Mass layoffs at Activision Blizzard on the way

My wifes company where she works is doing EXACTLY the same crap that put Gander Mountain out of business. I talked to the folks at GM to understand what caused the problem and yeah, the wifes company is walking the exact same path. I mean, its like GM wrote the handbook on how to blow your company into dirt and the 850 branch company my wife works for read the book and decided ‘this is a great business model, lets do this’.

All the symptoms I saw at Gander Mountain as they were failing are exactly what the wife says that they are now doing at her place. Really idiotic crap like…hey, we’re losing customers, but we need to make more money, so lets RAISE our prices right now…that wont chase off buyers at all" :roll_eyes:
Not to mention doing exactly what actinuts is doing right now, cutting back on personnel trying to make it look like they are better off than they are. Exactly what the wifes co. is doing. Where she works Ive already been told that big name liquidators are circling the company like buzzards around a rotting corpse. The competition saw the blood in the water when her co. started raising prices on everything trying to compensate for lost customers.

its a downward spiral…like a whirlpool…that once they get sucked in its nearly impossible to get back out. And they do everything wrong which only ends up drowning them twice as fast as they would have if theyd maybe made some right decisions.

On its present course the wifes company should go the gander mountain route in less than 18 months.
its hilarious because like WoW…its a niche thing where paying customers are dying to throw money at it as long as they arent being abused.
The wifes company has millions of people who literally WANT to buy the product, but they keep making so many stupid decisions that they are leaving to buy from the competition instead.
I dont even understand how its possible to do what theyve done, quite frankly.


I would never have said otherwise, son.
I quoted an ex employee of theirs who SAID they were below average salaries, so I have no clue what your rambling on about.

As far as the paid to quit thing…SO WHAT if its been around.
Its a method to keep from saying the evil ‘layoff’ word. it doesnt fool anyone who knows what it actually is.
if they had used it 6 years ago…SO WHAT…it was only, again…to keep from using the word ‘layoff’ which is one of the worst things you can say if your company has investors.


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You quoted a “project manager”. Which for all we know is a human resources manager. Not a dev. By every source I could find, a “project manager” has nothing to do with the developing of the game…at all.

So you gave exactly 0 evidence to back up your claim that devs are paid well below the industry standard, while I linked you a bunch of evidence to show the opposite.

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I work for a big company and in my experience with executives many(not all of them) are only about $$ and in some cases only about THIER $$ and which high end steak house they are going to eat at that night. And you think this is bad, my company likes to sell off business units (and the people) to smaller foreign companies who then learn from the staff, then attrition out the sold off workers over time replacing them with cheaper workers out of country while continuing to sell in the U.S. thus boosting profit and $$ at the expense of high end paying jobs.

The Blizzard core or what’s left of it should defect or start over with some new I.P.


And your point is what? that ONLY HIS position was below the average? Thats seriously naive, friend. SERIOUSLY naive.
You keep telling yourself whatever you think you need to in order to sleep at night, while I keep my eyes open and on details that actually do show a very grim picture for this company right now.

If and when those servers go down one of us will be taken by surprise and the other wont be surprised at all.


I’m not surprised by this. But will those who really created this mess actually leave? Probably not yet.

If I were a certain Game Director I’d be looking for a new job about now. Rats/sinking ship etc.


I am being naive?

You are claiming the DEVS are underpaid because a human resource manager is? This only makes sense in a fantasy world where all you care about is pushing a narrative.

Even though I literally gave you information (which you are ignoring) that prove the opposite?

Ok. “son”. You keep being the non-naive person here.

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Same here, especially if it’s a reduction in work force to impress Wall Street investors . They tend to go after middle and Senior Management minus executives then work down

The wifes company is really funny. These regional managers scrambling around trying to save a $ here and there so they can get their bonuses.
The really funny part is where they cut hours at the stores so they can compete and win a trip every year.
So they starve their branches to death just to have a chance at winning a free trip.

I read a book by one of the big names in money that was written in the 1920s or so. Basically the gist was that you dont starve your company.
If you have to you go sleep in a cardboard box and put your profits back into your company because at the end of the day its your life…what keeps you eating and a roof over your head.

These businesses today are so shortsighted its no wonder so many of them fail.
It was a huge mistake to ever allow outside investors to get involved in the day to day operations of any business.
Id never allow a business I own to be at the mercy of disinterested 3rd parties who only care about how much more profit I made this quarter compared to last quarter.
Whoever made THAT the gauge of success was a complete moron and has caused more businesses to fail than anything else.


yeah…you are.
The company IS having trouble whether you can handle that fact or not, friend. Sorry to burst your bubble here.

You keep telling yourself whatever you think you need to in order to sleep at night, while I keep my eyes open and on details that actually do show a very grim picture for this company right now.

