Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

You could just say conversation. Other folks need to follow the topic.

You have pets to help you. You just refuse to spec into a pet build after 11.1. Not my problem.

Not sure why it is so important for you to put down others who do not agree with you. Shows what sort of person you are. I hope you take a walk and get some fresh air. You are taking a video game WAY too seriously.

Believe what you like.

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Not sure how. They just made Lone Wolf permanent and gave a bit of delineation between specs.

You, and all the other “just change spec” people, are intentionally missing the point. People who like playing BM or SV would already be playing BM or SV. People who like MM are playing MM because they like that spec better than BM or SV.


Uh, not sure if you have noticed, but it is FIVE on ONE, and I am the only person actually being “attacked”. I’ve said repeatedly that people have the right to express their opinion, as I do mine. It is not a requirement of this forum for me to like them, or agree with them. In fact, the more I stand my ground, the more you people get pissed and come for my neck. So while I may be blunt, and respond in a direct manner, I’m not “attacking” anyone.

The Point


The Reality


The Options


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Surely that must be the reason for the redesign! /s

Still missing the point and showing that you have literally no idea what we’re even arguing for if you think we’re “exchanging that pet for another pet”. Just unhinged behavior from someone who doesn’t care about anyone else’s enjoyment.

It’s getting hard to figure out what you people want…

  • We don’t want an eagle
  • we want our tanking pet
  • We need our RP companion
  • I want my Alpaca to talk to
  • You can just BUFF Lone wolf
  • We want compromise
  • We’re going INSANE over a change in a video game and keep making up more reasons…

Pick one…

No, because interlocutor refers to you - you are being dishonest in deliberately misrepresenting what I said.

Again, an example of you being dishonest. Us wanting to have the option of a pet, as we have put forward, does not take away from your ability to play it how you wish. Much like the legalization of gay marriage doesn’t mean you have to get gay married.

It’s not putting you down because you disagree with me. It’s noting you are spiteful, because you intend to gloat at the suffering of others. That is the very definition of spite.

No, our demand has been fairly consistent.

Blizzard’s intent is to make pets part of MM again. We just want the option to make that decision to be one of our pets, and in a way that is meaningful as it has been for the last 20 years. Give us the option to summon our pet as a pocket tank even if it is suboptimal. Keep everything else about the rework the same, just that one small change.

you get the gameplay you want, we get the gameplay we want. Everyone wins. But you’ve stated, multiple times, that you will only be happy if we are miserable. You are a spiteful person.


My enjoyment will come from the change. Why are your rights more important than mine? Why am I not allowed to appreciate the re-design?

You’ve already said you don’t care, and yet… here you are, still arguing about a topic you’ve already said your piece on with people who disagree with you.

So were you lying when you said you didn’t care about our opinion or are you lying now when you say the topic matters?

Back atcha

What I want is the option to keep the pet. You’d get everything you’d want and I’d get everything I want. That’s what you don’t understand.

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I never said “I don’t care”, you did. So your argument is meaningless.

Blizzard is removing that. Take it up with them. I don’t work for them, but I admire their design work.

So why are you arguing with me over it?

I never quoted you as not caring. You’ve said your piece… and now you are telling others they are free to leave the thread. Why? You’re not a mod.

You keep arguing with ME over it like I am the one making the change. I expressed an opinion about it and got jumped by 5 of you people. I’m only replying when someone quotes me. Trust me, I’d rather talk to someone new… and calm… and rational. Rae needs fresh air.