Mass unsub to protest against what just happened?

I’ll surely unsub when the token makes its way to Era. I’m not surprised they it dropped it into wotlk though, writing has been on the wall for that version for awhile now.


Man, I’m like old 'cause I remember REQUESTS being made, FOR the WoW Token, in Classic. These are all PRE-2023!

Just some examples…

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It will happen, but the people unsubbing are no longer heard. It’s like in Retail, despite having 1/12 of their peak population, still sounds like an echo chamber of nobody quitting but the casuals. When really, the people quitting just stop being a part of the conversation.


Players buying their way in an RPG is basically taking the RPG out of the game. I think a lobby style raid game may more suitable for them.
Insert $29.99 for the next tier level please!

Not really, it’s disappointing.

Joke’s on you. Only idiots and Apple fanatics owners fall for that kind of hook.

You and all the anti-wow token people are naive. We all knew RMT would be in 2019 classic, because it was in original vanilla. The community said #NoChanges so of course there’s no token, but we also said YES to RMT and bots.

WOW Token is superior to RMT solution we’ve been stuck with.

They both go against the RPG aspect.
You know, where you actually play to progress.

what’s there to protest
anyone still playing wrath is basically a retail baby anyway, so have your token :expressionless:
as long as they keep the contagion away from era

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you’re naive. players cheat, and wow token is the better solution to the player made issue.

I used to play wow back in EU when it was current expansion, and I can understand frustration if new people wanna try to gather the gold and stuff, but on the other hand they should leave it as classic experience.

Classic is for people who wanna enjoy their grinds and slow game paste, leave token in retail. I do enjoy retail allot more simply because my time, I don’t play classic and I don’t enjoy classic. It’s slow compared to retail, and it’s old.

Classic old games are like classic cars. You either have to be a mechanic with extra money on the side to have them or a really really rich person that can afford mechanics and parts. Same with classic old games. You need lots of time and patience. Now you can skip that with money

a lvl 80 is defending the wow token :expressionless:

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Wrong. A paying customer is defending the wow token. Don’t act like my wotlk characters or your classic era characters have impact on the issue of RMT, it makes your stupidity too obvious.

I cloned my era toons. I play era and when som2 comes I’ll play that and I’m hoping it has the wow token so RMT bots are not camping mining and herb points.

If you buy those 6-12 month deals you are already a lost cause

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I’m gettin a lot of value out of my 12 month one I got in December 2022 :expressionless:

The only leverage you have to make changes is to take your sub away. When you give them a year up front they have no need to put in effort.

I unsubbed and I told them exactly why. The greed of the company is killing their games.

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This was kinda the lowest possible thing blizzard could have possibly done…

Legit this make Gold DKP, and gold carries for achieve / titles so much more flagrant than before…

Worse, it does not eliminate gold farmers / botters, it only escalates the botters because now they don’t even need to farm in retail to support their subs to transfer… Even worse because the battle net balance exists… Well, the gold farmers just became unstoppable.

Gold farmers will 100% manipulate the gold market like they do in retail. They control the supply, so you know where this is going…

TL;DR RMT obfuscated by “gold” will become a lot worse, welcome to “Wrath of the Cash King” (just made that up)


What about You join a Guild and stop crying? Buying gold has been here since 2004.

You should be happy because there is no Rdf, Thats all You desired :rofl:

you wrath players should be posting in the retail forums where you belong
shoo, shoo
this forum is for real classic only. you know, the versions without the WoW token :expressionless:

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there is nothing good to come from wow tokens it doesn’t stop botting or gold buying just makes it safe to buy for the customer, id rather people buy gold and get banned for it than see a wow token, or better yet ban the gold sellers accounts!

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