If and when those servers go down one of us will be taken by surprise and the other wont be surprised at all.


Why are you changing the topic. I never claimed the company isn’t having trouble. Stop putting words in my mouth to deflect that you don’t know what you are talking about.

The only thing I was talking about is the pay rate of the devs. You stated it was well below the industry standard. This was proven to be untrue.

100% of evidence disagrees with this. Evidence which you seem to be fine with ignoring…not acknowledging. Pretending it does not exist. While hanging on to the guy that was most likely a human resource manager (or something similar) and somehow equating his pay to that of a dev.

Now that statement…combined with how strong you are trying to deflect/put words in my mouth…is making me question your competency in just about any thing else you are stating.

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Doesn’t matter.

Im sorry…what was the TOPIC HERE again?
Something about massive layoffs?
So YOU are the one changing the topic, son, not me.
I gave you a quote from an EMPLOYEE who said that the company has lower than average salaries.
Not really my problem if you cant accept that detail.

Regardless, the company is clearly in dire straights AS EVIDENCE BY even MORE ‘layoffs’, AFTER previously paying people to quit and having some top guys walk.

Again, not my problem if you choose to deny whats going on here and try to get your ‘win’ over some point you cant let go of.


Just watched my sister, who works for a fortune 500 company go through this-- This month. They asked for employees that have Tenure with the company to take a pay cut while they laid off everyone that was hired in the last 6 months.

Nearly always the lower paid positions have the highest turnover rate.

The higher end positions are the hardest to refill due to the lack of talent pool and education credentials. So they would rather not drop those employees over people that are the easiest to replace when things turn around (if they do).

A local factory just laid off almost 300 labors-- guess who they didn’t layoff? The so called “bigwigs.”

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You brought this topic up well before me. Once again. Trying to deflect.

Once again. The quote was from someone working in something similar to a human resources dept. I gave you direct evidence what you said was wrong. I gave you exact salaries, and the average payscale. Once again. “Facts” mean nothing to you.

Once again. I never denied things. This is you…once again…putting words in my mouth to deflect from points YOU BROUGHT UP YOURSELF.

So yeah. When you are proven wrong (yet cling to your wrong point), ignore evidence that contradicts your point…

You aren’t setting yourself up as a person that can be trusted in anything else you say.

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How many more do you need to see leave to understand this not really true? They are down like 10 million subs from Wrath.


My wifes company literally laid off most of their manager level employees…so apparently they didnt feel that they werent replaceable.
They give them their walking papers, then turned around and offered them about 65 cents on the dollar if they wanted to be rehired.

Your sisters company may have had more brainpower than where my wife works. They dont seem to care about turnaround at ANY level in the company.
Now that Im thinking about it, there were a couple ladies running the entire company. One of them just literally walked off the job a few months ago. I dont know the story. Even if they let a version of it out I doubt it’d reflect reality anyway given the state of things.
From what I do hear she got tired of something that was going on and just decided to bail. Not sure if her motivations were benign or not.

Point being that Im sure that not all companies are self destructive or not. But the ones ive worked for personally have always found that one guy in upper management whos making a lot of $$$ and let him go first.
Ive seen them do that then never even bother with lowbies who, as you say, end up rotating in and out anyway.

hardly son. not my problem if you cant accept the quotes of an employee himself.

You and I are done here. Youre obsessed with ONE detail while I / WE are discussing the BIG PICTURE here.

You have a nice day. And dont be too surprised if and when those servers get shut down.

I like how you call people “son” that disagree with you. Clearly a “power move” to make yourself feel bigger.

I also like how you enjoy spreading lies, and doubling down on them when proven wrong.


“Not that i am discrediting the person’s opinion”:

Discredit: cause (an idea or piece of evidence) to seem false or unreliable.

“I don’t think it gives them any weight for their following statement, though.”

The above is an act of discrediting. As for what an ITSM Incident Analyst is responsible for (does):

The Incident Analyst, being in most instances the 2nd line (or higher) support professional, is the subject matter expert of one or more competency domain(s). This role is responsible to quickly provide a good analysis of an incident and/or a solution to it in order to restore the disturbed service as soon as possible.

This also includes:

Gathering additional information and investigation of the issue(s) at hand, collecting evaluation results (whether across inter team collaborations, or from that of other IT professionals), creating incident resolution plans, creating workarounds or fixes to interruptions of business productivity, incident escalation, and providing gap analyses.

My opinion, while it does nothing for Activision Blizzard as I am not involved in their state of affairs, does hold merit. Just as anyone else’s opinion does unless/until proven otherwise.

Stating you are not discrediting something or someone, only to blatantly do so, does you no favors. As I’ve seen others state, please do not debate someone or something without the knowledge, experience or expertise to do so.

I’ll respect your right to free speech, but I will call you on your bs.