Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

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I did not discredit your opinion. It is your opinion and you are free to have it.

I merely stated that job being listed doesn’t seem to have any effect on the opinion that followed. It does nothing to make me value the opinion any more than any “Joe Schmo” on the forums saying the same exact thing.

You could have started off the sentence with “as a cashier at the local mcdonalds”…and it would have had the same effect.


No one is going to quit if flight is returned to its MoP state rather than WoD.
I dont mind the pathfinder concept, but it needs to be for current content only and since NOT having it ISNT going to cause anyone to quit, it should be far less annoying even in current content.

personally Id say once the entire expansion is pretty much done and we’re all just grinding our wheels, allow max level and gold again.
Seems simple enough.


Not an argument

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means we’re gonna be getting less content for equal or more money

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Solar has a point and I do KNOW who Westwood studios were,I’ve played Command and Conquer before pre EA. Seriously,did you just try to gatekeep someone’s opinion? Also,who ever keeps saying WoW is dying because “I want flying now” that’s the lowest issue it has,theres positives,there’s negatives that can be fixed but it isn’t dying and it certainly isn’t dying because of flight. Back on topic,will never understand the need to keep linking these articles outside of the usual hate train WANTING to gloat about its failings and WANT the game and company to crash and burn.

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The company has time and time again thrown its consumers under the bus and you’re curious why people are happy it’s failing? Blizzcon by itself was the pinnacle


Why would you want Blizzard to fail? That’s like wanting your house to burn down because you have a leaky roof.


So,instead of wanting it to improve you want it AND the livelihoods of people to be ruined and the game shut down and taken away from people who still enjoy it? Talk about petty and vindictive. It would be cutting off ones nose to spite their face.

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“big names” are usually on contracts that would inhibit being layed off during general employee layoffs.

unlike general labour any “big name” would be left in place for 3-6 months for a transition period, or would be forced out immediately and not on a general employee layoff date.

Except it isn’t going to improve. Blizzard is making less and less big choices because the suits in Activision are running the show. It’s all well and good you wanna pretend things work that way but they don’t. As for ruining people’s lives you honestly think they live happy as it is? People working there were making less than average and just barely surviving.


I know people in the industry and to my understanding must people in Blizzard are actually paid and treated well,writers seem a tad burned out but if it was bad as they say,there would have been people quitting en masse or some semblance of a strike. You cant believe everything the gatekeepy,clickbait YouTube pundits put out.

Plus you dont have a crystal ball to forsee the future,to say theyll NEVER improve is a tad pessimistic and farfetched. Not everything about WoW is bad,some stuff could be better but it’s still enjoyable to some,especially those who dont sit on the forums all day. Question is HOW should they improve especially when the community is partly to blame as well.

How you may ask? Well,the community over time has become not only elitist and anti-casual,but they’re more fickle than the Star Wars fans. No matter what Blizzard puts in on request,they hate it the minute it’s put into game but suddenly want it back when it’s taken out. How does one please the unpleasable? How do you improve on something that said players can’t make up their minds about in what they feel makes the game ideal?

I can tell you now, it will be more CS response jobs; Those are the first to go, as things continue to be more automated.

For example, have you taken a “brief forum vacation” lately? If you have, you’d know that it might just be because some people reported your post. Your post could basically be pretty darn inoffensive, but when you send the thing to overturn you’ll likely get back the “form letter” response. It looks like someone MAY have glanced at it, but the fact that it was the same response as the LAST TIME this happened makes you a bit suspicious, “… based on past forum behavior the decision stands…”, or something like that.

Now you can give the benefit of the doubt, assuming that someone originally looked at it when it was reported, then assuming someone looked at it when you tried to get it overturned. It often doesn’t really feel like a human was involved, at all.

Sometimes I think this is where Skynet starts:

It starts with people being replaced by “bots” at the fry cooker, as well as “bots” for customer service queries on the Internet. Then someone has the bright idea of building a massive AI…


No matter how much you despise this expansion, rooting for low level employees to be fired and for the company to go under is just childish.


When someone like Mike Morhaime leaves, pay attention. It’s because he’s at the top and he disagrees with the direction the company is taking. I’m doubtful it’s because he wants to retire. This always happens. You lose the good, top people because they want off the Titanic. I have to wonder how many of them secretly despise Kotick. Morale in that place must be terrible.


That sucks. Classic can help turn things around…so long as they don’t screw it up.

Except the devs. BFA is a failure . Legion was better then wod but not great. Didn’t retain players. WID was a disaster. So they will look at these devs and wonder, what have you done lately that warrants your salary?


SAMs and dog fights in War Mode would be interesting. :grinning:

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Blizzard has not come out with a new IP since Overwatch. And only then because it was scrapped together from Titan. Activision has told blizzard they must come out with New games. It’s not the customers fault Blizzard is in this mess. Blizzard is suffering from their own Hubris . Why would ATVI employee so many devs when nothing new is being developed? Outside the rumors of Diablo 4 and that again is not a new game. I don’t see them paying these people to sit around and not develop new games


You guys trying to blame this on flight… Are a massive part of the problem…

Blizzard has been sacrificing good game play for convenience in this game for years because to appease players… Cross realm tech, sharding, queu up for everything, lfr being so hilariously easy so that useless casuals don’t feel left out, and yes, flight are all examples of blizz caving into shortsighted “solutions” of convenience, at the direct expense of the “world” part of “world of warcraft”. You no longer care about the people you meet in game, they’re disposable and anonymous. You no longer care about the content, because any half conscious moron can see it. You no longer care about the world, because it’s populated entirely by generic, replaceable, and anonymous xrealmpeople, and you spend most of your time clamoring to fly over it and not be bothered actually engaging in it.

That said, you guys aren’t the only spot to throw blame:

Blizzard themselves, has been cutting corners for fairly stupid reasons…

Story is terrible, because it’s being written with intent to exploit, rather than intent to be good… In mop it was pandering to the China emerging market (backfired horribly, and they lost the most in that region), in WoD they tried to play the nostalgia card and ended up with a time travel /parallel universe mess, and in BfA they went back to trying to target a specific demographic, (in this case women) by forcing the story to suddenly be entirely around female leaders and characters.

Blizz also goes to great lengths to cut their customer service teams down, leading to a massive drop in their CS quality… They replace it with automated garbage and easily exploitable player driven squelch, ignoring the consequences that creates and the further community divides it causes… (there’s a world of difference between how a person reacts to getting silenced by blizzard vs how they react to getting squelched by players… Blizzard is more like getting pulled over by a cop for speeding… It sucks, but you did wrong, and you might be upset, but it’s a higher authority. Player driven squelch, however, shifts the players focus to other players. The mentality becomes “they’re now your enemy, because it’s their fault you got squelched”. Literally with all the cross realm tech and world shattering convenience choices, the one and only interaction where another player is more than an anonymous and disposable placeholder, is when they’re becoming your enemy now, or otherwise getting in your way… and that’s powerfully toxic to overall community.

Finally there’s the concerns about bottom line in general. Artifact power and azerite system are transparent game play “features” meant to keep you online more than to be “fun”… Island expeditions are generic and meaningless tile sets meant to provide “content” without actually having to create content.

You kill off the world, the community, the customer service, the story, and then take shortcuts in game play and it’s really not that big a wonder why the game is in pretty serious trouble.