Mass Effect Legendary Edition

I know this will probably get moved and it is off topic. I wanted to let people know that Amazon Prime day started and if you have an Amazon prime account you can pick up Mass Effect legendary edition for free for the next two days. It’s through Prime Gaming.


Wow. I got mine free by dumping microsoft points into amazon balance and that into a Steam gift card. Picked up Mass Effect Andromeda along with it.

Very good game. Just finished Mass Effect 1. About to start on Mass Effect 2.


I’ll second this. If you haven’t played Mass Effect before I highly recommend it. The series is one of the best ever made.


If you have EA Play you can play it on that too. I have that Gamepass/EA Play bundle thing.

Good tip. Great series.

I think i signed up for ea origin a long time ago, is that the same thing?

That’s a pretty good deal.

I need to play through the trilogy again at some point. I played through it so much like 10 years ago I kind of got burnt out.

You might want to take a look at it. I hear they upgraded the graphics and everything. I played Andromeda before I wanted to see the stories of the other games. I heard a lot of good praise about it. I figured why not for free right? Seems like a great deal for anyone with Amazon Prime already.

I can confirm atleast for the first game the graphics were overhauled.

I bought the Legendary Edition back when it came out. I just haven’t played it much.

I played through ME1 to see all the new changes that they made to it, but when I got to 2, it was mostly just the same ol’ 2. And I’ve played through 2 25 times. So while like, I do want to finish it, I don’t feel the NEED to finish it as much as I felt motivated to play through 1 in LE (as I think 1 had aged the poorest - it definitely looks much better now IMO).


I paid 80 dollars

I say give it a full replay before ME:4 comes out, get a good save file ready. Probably with the Perfect Destroy ending for 3 because that’s the only one i can see being canon for a continuation.

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When ME4 gets closer, if it is confirmed that save files carry over, I’ll probably line up a save file for each class, assuming they stick with the class system and not this multi-class nonsense in ME:A.

I…liked that part of andromeda…

I was always ever glued to my space wizard (specifically vanguard) but i liked the option to branch out. If you had an off-class ability equipped it wasn’t very good so it did encourage you to stay in one lane at a time.

im still stuck in dragon age inquisition… help :melting_face:

Get through it, it’s a very good game.

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me:le updated the graphics and did some minor bug fixes but it DIDN’T fix the bug where conrad verner thought i shot him in the foot and that’s what really matters to me!

it’s ok to leave the hinterlands sometimes


I lowkey wanna buy far cry primal too… just to tame a sabertooth cat :sunglasses:

Okay so it’s not just me, that makes me feel better.

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Yay free disappointment in 3 different colors

The problem is that with multi-class its too easy to gravitate towards the meta. Reminds me of Skyrim, how you always become a stealth archer.

With fixed classes, you make the best out of a bad situation, using the powers in your kit to adapt to the situation, and branching out and using other squad-mates to fill gaps in your kit.

I don’t want to get too deep into a rant about this though, as I think mulit-class ME4 could be fine, especially if the MP portion is where you’re intended to sink more of your replay value (as the MP typically has rigid class design anyways).