Mass reporting carries in chat

Here you go.

Should I dig up the email I received as well?

Edit: Going to remove the picture that originally got me in trouble in-case someone decides to abuse the system again in an attempt to action my account.

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The first message said the post was awaiting moderator review.

The second message means a moderator agreed with the reports

The Third image is pointless as it has no context. Just someone with a stupid name.

The third image, if you looked, is what the moderator apparently verified to be a real life threat. Feel free to type the imgur address into your search bar, I just felt I’d link it for you.

The second image shows my removed post. The link in the post is the 3rd image. You can see the text above the image. Thats the ENTIRE post that was apparently a real life threat.

If you mean you posted that image on the the post that got you into trouble? Call outs are bad, and can be construed as a Real Life Threat in Blizzard’s view
 And you did it again, to win an argument over the internet

This obviously?

The second post is saying that a moderator found the 3rd post to be a real life threat.

I’d love an explanation on how anyone could come to the conclusion that the 3rd image is a “real life threat”.

You know, you have to take that up with Blizzard, Their house their rules, if they said that was a threat, that’s it.

Bellular has metrics.

An in-game name is now a real life threat? Had I been actioned for exposing someone’s in game name then fine (though still stupid since Gankyou was posting in the same thread and on the same character, so obviously he has no issue with people on the forums seeing his character name).

Its still wrong, even if its their house. Same as how they can ban anyone for any reason at any time. That doesn’t mean they hit a randomizer and just ban someone.

There you go again. It’s not the name, it’s the fact you CALLED them out on the forums.

What do you mean called them out?

It’s their house dude. Read the EULA, you really don’t get a say in the matter.

As a paying customer I do. If Blizzard continues to do it and allow me to be abused by others using a system that Blizzard created then I can choose to not give them money. Who knows, if this garbage continues and the game doesn’t get any better I may do just that.

Now you are being obtuse.

A call out is posting a name on the forums inviting other to harass or harangue that player, that included threatening them. I know from experience as a lot of the posters have poor impulse control.

So let me get this straight. You think posting someone’s in-game name on the forum (posting and nothing more) when they use that exact same character to post in that exact same thread, is somehow a call to harrasment?

No, as a paying customer, you get access to the servers, If Blizzard chooses so, they can ban your account and you’ll have no recourse. Read EULA.

Yeah, and there you go cherry picking again. Blizzard makes the rules, they are not open to interpretation by the player.

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I did. They can ban me for no reason at any time. I understand that. Thats not the point. The point is that currently I can be abused by people in the game, because Blizzard created a system that not only allows but promotes it. I’m well within the right to stop giving them money if they refuse to do anything about this abuse.

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Do it then. People have making this ultimatum since launch, it doesn’t work. They say OK, and ask you to fill a survey.

And nothing happens to these people who false report. Blizzard posted the rules, very clearly, no room for interpretation, yet here we are.