I’ve only won 3 times in all these years LUL and she used my responses as part of her prosecution.
I was wondering how soon someone would resort to name-calling.
I also LOVE that this thread was moved into the PTR discussion forum.
Your argument is a terrible argument and has been refuted multiple t imes. IDK what to tell you but learn how game design works.
I know your confused, you think you have a basic understanding of the class/spec and its pretty clear you dont.
Congratulations on finally catching up to the conversation.
Because some people don’t want a bird pet? Some people want no pets? Some people like how MM plays and are attached to their pet that they’ve had for years?
Player choice and expression are being removed. It would be the same as them just deleting the ability to transmog at all, and instead only used whole set illusion items that enchanting can make, and nothing else.
Im just treating your trolling with the respect it deserves. Ive responded properly, argued my point properly, addressed your responses and youve resorted to trolling and bragging about it.
You dont get to then act like you have moral high ground.
Yeah, Players picked MoP. And we got silly drunk pandas. Players picked BfA “The high seas adventure” and we all saw how that turned out. Players pick a LOT of things. I think I will stick with Blizz on this one and let “Player’s choice” go out the window for ONE spec on ONE class.
A differing opinion is not refuting something. Thats not even the kind of argument thats occuring. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Also, its pretty clear you have reached the “Im going to claim they dont understand anything to dismiss them because Ive actually got nothing” point of the discussion and thus there is nothing more to be said.
Won’t be in 11.1
- The following talents have been removed:
- Barrage
- Careful Aim
- Chimera Shot
- Crack Shot
- Heavy Ammo
- Hydra’s Bite
- Improved Steady Shot
- Legacy of the Windrunners
- Light Ammo
- Lone Wolf **
- Multi-Shot (now learned at level 10)
- Pin Cushion (effect added to Steady Shot)
- Rapid Fire Barrage
- Readiness
- Serpentstalker’s Trickery
- Steady Focus
- Tactical Reload
- Unerring Vision
- Wailing Arrow
Source: Undermine(d) Development Notes
Players don’t pick what expansions will be next, Blizzard does and Pandaren were introduced in WC3.
Players picked BfA “The high seas adventure” and we all saw how that turned out.
Blizzard picked, wrote, and designed BfA, not players.
Players pick a LOT of things.
Of course, but none of the things you listed were ‘picked’ by players. Maybe provide an example?
I think I will stick with Blizz on this one and let “Player’s choice” go out the window for ONE spec on ONE class.
Are you sure? All the things you complained about were picked by Blizzard and you seem to disagree with those choices. So why are you agreeing with them again since you’re so opposed to their design decisions?
Says the person dismissing stuff by calling their opinions emotional and weak and resorting to trolling because someone dared disagree with you. Trolling begets trolling.
Also this isnt even a win or lose argument this is a difference of opinion. You cant win or lose a debate about differing subjective opinion thats literally how opinions work.
The difference is my opinion is based on facts and based on group gameplay which is the priority.
Stating the obvious because you cant even comprehend how LW and having a pet options are hurting MMs viability in group content/high end content.
inb4 MM is topping logs because you dont comprehend that MM is currently bugged.
Youre right, Lone Wolf and stuff on pets is hurting MM viability in groups. Thats why I literally said, repeatedly, in every single post about this - KEEP ALL OF THOSE CHANGES EXACTLY AS THEY ARE AND CHANGE NOTHING ABOUT THAT.
In fact the entire BASIS of my opinion is to keep pets in a way to ENSURE those changes remain and are unaffected.
The fact you even brought this up suggests you didnt actually read what I said and just went “Blah blah something about keeping pets” and then started arguing stuff nobody was saying.
You still arent getting the fact that if pet or no pet is an option they still have to be tuned.
Blizzard has decided its not possible or worth the dev time so they are removing the pet.
It was brought up because YOU asked me a question here
I explained how it is affecting me but youre too small minded to comprehend what I explained which is why you keep resetting to the default “keep both lone wolf and pet” even though its been explained WHY that cant happen.
For your sake I hope you are just trolling.
Going with a pet in pvp as MM was always a personal choice for you .
So if you had issues with a pet as MM in pvp that’s on you . You chose to summon a pet as MM
OK you seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding what I am asking for here. Im not saying keep Lone Wolf with lust on pets and mortal strike on pets and tenacity/cunning on pets.
What I am asking for is the following:
- Keep everything exactly as it is. Baseline lust, all the abilities from pets moved to the Hunter, all buffs from pets moved to the hunter, everything.
- Make one single change to that - allow us to keep a pet with no buffs, no lust, no anything other than the ability to taunt mobs when soloing.
I originally said keep a 5% damage debuff for having pets out but everyone seems to read that as “Keep the Lone Wolf talent as it is”. The only reason I said that is because without it the pets would be considered mandatory for dungeons and raids for their extra damage. I dont want that, I dont want them in dungeons or raids either. It also wouldnt need a talent I meant bake the debuff into the spec.
So to make it more clear I would be happy if the pet couldnt even do damage and could only taunt. Thats it. In solo and open world content the pet can be called out and can taunt and be misdirected to. No damage means nothing to tune. No function in group content means nothing to tune.
It has absolutely no effect on dungeon utility or anything because nothing would be tied to the pet in any way other than the ability to off tank while soloing. Pretend its similar to the black ox statue for monks except cant even be used in an instance.
Redesigning is fine but it can be done without removing the ability for MM to call out pets for open world .
Move the utilities like Lust/Hero to a talent in the tree that can be keybound instead of being part of the pet .
Let the pet keep their basic abilities like growl and their attacks on them for MM players wanting a pet to tank for them in open world content .
The additional changes could of been incorporated into the Sentinel or DarkRanger hero talents via the Sentinel Bird or the Dark Rangers Darkhounds.
THis is something that should of been done a scalpel but as usual with everything the devs once again took the nuclear option .
It’s always one extreme or the other , never taking the time to stop and go how can we do this to make this group happy without pissing off this group .
They have been saying they have been making changes to the game because they realize not everyone plays the same or does the same content and then they go and shoot themselves in the foot by doing this .
If they are really being honest about wanting to make the game enjoyable for everyone and how they play , they’ll need to go back and review what they could of done diferent and how they should go about fixing it so that petless players are not screwed out of what they are getting and pet players (MM) get their pets back for open world.
Im not misunderstanding what you are saying. I have literally explained what you are asking for is a continuing problem.
And as already explained, this is a balancing issue and is why pet from MM is being removed.
You dont need to be “more clear” Its pretty obvious you are either trolling or incredibly obtuse.
I need a source where anyoen from Blizzard has said how anyone plays is a factor? Frost mage had their elemental removed and for good reason. Same is happenign with the MM pet.