Mary Sues, Self Inserts and Creator's Pets

Wasn’t Rhonin Knaak’s Gary Stu? He always seemed like he fit the role better than any other character.


The thing is she retreads information she’s already been over.
The Horde should be worked with, they should be destroyed, they should be worked with, they should be destroyed, they should be destroyed.
She’s not actually developing, she’s switching between mindsets she’s already had on information she’s already been aware of.


The devs tend to talk more interms of revealed story than some absolute truth.


I’m shocked (shocked!) that so many only seem to ever see Mary Sues on the other side of the faction war.


It’s almost as if they only use the term to describe characters that they don’t like, instead of actually using it correctly.


The original post was almost half and half on that, though.

Hi guys I left the thread after a…


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well i played myself


Since Reallyhappy can’t double post:

Well I just remembered that Varian exist and is the worst character to ever be added to WoW, exemplifying why wow should never be character driven. Just a heads up, for any Alliance players out their, I don’t think this is any type of Bias to your faction (In fact I think he hurt the Alliance far more then he did the Horde) as much as a critical mass of Creator’s Petdom that makes me so tempted to break my claim that Mary Sue is a meaningless word, he exemplifies everything i HATE in WoW.

I need to make a new thread on this, and I’ll Link it when i’m done because i have that much to say on him.


I don’t know about a Mary Sue, but Sylvanas is definitely a Creator’s Pet. Illidan too, but to a lesser degree, and Garrosh lesser still.

Do you say that about any character that’s used to drive plot as these were?

Why did you necro a year old thread?


Thadeus always necros old Sylvanas threads when he’s bored.

It’s like we didn’t have enough Thadeuses back then, he has to reaffirm that he agrees wirh the most toxic past posters, who have long since left the forums after it was revealed that Sylvanas wasn’t being killed in the raid.

I’m curious now if I replied to this thread before… i don’t think I did, simply because I didn’t want to argue with Driote… for the millionth time that month.

Necro’ing these threads just highlights how few of us there are left.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Gallywix were a self-insert for Bobby Kotick.


I didn’t check until after the comment, that it was a necro thread. My mistake (insert obligatory Death Knight joke here).

How people have left suggests I’m not the only one who disapproves of the current lore direction. I’m just one of the only ones who does and sticks around. Why, you may ask? Three reasons;

  • I believe in redemption, so it’s possible Blizzard might course correct and get good again.
  • I have friends (scoff all you want, it’s true regardless) who play Warcraft and want to keep in touch with them.
  • In regards to the game, I won’t leave unless specific lines are crossed.

My opinion of Jaina, as full alliance.

Agreed in almost everything.

She was a pacifist and slowly turned anti-horde, thats what WAR can do, all good here but flipfloping sides ruined her chatacter.

I can see her in BFA perfectly killing warriors and civilians, but still sparing Thrall & Baine, and by sparing them i mean “you can stay here and die, or you can do the smart thing, pick your family, run and live another day”.

Her arc should have ended with the Kultiran campaign, but if you want her as boss raid and cant decide if she must die in WoW, at least wound her, wound her BADLY, lose an arm, an eye, a leg. We hear she’s wounded, but next minor patch she’s 100% fine, like she was just tired lol.

Leave her wounded in Kultiras sharing with her undead brother, healing, peacefully in the Stormsong chores, she deserved that. Why his brother joined the horde? Why is Jaina in the spotlight of Shadowlands?

Why would I scoff that you have friends? Lol I too have friends who play WoW.

We are all in the same boat.

No, that would be too self-aware. If Kotick had a WoW character made to represent himself, it would be nothing less than a rip-off of Dr Manhattan, down to the bulging speedo.

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Thanks for that visual Skarm. I’m off to scrub my brain.

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