Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Ty for the heads up my dude.

i quite like the thought of how they’ll handwave the other options if not, personally. my male shepard was the perfect destroy but my female shep was Control & i love the idea of me4 beginning with them downloading shepard from the cloud. “commander shepard, we need you to save the galaxy!” “error: update required” :rofl:

Andromeda I thought flowed better class/skill wise than ME1-3. Hopefully they’ll expand on it in ME4.

Inquisition is a great game. Not sure why it got such negativity.

That’s what i didn’t really like about andromeda (also the scary faces and hands), the squad didn’t really feel like it complimented you because you had no control over them other than just telling them where to stand. I just stuck with Vetra and Drack because they were good for banter.

Also don’t know how i felt about being able to switch whenever, it needed limitation. I never did really venture outside of the Vanguard space, charging and punching was really fun, but i can see how that might be a problem.

It WAS somewhat limited by how skillpoints were doled out, you had make a build for yourself and stick with it for a while before branching out was a viable option.

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I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite deal on the Citadel.

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Oh, hey, you aren’t joking. Thanks for the heads up. They also have all the Jedi Outside games which are fantastic, especially if you flick on saber realistic combat.

What series would you guys compare Mass Effect to?

Been thinking about playing it. Heard it has a good story, but I don’t usually play sci fi and I’m not sure what the gameplay compares to.

Obvious comparison would be the other bioware games (baldur’s gate, dragon age etc) . Unlike those games it is scifi, and it’s a third-person shooter, but it’s also an RPG. Like DA/BG you get a choice of a wealth of companions with personal quests, opinions etc and you can make choices that influence the story as it develops. you play the same character across all three games and you’ll get very invested in “your” shepard and what happens in your playthrough.

If you’re not a fan of shooting games there’s a casual setting that makes the combat ridiculously easy so you really can play for the story. If you do like them the combat has a hard mode option as well.

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People still play Mass Effect?