.

This doesn’t ensure “balance.”

What if 950 Horde log in and 2500 Alliance log in. Which that would facilitate.

That is still 33:66.

I use 950 because when running the census on HS, I’ve seen that number for Horde.

It doesn’t have to. Just showing unique characters is enough to indicate activity level.

Alliance and Horde both use alts. There’s no reason to think one uses alts at a greater rate than the other.

there are horde that would have you belive that is the goal…

For any server that regularly fills up, it ensures that the full server is balanced perfectly.

When the server is less than full, it helps encourage the majority faction to leave by giving them longer queues for a longer period during the day.

When neither side has a queue, it works as normal.

A solution like this only needs to mitigate a problem to be considered effective. It does NOT need to be a perfect cure-all. So if HS goes from 5:1 down to 3:2, that’s a win.

I know of two Horde guilds on Faerlina with 6 raid groups each that are doing mandatory split runs. That’s alot of room for error when your trying to see through PvE raid logs who’s active in world PvP.

I would argue it’s flat out incorrect.

Yea no kidding. You’re playing on the Horde side of Faerlina. You know about Horde guilds.

So just to be clear, you’re suggesting that there aren’t any Alliance guilds that do the same?

I would not trust any of the “census” numbers tbh.

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Census numbers are good for what they’ve always been good for: getting an estimate of faction ratios and class ratios. They’re not good for absolute numbers, but fortunately that’s not what we’re talking about.