Mass reporting carries in chat

So let me get this straight. You think posting someone’s in-game name on the forum (posting and nothing more) when they use that exact same character to post in that exact same thread, is somehow a call to harrasment?

No, as a paying customer, you get access to the servers, If Blizzard chooses so, they can ban your account and you’ll have no recourse. Read EULA.

Yeah, and there you go cherry picking again. Blizzard makes the rules, they are not open to interpretation by the player.

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I did. They can ban me for no reason at any time. I understand that. Thats not the point. The point is that currently I can be abused by people in the game, because Blizzard created a system that not only allows but promotes it. I’m well within the right to stop giving them money if they refuse to do anything about this abuse.

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Do it then. People have making this ultimatum since launch, it doesn’t work. They say OK, and ask you to fill a survey.

And nothing happens to these people who false report. Blizzard posted the rules, very clearly, no room for interpretation, yet here we are.

If this trash continues I may well do that. I’ll even tell them why. That I’m tired of being abused by their automated systems. Maybe it’ll be a good wake up call for them when they realize people are being harassed using a system they created.

Yes, here we are, it not even 24 hours since the announcement, and as you would expect, Blizzard is gonna be going through A LOT of reports. Ticket times are already showing this. It took them a couple week to get things sorted when the did the Aquir(I don’t know how it was spelled) Gate launch in Classic, and people was suspended for false reports.

The abuse was predicted as far back as 2016, with videos coming out as proof of how it could be abused. Doesn’t matter if there was a surge within the last 24 hours, its been going on for 5 years.

Like I said earlier, I basically stopped typing in game when Legion launched. It wasn’t worth the possibility of offending someone (everything is offensive in 2022) and getting silenced so I’d have rather not talked at all. This fiasco over the last 24 hours is just icing on the 5 year cake.

Are you talking about that chucklehead streamer? He proved the squelch worked as intended, then he got a suspension for abusing the report system. Blizzard does watch those streams.

Other people did it as well. There are videos of it happening to people during rbgs as well. The enemy team reports the fc and gets a forced disconnect.

And yes, Asmon proved his point very well. The blizzard post he refferences say that “no action will be taken against your account prior to a review” and tests it. Low and behold his account is squelched, something that I think anyone will agree is an action against the account. The irony of Blizzard punishing him after he called out their bs was just extra icing on the cake.

be serious , I have had my guild recruitment message not fade from chat for minutes at some times . Do you know how many people may have logged on/zoned in in that time , they would not see my message if I wait for teh last one to disapear.

Take oribos for example - someone traveling from say Ardenweild to Bastion passes through there for only a few seconds .

messages every 30 seconds are not spam , they are required if your serious about what you are advertising

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He deserved it. He got bit by his own hubris.

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Because you don’t like him?

This says nothing about a squelch. If a player is squelched, and has no clue what a squelch even is, its safe to assume they’d think they had been silenced. As I’ve said, a silence and a squelch are exactly the same short term, yet this post says you will not be silenced until after a gm reviews the reports. He gets reported, and within 2 minutes he is hit with the exact same punishments as a silence. Its basically like saying “Oh he isn’t dead, he just isn’t alive”. “He wasn’t hit by a car, he made contact with the car.” “He wasn’t stealing, he was just permanently borrowing without permission.” “He wasn’t silenced, he was squelched.” Its the same thing.

Did you read the rest of the post? It’s quite self explanatory.

It doesn’t matter if you like him or think he was a tool. He read that Blizzard would not automatically silence you. That a gm would review it first. He didn’t believe them and tested it. He was proven to be correct, and then also punished for being correct. And then punished for testing a system to prove that it was misleading and wrong.

The entire point of my involvement in this thread is that Blizzard has posted that carries sold by guilds are perfectly fine, yet people are punishing those who try and do it right now. You can also now see that this entire thread has been falsely flagged. Its ridiculous. Though not as ridiculous as people who are in here defending the false reporters and Blizzard.

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No, he was punished because he abused the system. Motives are irrelevant.

I’m going to bed. G’Night.

Abused the system to prove it was a disaster waiting to happen. I think he took a bullet for the playerbase but unfortunately nothing was done.

Good night.

Hopefully over the next few days this nonsense stops and the false reporters are punished. Its just sad that we even need to wait a few days in the first place. This system should have never been added into the game. People knew this would happen the day it was implemented, and that was nearly 5 years ago.

Before anyone tries to say that I’m just an angry booster I haven’t advertised a boost since aotc for Archimonde in HFC, and that was for my guild. As soon as the Legion prepatch hit and they made that automatic silence announcement I smelled this garbage coming a mile away.

Don’t spam your crap in trade channel and you won’t get reported.