Ya but its clearly a lie to get people all up in arms, and run 17-18 keys you need a whole extra account lol
Why is it? Is the situation that a guild / group of 4 invited a healer, didn’t know how the affix worked, the healer left and the 4 of them sent spiteful whispers implying they’d been reported that unbelievable? I’ve pugged my fair share of 17-19 keys and there are absolutely people / groups of people like that.
To be clear my comment about this had nothing to do with the OP. Just correcting your assumption that you require a paid US sub to post on the US WoW forums. The OP clearly isn’t from EU, but a fair number of high post count level 10 alts on the US forums are, myself included.
i hope they do something about leavers.
Had to reread my posts at no point did i say you had to pay for whole account to post on a forms, i pointed out in my original post if he was rolling 17-18s on an alt i dought its a eu account,
Just like your replys 90% of the forums are FoS and troll accounts
I took this to mean that you assumed the only way to be able to post on US and play on EU was to have paid accounts on both regions. Apologies if that wasn’t what you meant.
Ill try and be more clear next time, i assure you I wasn’t trying to mislead anyone i just assumed it was implied since we was talking about alts clearing higher keys
Yea i didnt think that you could get banned for leaving a key, i mean you can leave a key for other reasons, you had an emergency , or just couldn’t play…
Some people live a sad, pathetic existence. We don’t hate them for it, but neither should we suffer their ignorance.
Let them report. Nothing can come of it. Don’t let the stink of it follow you to whatever you do next. Deep breath, and turn the other cheek. Retaliation is beneath you.
I know how you feel. I just got done with a VP run and I was forced to do the affix alone as a dps caster. It was so irritating. I don’t mind helping like get one out of the two but I had to.do every single one. When I said something In group they all insulted me. The dps loss wasn’t huge but enough to irritate me rightfully so. If I didnt solo the affix we would have not timed the run by far.
Actually they can report for gameplay sabotage and explain they left the key
On a more serious note… pick up and RESERVE Power Word: Life. When the mobs pop up, click on one, cast purify, click on the other, cast PW:Life, done.
Still doesn’t excuse the group for not contributing with dispels though. If they get a healer that can’t double-dispel then they’re going to either eat the debuff or eat deaths when it happens as damage is going out. Their fault for believing that mechanics are only a healer’s job, hopefully they will eventually figure that out.
They can report you all they like. It is not an actionable offence to leave ANY group or RAID. It will go nowhere. Just make sure you do not engage them in trash talking .
Tell us you never healed without telling us you never healed
I hope they get ride of the stupid M+ failed dungeons. It was made more for casuals who don’t raid yet turned into an e-peen stroking contest for people who can’t raid well.
How do you know they actually reported you?
If there was no sanction, does it really matter?
This OP seems like it’s a troll trying to dig up that other leaver thread.
I ran an 11uldaman last night with a pally, a hunter and prevoker. And not only was I dispelling one add I was having to full heal the other one as a boomy. If I wasn’t farming crests with a friend I would have left too. I can’t imagine having to do that at an 18. A freaking ret paladin had 3 dispels for an entire dungeon. Ugh
Well, Blizz doesn’t want to fix this leavers issue so the community has every right to police bad behavior. Leaving a key is no different than griefing another players gaming experience.
Don’t care if you don’t agree. That is a statement of fact. Don’t commit to something you’re not going to be willing to finish.
Now, if everyone agreed that the key was dead and unsalvagable and the leaving was mutual, that is a whole different story and only in THIS context is key leaving appropriate.
Because it isn’t large enough to ‘fix’
That logic doesn’t hold water since its a group effort - if 4 people are ruining what is a mutual non prior-agreement activity, why should you have to stay?
This mentality just leads to the mentality of “its fine to hold someone hostage, after all we are a majority of people who are fine to hold them hostage”
Not necessary but it is the more polite thing to do in a lot of cases yes
LOL build a bigger strawman, please.
You absolutely go into a social contract, which you ALL agreed to. The rest of it is IMPLIED.
The moment you are accepted into a mythic+ group (by the key holder), you have agreed to do said content with said players. You do not have the right to tank someone else’s key because you feel like it. That is literally griefing. By willfully leaving a key, your actions are intentional.
Again, the ONLY time that key leaving is acceptable is when the whole group agrees that the key is tanked and that it is unsalvagable. YOU do not get to decide when something is dead in the water as you are working in a collective capacity with other players depending on you.
Stop ruining other players experiences with poor decision making.
A griefer or [bad-faith] is a [player] in a [multiplayer video game]who deliberately and intentionally irritates and [harasses] other players within the game ([trolling], by using aspects of the game in unintended ways in order to destroy something another player made or built, or stealing something, such as items or loot, when that is not the primary objective.
What majority? The dungeon run is essentially the property of the group starter. His is the only vote that counts, or would count if some sort of a vote were put into a system.