Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

Not sad at all. The same little guys getting laid off are the same ones banning and deleting threads like this.


Blizzard should buyout their share and leave activision and go back to their roots

Overwatch is gone :crab::crab::crab::notes:

we like good games, a bad game company fails and disappears, oh well, there is still a market for good games


Don’t forget they own Kingsoft as well, for all those FaceBook MTX. Although they’re probably still in debt from that buyout.

Honestly? If BfA is indicative of what we can expect from this “game” going forward, then YES! I do hope it’s the end! This animal needs to be put out of its misery.


The whole consolidation line makes me wonder if they’re restructuring to make that impossible; to fuse the last few boundaries between Activision and Blizzard.

Just add in more store mounts. Easy peasy.


No it can’t. Classic is highly niche. It’s going to be very popular for two months and then it will have more than 50% of its user base drop off when they realize what a horrid mess classic really was. Nostalgia goggles aren’t coming off this summer, they’re being shoved down the garbage disposal. There’s going to be some man-talk going on then.


I was directly commenting on you assuming “big names” will be released with these layoffs. and what im saying is management is almost never fired at the same time with general employee’s.

I have gone through multiple restructuring working for a Fortune 500 company and you are exactly correct from my experience. They shut down the satellite locations, centralize things in a better area and preferably one where there are tax and other incentives to do so. I’m frankly suprised they have stayed in Irvine. CA is not employer friendly whatsoever, high lease and employee costs. Many of the companies in the industry I worked moved out of CA altogether and no longer have offices here.

And yes, subcontracting out work instead of keeping it in house is another thing that is done and some of the areas of PD are where they could look to for that.

It seems as if layoffs are coming, and he got a bigger sign on bonus than the people about to be jobless get paid all year, so I would say he’s done more negative than good. If he actually cared, he could have taken a $1 million sign on, and left the rest to keep more people at their company, doing work that needs to be done. It doesn’t matter the department, they need all the help they can muster right now, because they are struggling with what they have before the cuts.

Are you seriously saying BFA sucks because of giving character development to women? Dude,that’s the more asinine than people blaming flight. Heaven forbid it doesnt surround just human and orcish men. >_>

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Likely not at all. Classic is being deployed as a way to protect their IP. If it somehow has a positive impact on their subscriber base then awesome.


Great job picking one part of that post and trying to make it sound like the only thing mentioned, or as the sole reason for downfall of the entire game, when really it was just a symptom of terrible and forced storytelling…

As for your specific comment:

I bet you thought Ocean’s 8 and the latest Ghostbusters movie where great ideas too…

When there’s a sudden and drastic shift to “quick kill off every major male character in power, and make the rest of them look weak, incompetent, or subservient to a stronger female” so that the story can be filled with female leads across the board, the majority of whom are nigh infallable, all because the company put a feminist writer in charge of the story… yeah it becomes a bit of a problem when it’s that forced.


I think they would have more money to pay workers if they didn’t give high level execs 15m dollar bonuses.


Conorn’s guide to cutting costs and building profit:

Step 1: See those executives getting tens of millions of dollars in money and share bonuses as both salaries and sweeteners? Halve 'em until the company gets results. That’s tens of millions of dollars saved.

Step 2: See these customers, who you want to purchase your product (and your microtransactions)? They are your target market. Your goal is please them. To do that you need to continuously ship quality products at reasonable asking prices. You need to continuously provide them with top-notch customer service. Do belittle them, do not talk down to them, do not ignore them. This will upset them and they will go elsewhere. Treat your customers right and they’ll stick by you through good times and bad; treat them wrong and they’ll abandon you when you need them most. (For example, see the loyalty Square Enix has garnered with it’s fans - particularly since the re-launch of FFXIV as A Realm Reborn - of Customer Loyalty from Good Treatment and the Failure of Battlefield V due to EA constantly treating its customers poorly).

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While I personally do not want Blizzard to fail, at least when the company goes into Bankruptcy (probably soon as the stock is headed to $5 a share) at least World of Warcraft will be sold off to a new owner.

That would mean, literally, a “fresh start” to the game.

And I 100% guarantee that any new owner, developer or anyone new in charge would first immediately restore flight. That’s a no brainer for easy success and lots of returning subs.

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Not all companies are like Activision. For example when things weren’t going so well for Nintendo sales were down execs Iwata and Miyamoto took 50% pay cuts to their salary so the lower level workers wouldn’t be hurt. That is an example of people at the top of a company actually caring about their workers.


Not really,I thought the movies were bad,but that’s because the writing didnt bring anything new to the table and the marketing was pretty bad. I did however heavily enjoy Brian Wood’s all lady X-Men run as the writing and art were pretty good and vampire Jubilee is a delight and I loved the Wonder Woman movie as that was good too. What I feel is wrong with BFA ISN’T the fact they finally give the ladies of WoW a little love instead of ignoring em,killing em iff left and right or making em go crazy because reasons [though Sylvanas is an exception I dont like how she went from complex to 80s cartoon villain]

What IS wrong with BFA is that the writing is all over the place and some if is rehashed to keep an obsolite,draconic and now old hat faction war which outside of the allied races and their lore,doesnt bring much to the table on top of bugs that went overlooked and ignored until recently. Isles and quests are fun though. If I jumped the gun and misunderstood the context I do apologize but it gets old seeing “Oh it did bad because women ruin everything geekdom and don’t belong” mentality some gatekeepey pundits on YouTube preach that’s been permeating more and more these days which has always drove me buggy.

Edit-apologies for typos cold hands and mobile don’t mix.

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